Bank-of-Baroda-BOB Placement Paper |   4690

Bank-of-Baroda-BOB Placement Paper

                             Bank of Baroda Solved Previous Year Question Paper


Q. 1-5. Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
G M 5 I D # J K E 2 P T 4 W % A F 3 U 8 $ N V 6 Q @ 7 H 1 © B 9 ⋆ Z 

1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) D J I
(2) F U A
(3) H @ 1
(4) B ⋆ ©
(5) I # 5

2. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?D J K 2 T 4 % F 3 ?
(1) U S V
(2) U $ N
(3) 8 N V
(4) 8 N I
(5) None of these

3. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a vowel and also immediately followed by a symbol?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

4. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number but not immediately followed by a consonant?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

5. Which of the following is the fourth to the right of the twelfth from the right end of the above arrangement?
(1) 8
(2) 7
(3) K
(4) A
(5) None of these

Q. 6-10. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E , F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. F is third to the right of B who is third to the right of H. A is third to the left of H. C is fourth to the left of A. E is third to the right of D who is not a neighbour of A.

6. In which of the following pairs the second person is to the immediate right of the first person?
(1) HC
(2) BE
(3) GB
(4) FA
(5) None of these

7. Who is second to the right of D?
(1) F
(2) G
(3) A
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

8. Who is third to the left of G?
(1) H
(2) D
(3) C
(4) F
(5) None of these

9. Who is fourth to the left of C?
(1) F
(2) A
(3) E
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

10. What is B's position with respect to D?
(A) Fourth to the right
(B) Fifth to the left
(C) Fifth to the right
(1) (A) only
(2) (B) only
(3) (A) and (B) only
(4) (C) and (D) only
(5) None of these

Q.11-15. In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1),(2),n(3) and (4). You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and mark the number of that combination as the answer. If none of the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark (5) i.e. 'None of these' as the answer.
Letter : P M A K T I J E R N D F U W B
Digit/Symbol : 7 # 8 % 1 9 2 @ 3 © S 4 ⋆ 5 6
Conditions :
(i) If both the first and the last letters of the group are consonants, both are to be coded as the code for the last letter.
(ii) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel, the codes are to be interchanged.

(1) 6$8146
(2) 6$814@
(3) @$814@
(4) @$8146
(5) None of these

(1) $563©8
(2) 8563©$
(3) 8365©$
(4) 8536©$
(5) None of these

(1) ⋆#©1%@
(2) @#©14⋆
(3) @#©1%⋆
(4) #@©1%⋆
(5) None of these

(1) 1$@82#
(2) #$@821
(3) 1$@821
(4) #$@82#
(5) None of these

(1) 7%⋆#43
(2) 3⋆%#47
(3) 3%⋆#43
(4) 3%⋆#47
(5) None of these

Q.16-20. In the following questions, the symbols S, @, ©, % and ⋆ are used with the following meaning as illustrated below:
'P @ Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'.
'P % Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q'.
'P ⋆ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q'.
'P © Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'.
'P $ Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true?
Give answer :
(1) if only Conclusion I is true.
(2) if only Conclusion II is true.
(3) if either Conclusion I or II is true.
(4) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true.
(5) if both Conclusions I and II are true.

Statements :
16. R $ M, M © F, F % J.
Conclusions :
I. R $ J
II. F © R
(Ans : 4)

Statements :
17. M © D, D @ K, K ⋆ N.
Conclusions :
I. N $ D
II. K $ N
(Ans : 2)

Statements :
18. B @ D, D $ M, M ⋆ N.
Conclusions :
I. N @ D
II. D $ N
(Ans : 2)

Statements :
19. F $ W, W % J, K @ N.
Conclusions :
I. J @ F
II. N % W
(Ans : 4)

Statements :
20. F © T, T % R, R $ W.
Conclusions :
I. W © T
II. R © T
(Ans : 4)

Banking Related Questions:

1. Which of the following is example of financial assets?
(1) National Saving Certificates
(2) Infrastructure Bonds 
(3) Indira Vikas Patra
(4) Krishi Vikas Patra 
(5) All of the above

2. Capital market is a market which deals in
(1) short-term funds 
(2) long-term funds
(3) gilt-edge securities 
(4) All of the above 
(5) None of the above

3. Regional Rural Banks fall within supervisory purview of
(1) SBI 
(2) RBI
(3) SEBI 
(4) IRDA 
(5) None of these

4. IRDA with its headquarters at ……… is the regulatory authority for all insurance companies in India including the Life Insurance Corporation of India.
(1) Hyderabad
(2) Bengaluru 
(3) Mumbai 
(4) Delhi 
(5) Chandigarh

5. Mutual Funds fall within 7 supervisory purview of
(1) SBI 
(2) RBI 
(3) SEBI
(4) IRDA 
(5) None of these

6. Which of the following does not come under the category of Development Banks?
(1) Industrial Development Bank of India
(2) Small Industries Development Bank of India
(3) Industrial Investment Bank of India
(4) State Finance Corporation
(5) Export-import Bank

