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BSNL DGM previous years solved question papers

BSNLDGM model questions with answers and detailed explanations


BSNL DGM MODEL PAPER- PART-A,BSNL DGM model questions for practice upcoming DGM examination, BSNL DGM solved question papers includes technical questions,general ability questions,and basic engineering questions. Preparation of BSNL upcoming wrritten test examination  practice more model to improve your knowledge and speed,time management for exam.


BSNL DGM Objective questions

1. First-level managers must possess skills, which include knowledge of and proficiency in the methods, processes and procedures for carrying out activities.
a. Human
b. Conceptual
c. Design
d. Technical

2. Which of the following skills is important at all levels of an organization?
a. Conceptual
b. Design
c. Human
d. Technical

3. Which of the following skills indicates the ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the enterprise?
a. Design
b. Human
c. Conceptual
d. Technical

4. Managers possessing skill have the ability to understand and coordinate the full range of corporate objectives and activities.
a. Design skill
b. Human skill
c. Conceptual skill
d. Technical skill

5. Which of the following approaches to management examines practical cases but is having only limited value for developing management theory?
a. Group behavior approach
b. Systems approach
c. Operational approach
d. Empirical approach

6. Which of the following is also known as the mathematical approach?
a. Operational approach
b. Management science approach
c. Management roles approach
d. Systems approach

7. Which of the following approaches to management advocates a system ofcooperation using both interpersonal and group behavioral aspects?
a. Sociotechnical approach
b. Contingency approach
c. Situational approach
d. Cooperative social systems approach

8. Under which system does a worker's wage increase in proportion to theoutput produced?
a. Time-and-motion study
b. Piece-rate incentive system
c. Micromotion study
d. Gantt Chart

9. Who proposed the task-and-bonus system under which workers are given a bonus if the work is completed before the set time?
a. Frederick W. Taylor
b. Henry L. Gantt
c. Frank B. Gilbreth
d. Max Weber

10. The theorists ignored the human desire for job satisfaction.
a. Scientific management
b. Bureaucratic management
c. Administrative theory
d. Management science

11. Which type of management approach focuses only on the economic andphysical needs of workers and ignores their social needs?
a. Scientific management
b. Bureaucratic management
c. Administrative management
d. Operations management

12.Which one of the following did not contribute to the behavioral concept ofmanagement?
a. Elton Mayo
b. Mary Parker Follet
c. Chris Argyris
d. Henry R. Towne

13. A branch of the classical viewpoint of management, is basedon Max Weber's research in the field of management.
a. Bureaucratic management
b. Scientific management
c. Administrative management
d. Weber management

14. which of the following is the fastest memory in the terms of accessibility?
1. Read only memory
2. Cache memory
3.Random Access memory
4. Dynamic random access Memory

15. Registers are associated with_________
1. Input
2. memory
4. output

16. _______________ is an example of sequential storage device
1. Magnetic Tape
2. floppy disk
3. Hard disk

17.Programs and procedures in an information system are _____________
1. data resources
2. people resources
3. hardware and software resources
4. all the above

18.The information circulated in a company grapevine can be called as ____________
1. knowledge information
2. sampled information
3.informal information
4. organizational information

19.what is the term used to refer to alignment of the beginning and end of lines
2. justification
3. superscript
4 font

20. what is the character positioned below normal text called?
1. superscript
2. italic

21. spread sheet is a ________________
1. superscript

22.The first Factories Act was enacted in 
Answer- a),1881

23, Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948 ?
a. Who has completed 18 years of age 
b. who is less than 18 years 
c. who is more than 14 years 
d. who is more than 15 years
Answer- a). Who has completed 18 years of age

24. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act, 1948 is called as _________

a. Occupier 
b. Manager
c. Chairman
d. Managing Director.
Answer - a. Occupier 

25, The space for every worker employed in the Factory after the commencement of Factories Act, 1948 should be ________ Cubic Meters.

a. 9.9 
b. 10.2 
c. 14.2 
d. 13.2 
Answer- c. 14.2 

26,The provision for cooling water during hot weather should be made by the organization if it employees _______ or more employees.

a. 200 
b. 250 
c. 300 
d. 150
Answer- b. 250 

27.Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948 ?
a. Who has completed 17 years of age 
b. who is less than 18 years 
c. who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years. 
d. None of these 
Answer- c. who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years

28, Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948
b. Creches 
c.First Aid 
d.Drinking water.
Answer- d. Drinking water.

