Cadence Technical - Other |   14857

Cadence Technical - Other


Cadennce Sample Question Paper


  1.  A sequence is given. You should find out error & write correct 1 2 5 10 13 26 29 48.

    ans: Error is 48,there you should write 58.

  2. 2,3 6,7 14,15 29,46. Error is 46. In every pair you add 1 to get
    second number. Ans:29+1=30

  3. A girl is 13'th highest,13th lowest. How many member.


  4. Rearrange MERGANY

    Ans:GERMANY (country)

  5. Rearrange BBIRAT


  6. (passage) There are 6 persons k,l,m,n,o,p to give seminar cond: 3 persons should give before lunch and 3 after lunch
    l should immediately precede the seminar of m there should be no gap between l and m .....

    ans: 1. L position is 2
    2 m pos is 5
    3. k pos is 4

  7. (passage)
    A is daughter of Y, Z is father of Y. Q is son of Z,
    1.if T is son of Y, then
    ans: T and A brother/sister
    2. if m is brother of T, then
    ans :Z is grandfather of M and M & A are brother/sister
    3. if Q is son of Z them
    ans: Q & Y are brothers
    Q. if speed of ongoing train is 24 and while return is 48
    avg = ----


  8. 0.23 + 0.02323 + 0.002323.... == ???

  9. 0.4 + 0.44 + 0.444 ..... = ???

  10. 1,2,2,4,8,?


  11.  55*55*55+45*45*45/55*55-55*45+45*45


  12.  4^^61 + 4^^62 + 4^^63 + 4^^64 . this sum is divisible by which of the following ?


C Language

  1. #define min((a),(b)) ((a)<(b))?(a):(b)
      int i=0,a[20],*ptr;
      while(min(ptr++,&a[9])<&a[8]) i=i+1;



  2. main()
     {char a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6};int x;



  3. Linked Lists are preffered than arrays to get advantage while
    a)Insertion b)Deletion c)Accessing Element d)None

  4. ~(~0<<8)? Ans:Last 8 digits are 1's rest are 0's.

  5. int a,b=3,c=2;
    a=b++*c;c=++b*a;Some thing like this.
    print a,b,c?

C++ Language

  1. Virtual Functions in C++(Refer to 13'th chapter first two
    examples of LAFORE Book)

  2. Which of the following is not true regarding FRIEND function
    Ans:If y is friend of x and z is friend of y then z can access private of x.

  3. Given some program on "&" operator overloading.

  4. class X{
                 public:X(){cout<<"This is Base";}
      class Y:public X
         { public:Y(){cout<<"This is Derived";}};
            what is printed when an object of Y is created?

  5. One question on reference variable in C++.



  1. Number of nodes in Binary tree with height 3

    Ans:7(Refer to Formula 2^^n-1)

  2. TCP/IP is used in?


  3. Host IP Address is? Ans:32 bits OR 4 bytes.
