CEITR Placement Paper |   895

CEITR Placement Paper

                                                                CEITR Paper

ASP.NET Questions

1) On which of the operating system below ASP.NET can run?
a) Windows XP Professional
b) Windows 2000 
c) Both A) and B)
d) None of the Above

2) An organization has developed a web service in which the values of the forms are validated using ASP.NET application. Suppose this web service is got and used by a customer then in such a scenario which of the following is TRUE 
a) Such a situation cannot happen at all 
b) The customer must be having technology that run ASP. 
c) The customer can run on any platform. 
d) None of the Above

3) Which of the following denote the web control associated with Table control function of ASP.NET?
a) DataList
b) ListBox 
c) TableRow
d) All the Above

4) ASP.NET separates the HTML output from program logic using a feature named as
a) Exception
b) Code-behind 
c) Code-front 
d) None of the above

5) If a developer of ASP.NET defines style information in a common location. Then that location is called as 
a) Master Page 
b) Theme
c) Customization 
d) None of the Above

6) In ASP.NET if you want to allows page developers a way to specify static connections in a content page then the class used is 
a) WebPartManager 
b) ProxyWebPartManager 
c) System.Activator 
d) None of the Above

7) The feature in ASP.NET 2.0 that is used to fire a normal postback to a different page in the application is called 
a) Theme
b) Cross Page Posting
c) Code-front
d) None of the above

8) In ASP.NET if one uses Windows authentication the current request attaches an object called as
a) Serialization
b) WindowsPrincipal 
c) WindowDatset 
d) None of the Above

9) The GridView control in ASP.NET has which of the following features
a) Automatic data binding 
b) Automatic paging
c) Both A) and B)
d) None of the above

10) If one uses ASP.NET configuration system to restrict access which of the following is TRUE?
a) The access is restricted only to ASP.NET files
b)The access is restricted only to static files and non-ASP.NET resources.
c) Both A) and B)
d) None of the Above

11) Which of the following denote page code model in ASP.NET?
a) single-file 
b) code-behind 
c) Both A) and B)
d) None of the above

12) Which of the following denote New Data-bound Controls used with ASP.NET
a) GridView
b) FormView
c) SqlDataSource 
d) Both A) and B)
e) All the Above

13) A developer wanted to achieve graphics in his display using ASP.NET. Which of the following web controls are available in ASP.NET to achieve the above?
a) Both A) and B) 
b) LinkButton
c) AdRotator
d) None of the Above

14) Forms based authentication is otherwise called in ASP.NET as Cookie Authentication because Forms authentication uses cookies to allow applications to track users throughout their visit. 
a) Windows Authentication
b) Passport Authentication 
c) Cookie Authentication 
d) None of the Above

15) Which of the following is true about session in ASP.NET?
a) Programmers has to take care of delete sessions after configurable timeout interval
b) ASP.NET automatically delete sessions after configurable timeout interval 
c) The default time interval is 5 minutes 
d) None of the Above

16) In ASP.NET what does the following return< %Response.Write(System.Environment.WorkingSet.ToString())% >
a) None of the Above
b) Gives Error
c) Return Null value
d) Gives the memory working set

17) In ASP.NET if one wants to maintain session then which of the following is used?
a) In-process storage
b) Microsoft SQL Server 
c) Session State Service 
d) All the Above 

18) I have an ASP.NET application. I have a page loaded from server memory. At this instance which of the following methods gets fired
a) Unload( )
b) Load()
c) PreRender( )
d) None of the Above 

19) Give one word: What model does ASP.NET request processing is based on
a) Bottom-up
b) Top-down 
c) Waterfall 
d) Pipeline 

20) If in an ASP.NET application one want to create http handlers which of the interface is used
a) None of the above
b) pipeline 
c) Handler
d) IHttpHandlerFactory

21) To set page title dynamically in ASP.NET which of the following is used?
a) None of the above
b) < sheet > section
c) < tail > section
d) < head > section

22) In ASP.NET application the Global.asax file lie in which directory
a) Application
b) System 
c) ROOT 
d) None of the Above

23) Which of the following can be used to debug .NET application?
a) Systems.Diagnostics classes
b) Runtime Debugger
c) Visual Studio .NET
d) All the Above

24) Which of the following is used to write error message in event Log File?
a) System.Data
b) System.EnterpriseServices
c) System.Diagnostics
d) None of the Above

25) Setting the following properties for object in ASP.NET results in Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now().Subtract(New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
a) Avoid page to be cached 
b) Clears the buffer area
c) The session expires
d) None of the Above