29, First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ______ of persons 
a. 125 
b. 135 
c. 150 
d. 160
Answer- c. 150 

30,Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organisation is engaging ______ or more employees.
a. 1000 
b. 2000 
c. 500 
d. 750
Answer- a. 1000 

31 Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than ______ persons.
a. 250 
b. 230 
c. 300 
d. 275
Answer- a. 250 

32 Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for _______ days in a month.
a. 15 
b. 25 
c. 20 
d. 28
Answer- c. 20 

33. Welfare Officers are to be appointed if Organisation is engaging ______ or more employees.
a. 500 
b. 250 
c. 600 
d. 750
Answer- a. 500 

34. The Ambulance Room is to be provided if engaging employees more than______
a. 400 
b. 350 
c. 500 
d. 450
Answer- c. 500 

35, Creche is to be provided if ______ or more lady employees are engaged.
a. 25 
b. 32 
c. 30 
d. 40
Answer- c. 30 

36. An adult worker can upto ____ hrs in a day as per factories Act, 1948
a. 8 
b. 9 
c. 10 
d. 12
Answer-. b. 9 

37, Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section -----
a) 78 
b) 101
c) 111 
d) 99
Answer - Sec.111 

38. The term Sabbatical is connected with 
a) Paid leave for study 
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave 
Answer- Paid leave for study 

39. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947 Says about 
a) Welfare officer 
b) Canteen
c) Rest room
d) Crèche 
Answer is - Welfare officer 

Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947 says about 
a) Manufacturing Process
b) Factory
c) Worker
d) None of these 
Answer : Manufacturing Process

41., If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified ------------- to carry out the prescribed duties 
a) Safety Officer
b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer
d) None of these 
Answer : a) Safety Officer 

42. For contravention of provisions of Factories Act or Rules, the occupier shall liable for punishment up to 
a)2 years or fine up to Rs.1,00,000 or both
b) 6 months or fine upto 10, 000 or both 
c) 3 three years or fine 10, 000 or both 
d) None of these 
Answer –a)2 years or fine up to Rs.1,00,000 or both.

43. In case of fatal accident occurred inside the factory , a separate accident report shall be sent to the District magistrate in Form No ---- within 12 hours
a) Form No:16
b) Form No:18 A 
c) Form No :18 B
d) Form No:18 

44., Manager of every factory should sent a annual report to the Inspectorate of factories containing details like numbers of workers employed , leave with wages, safety officers ,ambulance room, canteen, shelter, accidents in form no --- on or before 31 st January 
a) Form No : 22
b) Form No: 21 
c) Form No: 25 A 
d) Form No: 25 B 
Answer: a) Form No: 22 

45. If any employee found violating the section 20 of Factories Act 1947 shall be fine up to 
a)Rs. 10
b) Rs. 5
c) Rs. 15
d) Rs.20 
Answer :b ) Rs. 5 

46. Section 41- G of the Factories Act 1948 says about 
a) Fencing of machineries 
b) Facing of machineries 
c) Work on near machinery in motion
Answer-d) Workers participation in safety management 

47. Find the minimum value of the objective function where minimum z=20x+35y
1. 2100

48. which of the following is not an advantage of MRP system?
1. Ability to price competitively 
2. Better Customer service
3. longer idle time
4. Reduced set up and tear –down costs 

49. Accounting Ratios are important tools used by 
(a) Managers, 
(b) Researchers,
(d) All of the above

50. Net Profit Ratio Signifies: 
(a) Operational Profitability, 
(b) Liquidity Position,
(c) Big-term Solvency,
(d)Profit for Lenders.

51. Working Capital Turnover measures the relationship of Working Capital with: 
(a)Fixed Assets,

52.. In Ratio Analysis, the term Capital Employed refers to:
(a)Equity Share Capital,
(b)Net worth,
(c)Shareholders' Funds,
(d)None of the above.

53. Dividend Payout Ratio is:
(a)PAT Capital, 
(b)DPS ÷ EPS,
(c) Pref. Dividend ÷ PAT, 
(d) Pref. Dividend ÷ Equity Dividend.

54 DU PONT Analysis deals with:
(a) Analysis of Current Assets, 
(b)Analysis of Profit, 
(c)Capital Budgeting, 
(d) Analysis of Fixed Assets

55. In Net Profit Ratio, the denominator is:
(a)Net Purchases,
(b)Net Sales, 
(c) Credit Sales, 
(d) Cost of goods sold.

56. Inventory Turnover measures the relationship of inven¬tory with:
(a) Average Sales, 
(b)Cost of Goods Sold, 
(c)Total Purchases, 
(d) Total Assets.

