Bureau of Energy Efficiency-BEE Selection Procedure |   30753

Bureau of Energy Efficiency-BEE Selection Procedure

Bureau of Energy Efficiency-BEE Selection Procedure 2014 Energy Manager and Auditor Written Test Examination Pattern and Syllabus placement paper Question and answers

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) written Test consists 4 papers. Below the details of Examinations

National Certifying Agency:BEE has retained National Productivity Council (NPC) as the National Certifying Agency to conduct and administer the National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors.

Proposed Examination Centres:Ahmedabad,Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Dehradun, Delhi/NCR,Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Kanpur,Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna,Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Thiruvananthapuram andVadodara

Examination will contain the following papers:

Paper-1 General Aspects of Energy Management & Energy Audit for EM & EA

Paper-2 Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities for EM & EA

Paper-3Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities for EM & EA

Paper-4 Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment & Utility Systems (open book examination) for EA

a) For the Certification of Energy Managers, the candidate has to appear in three papers of written examination viz., Paper-1, Paper-2 and Paper-3

b) For the Certification of Energy Auditors, the candidate has to appear in all the above Four Papers of written examination .

c) Paper 1, 2 and 3 are common for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors. Any candidate, qualifying in these three papers will be eligible for Energy Manager Certification. For Energy Auditor Certification, the candidate has to qualify in all the four papers. The degree of difficulty in Paper 4 will be comparatively much higher than other papers.

d) For up-gradation of EM certification to EA certification, please refer to the Prospectus.

e) Eligible supplementary candidates will be required to write the examination under revised syllabus as prescribed for the 11th Exam

BEE Previous years notifications

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Latest 2013 Energy Manager and Auditor Written Test Examination Pattern and Syllabus

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) written Test consists 4 papers. Below the details of Examinations

Time Duration : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 150

No of Papers :4

Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III shall consist of objective and descriptive type questions.

 The Paper-IV for Energy Auditors will be an open book examination and shall consist of descriptive and numerical questions.

a) The examination Papers for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors are given below:

General Aspects of Energy Management & Energy Audit.
Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities
Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities
Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment and Utility systems (Open Book Examination)**
b) The candidate appearing for Energy Manager Examination has to pass THREE papers, viz., Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III and obtain a minimum of 50% of the maximum marks in each paper.

c) The candidate appearing for Energy Auditor Examination has to pass all the above FOUR papers viz., Paper-I, Paper-II, Paper-III & Paper-IV and obtain a minimum of 50% of the maximum marks in each paper.

d) Question Papers for Energy Manager and Energy Auditor are common for the first three papers viz. Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III. Energy Auditor candidate passing the above three papers shall be eligible for award of Energy Manager Certification.

e) The degree of difficulty in Paper-IV will be comparatively much higher than other papers.

f) Medium of examination is English.

g) Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III shall consist of objective and descriptive type questions.

h) The Paper-IV for Energy Auditors will be an open book examination and shall consist of descriptive and numerical questions. ** The candidates can refer only the guide books supplied, at the time of their
registration, during the paper IV examination. No other reference books and written
material will be allowed.
i) The syllabus for all the papers is given in Annexure – I.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Latest 2012-2013 Energy Manager and Auditor Written Test Examination Pattern and Syllabus

Syllabus for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors Certification Examination


1.1 Energy Scenario: Commercial and Non-commercial energy, primary energy resources, commercial energy production, final energy consumption, Indian energy scenario, Sectoral energy consumption(domestic, industrial and other sectors),energy needs of growing economy, energy intensity, long term energy scenario, energy pricing, energy security, energy conservation and its importance, energy strategy for the future.

1.2 Energy Conservation Act 2001 and related policies: Energy conservation Act 2001 and its features,notifications under the Act, Schemes of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) including Designated consumers, State Designated Agencies, Electricity Act 2003, Integrated energy policy, National action plan on climate change.

1.3 Basics of Energy and its various forms: Electricity basics – Direct Current and Alternative Currents, electricity tariff, Thermal Basics-fuels, thermal energy contents of fuel, temperature and pressure, heat capacity, sensible and latent heat, evaporation, condensation, steam, moist air and humidity and heat transfer, units and conversion, Metric Ton Oil Equivalent conversions
1.4 Energy Management & Audit: Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit. Energy management (audit) approach-understanding energy costs, bench marking, energy performance,matching energy use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy substitution, energy audit instruments and metering, precautions,thermography, smart metering.

1.5 Material and Energy balance: Facility as an energy system, methods for preparing process flow,material and energy balance diagrams.

1.6 Energy Action Planning: Key elements, force field analysis, Energy policy purpose, perspective,contents, formulation, ratification, Organizing - location of energy management, top management support, managerial function, roles and responsibilities of energy manager, accountability. Human resource development techniques, Information system-designing barriers, strategies; Marketing and communicating-training and planning.

1.7 Financial Management: Investment-need, appraisal and criteria, financial analysis techniques-simple pay back period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return, cash flows, risk and sensitivity analysis; financing options, energy performance contracts and role of Energy Service

Companies (ESCOs).
1.8 Project Management: Definition and scope of project, technical design, financing, contracting, implementation and performance monitoring. Implementation plan for top management, Planning Budget, Procurement Procedures, Construction, Measurement & Verification.

1.9 Energy Monitoring and Targeting: Defining monitoring & targeting, elements of monitoring & targeting, data and information-analysis, techniques - energy consumption, production, cumulative sum
of differences (CUSUM). Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS)

1.10 Energy, Environment and Climate change: Energy and environment, air pollution, climate change United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC),sustainable development, Kyoto Protocol, Conference of Parties (COP),Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),CDM Procedures case of CDM – Bachat Lamp Yojna and industry; Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF).