7. Main financial instruments of corporate sector are
(1) Shares 
(ii) Debentures 
(iii) Public Deposits
(iv) Loan from Institutions
Select the correct answer by using of the following codes
(1) i and ii 
(2) ii and iii 
(3) iii and iv 
(4)1, ii and iv 
(5) All I, ii, iii and iv

8. Financial institutions
(1) promote savings 
(2) mobilise savings 
(3) allocate savings among different users
(4) All of the above
(5) None of the above

9. Which of the following is not an / example of primary securities?
(1) Bills 
(2) Bonds 
(3) Shares 
(4) Book debts 
(5) New currency

10. Indian Financial System / comprises of
(1) Scheduled Commercial Banks
(2) Non-banking Financial Institutions
(3) Urban Cooperative Banks
(4) All of the above
(5) None of the above

11. The Bombay Stock Exchange was 7 made functional as early as
(1) 1870
(2) 1901 
(3) 1935 
(4) 1951 
(5) 1949

12. The Unit Trust of India come into existence in
(1) 1964
(2) 1970 
(3) 1975 
(4) 1980 
(5) 1982

13. 19 July 1969, how commercial Banks were nationalised?
(1) 13 
(2) 14
(3) 15 
(4) 16 
(5) 20

14. New Private Banks are being given licenses since
(1) 1991 
(2) 1992 
(3) 1993
(4) 1995 
(5) 2001

15. The gilt-edged market refers to the market for
(i) Government securities
(ii) Semi-government securities
(iii) Corporate securities
Select the correct answer
(1) only i 
(2) i and ii
(3) ii and iii 
(4) i, ii and iii 
(5) only iii

16. First share market in India established in
(1) Delhi 
(2) Mumbai
(3) Kolkata 
(4) Chennai 
(5) None of these

17. Consider the following statements:
(i) Securities that have an original maturity that is greater than one year are traded in capital markets.
(ii) The best known capital market securities are stocks and bonds.
Select the correct answer
(1) (i) is true and (ii) is false 
(2) (i) is false and (ii) is true 
(3) Both are true
(4) Both are false 
(5) None of the above

18. Consider the following statements:
(i) Securities that have an original maturity that is greater than one year are traded in money markets.
(ii) The best known money market securities are stocks and bonds.
(1) (i) is true and (ii) is false 
(2) (i) is false and (ii) is true 
(3) Both are true 
(4) Both are false
(5) None of the above

19. The primary issuers of capital market securities include
(1) the Central Government 
(2) the local Government 
(3) corporations 
(4) the Central and Local Governments and corporations
(5) Local Government and corporations

20. Which of the following is a / characteristic of a capital market instrument?
(1) Liquidity 
(2) Marketability 
(3) Long maturity 
(4) Liquidity premium 
(5) All of the above

General Awareness:

1. A team of Scientists led by Takehiko at Yokohama City University grew sperms in a testtube.
Consider the following statements regarding the scientific break through.
(i) Sperms were grown in a Test-tube for the first time.
(ii) The Scientific breakthrough could help millions of infertile men to attain parenthood.
Now choose the right option:
(a) Both i and ii statements are correct
(b) Only i is correct
(c) Only ii is correct
(d) Both I and ii statements are wrong

2. Scientists, at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute UK, for the first time identified genetic mutations that lead to the development of acute myeloid leukaemia. Acute myeloid leukaemia is
a cancer of the__.
(a) White Blood Cells (WBC)
(b) Red blood Cells (RBC)
(c) Liver Cells
(d) Stem Cells

3. Scientists recently developed a computer that could be controlled by the power of thought. It would help people unable to speak or move. What is the name of the technology which they used
to develop this kind of computer?
(a) electrocortiography
(b) symbian C++
(c) java
(d) flash lite

4. British Scientists at Edinburgh University, in the second week of April 2011, created human kidneys from stem cells in a break through which could lead to transplant patients growing their
organs. Consider the following statements regarding Kidneys in human body.
(i) A person’s kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water.
(ii) The word ‘’renal’ refers to the Lungs in Human Body.
Choose the right option:
(a) Both i and ii statements are correct.
(b) Only i is correct.
(c) Only ii is correct.
(d) Neither i nor ii is correct.

5. GSAT-8 was launched on 21 May 2011 by Ariane-5 from Kourou, French Guiana. Consider the following statements on GSAT-8.
(i) Its weight is 3100 kg.
(ii) It is the largest and heaviest satellite built by the ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation).
Choose the right option.
(a) Both i and ii are correct.
(b) Only i is correct.
(c) Only ii is correct.
(d) Neither i nor ii is correct.