57.. The term 'EVA' is used for:
(a)Extra Value Analysis, 
(b)Economic Value Added
,(c)Expected Value Analysis,
(d)Engineering Value Analysis.

58.. Return on Investment may be improved by:
(a)Increasing Turnover,
(b) Reducing Expenses,
(c)Increasing Capital Utilization,
(d)All of the above.

59.. In Current Ratio, Current Assets are compared with:
(a)Current Profit, 
(b)Current Liabilities,
(c)Fixed Assets, 
(d)Equity Share Capital.

60.. ABC Ltd. has a Current Ratio of 1.5: 1 and Net Current Assets of Rs. 5,00,000. What are the Current Assets?
(a)Rs. 5,00,000, 
(b)Rs. 10,00,000, 
(c)Rs. 15,00,000, 
(d) Rs. 25,00,000

61. There is deterioration in the management of working capital of XYZ Ltd. What does it refer to?
(a)That the Capital Employed has reduced,
(b)That the Profitability has gone up,
(c)That debtors collection period has increased,
(d)That Sales has decreased.

62. Which of the following does not help to increase Current Ratio?
(a)Issue of Debentures to buy Stock, 
(b)Issue of Debentures to pay Creditors,
(c)Sale of Investment to pay Creditors,
(d)Avail Bank Overdraft to buy Machine. 

63. Debt to Total Assets Ratio can be improved by:
(a)Borrowing More,
(b)Issue of Debentures,
(c)Issue of Equity Shares,
(d)Redemption of Debt.

64.. Ratio of Net Income to Number of Equity Shares known as:
(a)Price Earnings Ratio, 
(b) Net Profit Ratio,
(c)Earnings per Share, 
(d) Dividend per Share.

65. Trend Analysis helps comparing performance of a firm
(a)With other firms,
(b)Over a period of firm,
(c)With other industries,
(d) None of the above.

66. A Current Ratio of Less than One means:
(a)Current Liabilities < Current Assets,
(b)Fixed Assets > Current Assets,
(c)Current Assets < Current Liabilities,
(d) Share Capital > Current Assets.

67. XYZ Ltd. has earned 8% Return on Total Assests of Rs. 50,00,000 and has a Net Profit Ratio of 5%. Find out the Sales of the firm. 
(a) Rs. 4,00,000, 
(b)Rs. 2,50,000,
(c)Rs. 80,00,000,
(d)Rs. 83,33,333.

68. Suppliers and Creditors of a firm are interested in
(a)Profitability Position,
(b)Liquidity Position,
(c)Market Share Position, 
(d) Debt Position.

69. Which of the following is a measure of Debt Service capacity of a firm?
(a)Current Ratio, 
(b)Acid Test Ratio,
(c) Interest Coverage Ratio,
(d) Debtors Turnover.

70. Gross Profit Ratio for a firm remains same but the Net Profit Ratio is decreasing. The reason for such behavior could be:
(a) Increase in Costs of Goods Sold, 
(b)If Increase in Expense,
(c) Increase in Dividend,
(d)Decrease in Sales.

71. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) A Higher Receivable Turnover is not desirable,
(b) Interest Coverage Ratio depends upon Tax Rate,
(c)Increase in Net Profit Ratio means increase in Sales, 
(d) Lower Debt-Equity Ratio means lower Financial Risk.

72. Debt to Total Assets of a firm is .2. The Debt to Equity boo would be:
(a) 0.80, 
(c) 1.00, 

73. Which of the following helps analysing return to equity Shareholders?
(a) Return on Assets, 
(b) Earnings Per Share, 
(c) Net Profit Ratio, 
(d)Return on Investment.

74. Return on Assets and Return on Investment Ratios be¬long to:
(a) Liquidity Ratios,
(b)Profitability Ratios,
(c)Solvency Ratios,

75. XYZ Ltd. has a Debt Equity Ratio of 1.5 as compared to 1.3 Industry average. It means that the firm has:
(a) Higher Liquidity, 
(b)Higher Financial Risk,
(c)Higher Profitability,
(d)Higher Capital Employed.
-------------------------------------- END OF PART-A -------------------------------------