1.11 New & Renewable Energy Sources (NRES) : Concept of renewable energy, Solar energy, wind energy, biomass boilers and gasifiers, biogas, biofuels, hydro, fuel cells, energy from wastes, biomethanation, wave, tidal, geothermal.


2.1 Fuels and Combustion: Introduction to fuels, properties of fuel oil, coal and gas, storage, handling and preparation of fuels, principles of combustion, combustion of oil, coal and gas. Agro-residue/biomass
handling, preparation and combustion.

2.2 Boilers: Types, combustion in boilers, performances evaluation, analysis of losses, feed water treatment, blow down, energy conservation opportunities. Boiler efficiency calculation, evaporation ratio and efficiency for coal, oil and gas. Soot blowing and soot deposit reduction, reasons for boil er tube failures, start up, shut down and preservation, Thermic fluid heaters, super critical boilers.

2.3 Steam System: Properties of steam, assessment of steam distribution losses, steam leakages, steam trapping, condensate and flash steam recovery system, identifying opportunities for energy savings.Steam utilization, Performance assessment more details, installation, thermo-compressor, steam pipe insulation, condensate pumping, steam dryers

2.4 Furnaces: Classification, general fuel economy measures in furnaces, excess air, heat distribution,temperature control, draft control, waste heat recovery. Forging furnace heat balance, Cupola, non ferrous melting, Induction furnace, performance evaluation of a furnace, hot air generators.

2.5 Insulation and Refractories: Insulation-types and application, economic thickness of insulation, heat savings and application criteria, Refractory-types, selection and application of refractories, heat loss.
Cold insulation.

2.6 Fluidized Bed Combustion FBC boilers: Introduction, mechanism of fluidized bed combustion, advantages, types of FBC boilers, operational features, retrofitting FBC system to conventional boilers,
saving potential. Biomass based fluidized bed combustion boilers - application and operation, Atmosphere Fluidized bed combustion boilers, Circulating Fluidized bed combustion boilers, Pressurized Fluidized bed combustion boilers.

2.7 Cogeneration: Definition, need, application, advantages, classification, saving potentials. heat balance, steam turbine efficiency, tri-generation, micro turbine.

2.8 Waste Heat Recovery: Classification, advantages and applications, commercially viable waste heat recovery devices, saving potential.

2.9 Heat Exchangers : Types, networking, pinch analysis, multiple effect evaporators, condensers, distillation column, etc.


3.1 Electrical system: Electricity billing, electrical load management and maximum demand control, power factor improvement and its benefit, selection and location of capacitors,performance assessment of PF capacitors, distribution and transformer losses. Star labeled distribution transformers, Demand side management, Assessment of transmission and distribution efficiency, losses due to harmonics and voltage unbalance, Maximum emand controllers, automatic power factor controllers, energy efficient transformers.

3.2 Electric motors: Types, losses in induction motors, motor efficiency, factors affecting motor performance, rewinding and motor replacement issues, energy saving opportunities with energy efficient motors. Star labeled energy efficient motors, squirrel cage and slip ring and their characteristics, motor history sheet ( new, Ist rewind, 2nd rewind),Star operation, voltage unbalance, energy efficient motors,soft starters with energy saver, ariable speed drives.

3.3 Compressed Air System: Types of air compressors, reciprocating vs screw, compressor efficiency, efficient compressor operation, Compressed air system components, capacity assessment, leakage test,factors affecting the performance and savings opportunities, Air Driers.

3.4 Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration System: Introduction toPsychometrics, Vapor compression refrigeration cycle, refrigerants, coefficient of performance,capacity, factors affecting Refrigeration and Air conditioning system performance and savings opportunities. Vapor absorption refrigeration system: Working principle, types and comparison with vapor compression system and saving potential, heat pumps and their applications, section on ventilation system, ice bank system, performance assessment of window and split room air conditioners,Star labeled pumps, cold storage refrigeration, humidification system.

3.5 Fans and blowers: Types, performance evaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities. Pressure drop calculation.

3.6 Pumps and Pumping System: Types, performance evaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities. Energy conservation in boiler feed water pump,pumping systems for municipal drinking water, and sewerage, agriculture pump sets.

3.7 Cooling Tower: Types and performance evaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy saving opportunities assessment of cooling towers. fan less cooling tower, natural draft cooling tower, cooling water treatment.

3.8 Lighting System: Light source, choice of lighting, luminance requirements, and energy conservation avenues. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs),metal halides, fluorescent tube lights, Compact fluorescent
lamps (CFL),labeling scheme, high efficiency street lighting, electronic ballast, occupancy sensors, energy efficient lighting controls.

3.9 Diesel/Natural gas Power Generating systems: Factors affecting selection, energy performance assessment of diesel conservation avenues. Waste heat recovery.

3.10 Energy conservation in Buildings and Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC): About Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC),building envelope, insulation, lighting, Heating,ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC),fenestrations, water pumping, inverter and energy storage/captive generation, elevators and escalators, star labeling for existing buildings, Energy Service Companies based case studies.


Open Book examination on the following energy performance assessments for equipment and utility systems:

4.1 Boilers
4.2 Furnaces
4.3 Cogeneration, Turbines (gas, steam)
4.4 Heat Exchangers,
4.5 Electric Motors, Variable Speed Drives
4.6 Fans and Blowers
4.7 Water Pumps
4.8 Compressors
4.9 HVAC systems
4.10 Performing Financial Analysis
4.11 Energy Performance assessment in power plants
4.12 Energy Performance assessment in steel industry
4.13 Energy Performance assessment in process industry (cement and
4.14 Energy Performance assessment in buildings and commercial
