BEE Energy Management & Energy Audit solved papers |   5936

BEE Energy Management & Energy Audit solved papers

BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency 13th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION FOR ENERGY MANAGERS & ENERGY AUDITORS – September, 2012 Solved questions paper for 14 natioanal certificate examination 
Paper -1 Set A Solutions 

PAPER – 1: General Aspects of Energy Management & Energy Audit
Date: 15.09.2012 
Timings: 09:30-12:30 Hrs 

Marks: 50 x 1 = 50
(i) Answer all 50 questions
(ii) Each question carries one mark
(iii) Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black Pen or HB pencil, as per instruction

1 kg of wood contains 15% moisture and 7% hydrogen by weight. How much water is evaporated from wood during complete combustion of 1 kg of wood?
a) 0.78 kg 
b) 0.22 kg 
c) 0.15 kg 
d) 0.63 kg

2.A fuel cell is
a) an electromagnetic cell 
b) a magnetic cell
c) an electrochemical device
d) none of the above

3    A motor with 10 kW rating in its nameplate, will draw input power of____
a) 10 kW at full load 
b) more than 10 kW at full load
c) less than 10 kW at full load 
d) 10 kW at 110% of full load

4  .A power utility distributed 1 million 15 Watt CFLs for Rs. 15 million, replacing 60 Watt incandescent lamps under Bachat Lamp Yojna. What will be the drop in power in the evening on the demand side, if 80% of the CFL lamps are on at that time, assuming similar numbers of incandescent lamps were switched on during the same period?
a) 360 kW 
b) 12 MW 
c) 36 MW
d) 60 MW

5. A process requires 10 kg of fuel with a calorific value of 5000 kcal/kg. The system efficiency is 80%. The losses then will be
a) 10000 kcal
b) 45000 kcal 
c) 40000 kcal 
d) 20000 kcal

6. Air velocity in the ducts can be measured by using ___________ and manometer
a) orifice meter 
b) Bourden gauge 
c) Pitot tube
d) anemomete

7.Assuming total conversion of electrical energy to heat energy, how much heat is produced by a 200 W heater in 5 minutes?
a) 200 kJ 
b) 40 kJ 
c) 1000 kJ 
d) 60 kJ

8. Consider two competitive projects A and B each entailing investment of Rs.85,000/- .Project A returns Rs.50,000 at the end of each year, but Project B returns Rs.115,000 atthe end of two years. Which project is superior?
a)project A since it starts earning by end of first year itself and recovers cost before end of two years
b)project B since it offers higher return before end of two years
c)both projects are equal in rank
d)insufficient information to assess the superiority

9. From rated V, A and PF given in the nameplate of a motor , one can calculate
a) rated input power
b) rated output power 
c) both a & b 
d) none of these
10. Global warming will not result in
a)melting of the ice caps
b)increasing sea levels
c)increasing the size of the hole in the ozone layer
d)unpredictable climate patterns

11.How much power generation potential is available in a run of river mini hydropower plant for a flow of 40 liters/second with a head of 24 metres. Assume system efficiency of 60% ?
a) 5.6 kW
b) 2.4 kW 
c) 4.0 kW 
d) 2.8 kW

12. If 3350 kJ of heat is supplied to 20 kg of ice at 0oC, how many kg of ice will melt into water at 0oC (latent heat of melting of ice is 335 kJ/kg)?
a) 1 kg 
b) 4.18 kg 
c) 10 kg
d) 29 kg

13.If oxygen rich combustion air (25% vol oxygen) is supplied to a furnace instead of normal air (21% vol oxygen),the % CO2in flue gases will
a) reduce 
b) increase
c) remain same 
d) will become

14.If the asset depreciation is considered, then net operating cash inflow would be
a) higher 
b) lower
c) no effect 

15.In a contract, when all or part of the savings are guaranteed by contractor, and all or part of the costs of equipment and/or services are paid out of savings as they are achieved, is termed as
a) traditional contract 
b) guaranteed saving performance contract
c) shared saving performance contract 
d) extended technical guarantee contrac
d) none of these

16.In project management work breakdown structure defines
a) temporary endeavour undertaken to create unique product or service
b) the activities to be completed in the projects
c) how realistic were the assumptions underlying the project
d) none of the above

17.In project management, the critical path in the network is
a) the path where activates have slack b) the shortest path
c) the path where no activities have slack
d) none of the above

18.India’s share of world oil reserves is _________
a) 5% 
b) 2% 
c) 0.5 %
d) 3%

19.Largest share of global primary energy consumption is from which of the following fuels?
a)oil and natural gas 
b) coal and oil
c) oil and nuclear 
d) coal and nuclear

20.Material and energy balance is used to quantify
a) material and energy losses
b) profit
c) cost of production 
d) all of the above

21.Nuclear power development in India is constrained by
a)low % of Uranium in the ore 
b) inadequate supply of Uranium
c) constraints in import of Uranium 
d) all of the above

22.Of the total natural gas used in India,the largest share goes to__________sector.
a) petrochemicals 
b) fertilizers 
c) power
d) domestic

23.One certified emission reduction (CER) is equivalent to
a) one kg of carbon 
b) one kg of carbon dioxide
c) one ton of carbon 
d) one ton of carbon dioxide

24.Ratio of average load (kW) to maximum load (kW) is termed as
a) load factor
b) demand factor 
c) form factor 
d) utilization factor

25.Speed measurement (RPM) of an electric motor is measured with a
a) stroboscope
b) ultrasonic meter 
c) lux meter 
d) rotameter

26.Steam leak reduction program can be best achieved through
a)Small Group Activities 
b) Autonomous Maintenance
c) TPM 
d) all of the above

