General - Interview |   17602

General - Interview



hi friends, myself yogesh angadi.CDAC has a common campus placement program on 4th aug. 2007 in maharashtra hotel mgmt. college, the time of presentation they told that they have an requirement of 80 people.

CDAC has no test paper,they directly take the Interviews. they have differnet departments like GIST,AAI,SCMC,NISG,eGOV etc.according to department they have diff. skil set requirement.I have been qualified for GIST dapartment.
GIST-Graphics & Integillence Scripting Technology.

Below i will give some of the interview questions which thet asked to me. i think They have an requirement in SDK so they asked questions most of them from SDk.
1)Tell me briefly about u r BE project?
2)Tell me briefly about u r BE project?
3)What is the role of u in ur project?
4)How much u rank ur self in SDK & C++?
When i told them about SDK like bet 6-7 then they said it is too high for SDK ,so we will ask questions according to that?
5)What is the function of getMessage Loop?
6)What is DlgProc?
7)What is modal& modless dialogbox?give any practical example of that?which commands r used for that?
8)Do u know about System Modal?
9)About the TranslateAccerlator?
10)What happens when any keyboard key is pressed?(abt WM_CHAR message)
11)Tell me GDI objects?
12)Abt Dwevice context?
13)Any idea abt Debug & release version?which one size is more & why ?
14)Abt static linking & dyanimic linking?
15)In dyanmic link library,which api is used for load the library?(ans:LoadLibrary)
16)Why Dyanimic link libraries r used over static one?
17)About STL(std. template library)like container,iterator
18)WAP using template for swapping of 2 intgers?
19)Whether if we allocate the memory using 'new' & deallocated using 'free' then what will happen?
20)Any idea abt MFC?
21)Which dlls r used for SDK?(like krne32.dll,user32.dll,gid32.dll & for what purpose each of them is used?)

below r some of the questions asked to my friends?
1)Abt ADo.NET? Sqldatareader,dataadapter
2)Page caching,output caching?
3)Assembly file structure in .NET?
4)Delegate & event? what isthe diff. bet evevt & delegaTE?
5)WRITE A function pointer?
6)PAGE directive in JSP page?
8)Garbage collector in java?

My interview has gone by god's grace i have selected in CDAC R&D.they have selected abt 67 people.
wish u all of u best of luck for their carrer.keep faith on u r self ,GOD will certainly help u .Be positive.
