C-DOT Placement Papers |   14173

C-DOT Placement Papers





Hello Everybody, I gave my test on 10-06. I was not selected but I hope this paper will help you in some way.

Selection Process
It consists of Written Test (objective) followed by an interview.
The paper is different for both computer science and electronics and communication. Both have their respective technical questions. Written Test for ECE students. This year the paper consisted of 100 questions.

It had questions on following topics:
Communication engineering 10-18 ques.

PCM ,AM,FSK,DPSK ……NUMERICALS & Objective q Autocorrelaton OFC (5-10q)

Digital Electronics AROUND 10 

How many half adder and or gates required for 4 bit adder.

equations Totem pole output Analog electronics 20-30 ques

Transistors ,electron hole concentration ,,,,,etc Numerical based on base current n all Microwave Engineering 10 q one was like wave guide acts as?

A high pass filter(ans) Range of radar one numerical.

One or two ques from networking and one was from C it was based on binary and linear search. One or two questions were also based upon logical ability like set theory (simple one).

I remember this much only. I would suggest  the toppers from the ECE branch from their respective colleges And students preparing for GATE must apply even if they have the JOB, you people will definitely clear the exam.

Avinash Verma