27.The average gross efficiency of thermal power generation on all India basis is about
a)30 – 34%
b) 36 – 38% 
c) 39 - 41% 
d) 25 -

28.The cost of a new heat exchanger is Rs. 1.0 lakh. The simple payback period in years considering annual savings of Rs 60,000 and annual operating cost of Rs. 10,000 is
a) 0.50 
b) 1.66 
c) 2.00
d) 6.00

29.The empirical relationship used to plot Production Vs Energy consumption is ___________( where Y= energy consumed for the period; C = fixed energy consumption; M = energyconsumption directly related to production; X= production for same period).
a) X=Y+MC 
b) Y=MX+C
c) M=CX+Y 
d) Y= MX-C
30.The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of nitrous oxide (N2O) is
a) 1 
b) 23 
c) 300
d) 5700
31.The ISO standard for Energy Management System is
a) ISO 9001 
b) ISO 50001
c) ISO 14001 
d) none of the above

32.The main constituent of greenhouse gases (GHG) in atmosphere is
a) CO2
b) SOx 
c) nitrogen 
d) water vapor

33.The ozone layer found in the stratosphere
a)protects against the sun’s harmful UV rays
b)can react with atmospheric pollutants to form smog
c)is toxic to plants
d)is capable of disintegrating fabric and rubber on earth

34.The primary energy content of fuels is generally expressed in terms of ton of oil equivalent (toe) and is based on the following conversion factor
a) 1 toe=10x106kCal 
b) 1 toe=11630 kWh 
c) 1 toe=41870 MJ 
d) all the above

35.The process of capturing CO2 from point sources and storing them is called ___________
a)carbon capture and sequestration
b) carbon sink
c) carbon capture 
d) carbon absorption

36.The return on investment (ROI) is expressed as ___________
a) annual cost / capital cost 
b) (first cost / first year benefits) x 100
c) NPV / IRR d) (annual net cash flow x 
d) (annual net cash flow x 100) / capital cost

37.The time between its earliest and latest start time, or between its earliest and latest finish time of an activity is
a) delay time 
b) slack time
c) critical path 
d) start time

38.What is the future value of Rs. 1000/- after 3 years if the interest rate is 10% ?
a) 1331
b) 3000 
c) 3300 
d) 2420

39.What percentage of the sun’s energy falling on a silicon solar panel gets converted into electricity?
b) 15%
c) 75% 
d) 50%

40.Which is not a part of “ Energy Audit” defined as per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001
a)monitoring and analysis of energy use
b)ensuring implementations of recommended measures followed by review
c)submission of technical report with recommendations
d)verification of energy use

41.Which of the following fuels is non-renewable?
b) lignite 
c) nuclear 
d) all of the above

42.Which of the following is not the activity related to restructured APDRP?
a)separate feeders for agricultural pumps
b)energy auditing at distribution transformer level
c)GIS mapping of the network and consumers
d)establishing targets for reducing power consumption

43.Which of the following statements regarding DSM is incorrect?
a)potential areas for DSM thrust activity are agriculture, domestic and municipalities
b)savings accrued through DSM can be treated as new power addition on supply side
c)under DSM, demand can be shifted from off-peak to peak hours thereby avoiding imported power during off peak hours
d)DSM programs may result in demand as well as energy reduction

44.Which of the following statements is false regarding wind turbine?
a) wind power does not vary as the cross-sectional area of the rotor
b) wind power varies as cube of wind velocity
c) cut-in wind speed is always less than rated wind speed
d) theoretical maximum amount of energy in the wind that can be collected by wind turbine rotor is about 95%

45.Which of the following statements is false?
a) reactive current is necessary to build up the flux for the magnetic field of inductive devices
b) some portion of reactive current is converted into useful work
c) Cosine of the angle between kVA and kW vector is called power factor
d) power factor is unity in a pure resistive circuit

46.Which of the following statements is not true regarding maximum demand control?
a)maximum demand control offers a way of ‘shaving’ the peaks and ‘filling’ the valleys inthe consumer load diagram
b)maximum demand control is carried out by concerned utility at customer premises
c)maximum demand control focuses on critical load for management
d)all of the above

47.Which of the following statements regarding BLY (Bachat Lamp Yojana) are correct?
i.BLY aims at large scale replacement of all fluorescent lamps of poor lumen intensity with CFL of high lumen intensity
ii.CDM is used as a tool to recover market price difference between lower costreplaced incandescent lamps of 60 W and higher cost CFLs of 11 W
iii.BLY involves public, private partnership and DISCOM partnerships
iv.DSM is used as a tool to recover market price difference between lower cost replaced incandescent lamps of 60 W and higher cost CFLs of 11 W
a) i & ii 
b) i & iii 
c) ii & iii
d) i & iv

48.Which of the following statements regarding ECBC are correct?
i.ECBC defines the norms of energy requirements per sq. metre of area taking into account climatic region where building is located
ii.ECBC does not encourage retrofit of energy conservation measures
iii.ECBC prescribes energy efficiency standards for design and construction ofcommercial and industrial buildings
iv.One of the key objectives of ECBC is to minimize life cycle costs (construction andoperating energy costs)
a) i & ii 
b) i & iii 
c) ii & iii 
d) i & iv

49.Which of the following statements regarding Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is correct?
a)IRR distinguishes between lending and borrowing
b)Internal rate of return is the discount rate at which net present value is equal to zero
c)if the IRR is higher than current interest rate, the investment is not attractive
d)between two alternative projects, the project with lower internal rate of return would beconsidered more attractive

50.Which of the following with respect to fossil fuels is true?
a)Reserve / Production (R/P) ratio is a constant once established
b)R/P ratio varies every year with only changes in production
c)R/P ratio varies every year with only changes in reserves
d)R/P ratio varies every year with changes in both production and reserves
