Capgemini Whole-Testpaper |   57430

Capgemini Whole-Testpaper


Capgemini Latest Selection Procedure and Experience


Hey guys,


My name is Raghav.Capgemini came to our campus on 13/09/2014.


Selection Procedure consist of 3 rounds 


1. Aptitude Test


2. Group Discussion


3. Technical cum HR Interview


Aptitude Test


It was coordinated by consisted of 3 sections namely


1. English


2. Logical Reasoning


3. Maths(Quantitative aptitude)


25 questions from each section and each having a separate cutoff. Total time given is 90 minutes.


A) English : It was the trickiest of all the sections.


a) One reading comprehension( No of Questions : 4)


b) Error correction (No of Questions : 4)


c) Synonyms(No of Questions : 2)


d) Preposition(No of Questions : 3)


e) Error finding(No of Questions : 2)


f) Fill in the blanks(No of Questions : 2)


g) Based on vocab paragraph completion (No of Questions : 4 )


Cutoff of this section was also higher than the others. around 15 i guess.


B) Logical Reasoning : It was an easy one.


a) Two flowcharts (No of Questions : 10)


b) Logical deductions (No of Questions : 5-6 )


c) Rest simple selection, arrangement questions


Cut off of this section must have been around 12


C) Maths: It was a moderate one.


Main topics: 


Time and distance, Time and work, Mensuration(there were no geometry ques in my set but there were in others),A.P, G.P, Simple equations,Ratio proportion and Variation, Percentages, averages etc... Questions were easy but a bit calculative in my set.It was relatively easier in some sets cut off of this section also must have been around 11-12.


Way to attempt the test:  


  1. English can be done in 20-22 minutes. If not done fully move ahead because each section has cutoff

  2. Logical reasoning would take upto 25-27 min

  3. Maths will take up your rest of the time.

Do keep separate 5 minutes for evaluation of the section in which your attempt is less in the first 70 minutes.( I kept it for English)


Another way is do 15 questions from each section then 5 from each and then 5 from each I attempted 19, 22, 20 question from each sec respectively. But students doing 15 ques in each sec also cleared cutoff easily.


Group Discussion Round


Results were announced after a while and my name was there for the group discussion round.(out of 1300 only 350 cleared the test).Entered in the room. I was the first person of my group. some of the guys were late so the coordinator started chitchatting and was a decent guy. He made us all really comfortable. Then he asked for the topic for the GD from us.


Do give your suggestions.. i am a cricket fan so i proposed a topic that IS T20 KILLING THE SPIRIT OF TEST CRICKET? then he asked everyone if all are comfortable with this a few hand went up but most of them were down so after a few suggestions he himself gave us a topic. Topic was NON VIOLENCE IS THE WAY. Its not a debate that you have to stick to one side of the argument... Only 3-4 guys were speaking early in the group of 12. i was one of them. They are just looking at the way you are speaking.. just have a good command over the language rest will be okay. Ours was not a GD as only 3 - 4 were speaking so then he gave a chance for everyone to speak.But it might not be the case with you, so do speak 4-5 times in a gd to make your presence felt. It can be just a point of 15-30 sec. Average time of the GD was 25 min but ours went on for 45 minutes Results were declared at night and interview was on next day. My name was there who cleared the GD. (out of 350, 160 cleared this round) 


