CGI new and recent placement papers and interview questions |   19735

CGI new and recent placement papers and interview questions

CGI new  and recent placement papers and interview questions with answers, CGI aptitude test pattern interview procedure selection process 


I attended the CGI on 11th jan2014,


I attended through elitmus score..


 I didn't score much in elitmus but they called me.. I attended in DLF,hyderabad.. 

First a written test for30min. 25 questions... difficulty was average they asked 9 quant, 9 reasoning and 7 english. after that they short listed the written cleared candidates.. 

After that GROUP DISCUSSION my topic was "IS MOBILE APPS ADVANTAGEOUS TO STUDENTS OR NOT" in another panel gd topic was arranged vs. love marriage. again they short list the gd cleared candidates and send them to Technical round1 the interview was very cool.. 


I am from Java stream so, the interviewer posed questions related to java... oops concepts, difference between static variable and instance variable, access modifiers, what is package.. and next sql what is the difference b/w sql and my sql (answer is sql is a query language and mysql is tool or application like oracle,m.s access etc.) 


The interviewer was very satisfied with my answers and send me to TECHNICAL ROUND2-thats also a very cool one.. 

The interviewer was a madam... 

He asked me about project, 

Difference b/w public and protected... 

How to create user defined exception, threads, difference b/w array list and vector list, types of collections in java.. next about my hobbies... some managerial questions... 

This round is also very cool... next i was send to HR panel... actually there is no HR interview they just explained about job and salary package of 2,75,000 and about bond of 2 years... over all a every good experience.... only think you have to maintain through out the interview is confidence and a pleasant smile.. be confident and do your best... this will help you.. thank and all the best
