Bharti Pattern |   2355

Bharti Pattern

                                             Bharti Airtel Limited Paper Pattern

The first round is the written test. The written test consist of

* Aptitude test
* Quantitative ability
* Verbal English

The aptitude test is of 20 minutes. The quantitative is of 15 minutes and the verbal English is of 20 minutes.The verbal English exam consists of around 25 questions. Also passages will be 2 in number with around 5 questions each. Sentence joining and grammar based questions are also there. Also find the wrong option question will be there. Apart from this quantitative test is also there, which will include questions from mathematics.After all this an Aptitude test will be there to check the general aptitude of a person. The time allotted for the written test is very less, so one has to be fast in answering the questions.


If you have cleared the written test, the next round is the personal interview round in which they ask some technical questions .They can also talk about the training which one has received and of course the final year projects. The last round is the HR round, in which one has to answer why he/she likes airtel .One will have to describe oneself, academic backgrounds, hobbies and other creative activities.