6. India registered a __ per cent increase in tiger population in 2010, according to a report, Status of tigers, co-predators and prey in India-2010, released on 28 July 2011.
(a) 20
(b) 30
(c) 15
(d) 12

7. The world’s first double-leg transplant was performed by doctors in which one of the following countries?
(a) Spain
(b) UK
(c) USA
(d) India

8. The WHO (World Health Organisation)’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated in its study that radiation from cellphone handsets is possibly carcinogenic to
humans and can cause glioma. Glioma is a type of brain cancer.
(a) Brain Cancer
(b) Blood Cancer
(c) Lung Cancer
(d) Liver Cancer

9. China Successfully launched its first unmanned space laboratory. What is the name of this space laboratory?
(a) Tiangong-1
(b) MEASAT-1
(c) ZY-2
(d) CH 726

10. What is the name of the gene that can reduce the length of time people sleep?
(a) ABCC9
(b) ACCB9
(c) ABCC 6
(d) ABBB9

11. In Japan, rice with radiation levels exceeding the country’s safety levels was discovered for the first time since the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in early 2011. The acronym LASER stands
(a) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(b) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Rays
(c) Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(d) Light and Sound emitted by Radiation

12. Union Environment Ministry approved the Lavasa township project in Pune. Consider the following statements:
(i) Lavasa is a private, planned city being built near Pune.
(ii) The project is being developed by HCC ( Hindustan Construction Company).
Choose the right option:
(a) Both i and ii are correct.
(b) Only i is correct.
(c) Only ii is correct.
(d) Neither i nor ii is correct.

13. Arctic ozone hole was detected at record level. The journal nature reported. The ozone layer blocks _____from the Sun.
(a) Infra-Red rays
(b) Ultraviolet-B rays
(c) Ultraviolet-C rays
(d) X-rays

14. India scientists succeeded in decoding the genome of the arhar dal, which is also known as _____.
(a) Pigeon Pea
(b) Black-eyed Pea
(c) Sweet Pea
(d) Split Pea

15. NASA's Kepler mission discovered the first Earth-size planets orbiting a sun-like star outside our solar system. These planets are called ___ and____.
(a) Kepler-20e; Kepler-20f
(b) Kepler-20a; Kepler-20b
(c) Kepler-20c; Kepler-20d
(d) Kepler-20m; Kepler-20n

16. Name the gene found by the neuroscientists, which could help in creating and altering memory.
(a) Mpas4
(b) Npas4
(c) Npas3
(d) Mpas2

17. As per the report compiled by British-based firm Maplecroft, which one of the following countries is top greenhouse gas emitter?
(a) India
(b) USA
(c) China
(d) Japan

18. Scientists produced artificial human semen to help infertile men.
Consider the following statements:
(i) The scientists grew the sperm by enveloping the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly.
(ii) The artificial human semen could help infertile men father their own children.
Choose the right option:
(a) Both i and ii are correct.
(b) Only i is correct.
(c) Only ii is correct.
(d) Neither i nor ii is correct.

19. India registered a __ per cent increase in tiger population in 2010, according to a report, Status of tigers, co-predators and prey in India-2010, released on 28 July 2011.
(a) 20
(b) 30
(c) 15
(d) 12

20. A Japanese supercomputer, K Computer built by Fujitsu Co. grabbed the title of world's bestperforming machine thereby returning Japan to the top of the computer arms race for the first
time in seven years. Which is the other name by which K Computer is known?
(a) Earth Simulator
(b) Riken
(c) Jaguar
(d) Tianhe-1A

Computer Knowledge:

1. In UNIX, which command is used to change the protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1, 2 or 3 ?
(A) Chmod u+x emp[1-3]
(B) Chmod 777 emp*
(C) Chmod u+r ??? emp
(D) Chmod 222 emp ?
(E) None of these

2. The variables which can be accessed by all modules in a C program, are known as
(A) Local variables
(B) Internal variables
(C) External variables
(D) Global variables
(E) None of these

3. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU ?
(A) Mass memory
(B) Internal memory
(C) Non-volatile memory
(E) None of these

4. A record that follws a group of related records and contains data relevant to those records is called as....
(A) Trailer record
(B) Traffic record
(C) Transaction record
(D) Transducer
(E) None of these

5. A type of semiconductor memory that usually has small capacity but very fast access is
(C) Scratchpad
(E) None of these

6. ____ is the study of molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers.
(A) Nanoscience
(B) Microelectrodes
(C) Computer forensics
(D) Artificial intelligence
(E) None of these

7.A single pole, single throw switch with one common line and one output line is
(A) Switch circuit
(B) SPDT switch
(C) SPST switch
(D) Star bit
(E) None of these

8.A one-bit signal that indicates the start of data transmission by an asynchronous device is
(A) Parity bit
(B) Status bit
(C) Zero bit
(D) Star bit
(E) None of these

9.__ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
(A) A process
(B) Software
(C) Storage
(D) Information
(E) None of these

10. The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called
(A) programming
(B) processing
(C) storing
(D) organizing
(E) None of these

11. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to _____ data.
(A) present
(B) input
(C) output
(D) store
(E) None of these

12. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered
(A) data
(B) output
(C) input
(D) the process
(E) None of these

13. A circut with about 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip is called
(E) None of these

14. BD in computer terminology stands for:
a)Bit Data
b)Binary Digit
d)All of the above

15 What is FTP?
a)File Transfer protocol
b)File Transmission Protocol
c)File Truncating Protocol
d)Final Transmission Protocol

16. The term ‘TUX’ is related with:

17. An error in a program code is called:
d)All of the above

18. The heart of any computer system is:
a)I/O Unit
b)Hard disk

19. Which of the following is the fastest memory?

20. Laser jet is a/an ........ printer
c)Either a or b
