Interview-HR Interview |   9262

Interview-HR Interview

Hello friends,
Capgemini conducted off campus for only selected colleges (around 15),but the news spread over to all and all other college students also came for the test and they allowed  first selected colleges students and later remaining.
The selection procedure is
1)written test
Coming to written test,it was conducted by "merit track" and the paper was little bit hard and also diff sets of papers.
Paper was divided into 3 sections 
1) verbal section 20Q-20 min (1 passage+all are tense and word fillings,blanks filling)
2) Reasoning 20Q-15 min (general reasoning,RS agarwal is enough)
3) Quantitative 15Q-20min (it's little bit tricky and more problems on ven diagrams )
totally 55 qus and 55 min.
There is session cut off and also total marks cut off(totally we have to score more than 30marks)
Around 1100 members attended the test and totally 300 are shortlisted for next round.

Next round is GD.
Each bath is going to contain 15 members and they given topics for GD like
* China is greater than India or not?
* How u can remove poverty in India?
And some more topics. They selected 4-9 candidates  a/c to performance. Form each batch totally 140+ students got selected for next round.

Next round is technical round.
Before going to technical they verified certificate, and technical was very easy and  we need basic knowledge on programming like C,OOPS and also project related topics like SEngg, UML. (mostly for MCA students)
HR questions are.
Why you choosen capgemini?
Are you willing to work on shifts?
And some more general and easy  don't get tensed be cool.
After completion of all Tech+HR ,we all were waited for results and totally 54 got selected for capgemini.
I'm also one of them.
All the best!