Axis Bank Question-Paper |   42169

Axis Bank Question-Paper

                                                        Axis Bank Question Paper

English Language

Directions (1 to 5): In each of the following questions, a proverb has been given. Choose the correct alternative which expresses the meaning of the idiomatic expression.

1)To take with a grain of salt.
a. To take it lightly
b. To take with some reservation
c. Not to belief anyone
d. To take it on heart

2)To talk through one’s hat
a. To talk nonsense
b. To talk sensibly
c. To talk privately
d. To talk against someone

3)To be rolling money
a. Under debt
b. Going through financial loss
c. To give wrong advice
d. Very rich

4)To give up the ghost
a. To die
b. To have a bad dream
c. Encounter with a ghost
d. An impractical thinking

5)To wash one’s dirty linen in public
a. To talk nonsense in front of public
b. to act in a childish way
c. To discuss dirty and scandalous matters in public
d. To face humiliation in front of strangers

Directions (6 to 10): in each of the following questions, choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the below given word/ sentence.

6)A senior Christian priest
a. Pastor
b. Preacher
c. Evangelist
d. Archdeacon

7)A person who dabbles in a subject for enjoyment
a. Drake
b. Dilettante
c. Estuary
d. Erudite

8)Intended to teach or give moral instruction
A. Didactic
B. Diction
C. Dictionary
D. Instructor

9)A political leader appealing to popular desires and prejudices.
a. Haranguer
b. Demagogue
c. Politician
d. Agitator

10)Fear of Needles
a. Belenophobia
b. Bibliophobia
c. Chionophobia
d. Cryophobia

Directions (11 to 12): In each of the following passages, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks appropriately.

11)Market share is 1. very important to a company, oddly sometimes more 2. than the bottom line. There is always great competition for new customers. Many times the efforts and resources devoted to 3. , marketing and selling to new customers are at the expense of a company’s loyal customer base. This can even be seen at the local level. Where I live heating oil companies 4. offer new customers a deal for the first year in order to lure them in. This, of course, is done at the expense of old, loyal customers who have to make up the slack.
The result is that many savvy oil customers these days do a lot of shopping each year to find the best deal 5. is a thing of the past. On a national level the problem has gotten even more serious. A recent financial story in The New Yorker last month observed that there is almost universal recognition that customer service in this country has deteriorated. Such service is considered a “cost”. Companies are looking for the customers they don’t have so they are willing to spend on marketing and advertising but are not as interested in adding to their costs of service. The article made it sound a little like cynical dating. Companies are interested in luring you in but then once they have you; they don’t quite value you as much as the next 6. customer they want to corral.

1. a. Usually 
b. Usual 
c. Actually 
d. Maybe

2. a. Crucial 
b. Resourceful 
c. Important 
d. Required

3. a. Advert 
b. Advertising 
c. Loyalty 
d. Branding

4. a. Consistent 
b. Consistently 
c. Consider 
d. Regularly

5. a. Loyal 
b. Marketing 
c. Selling 
d. Loyalty

6. a. Potential 
b. Wanted 
c. Important 
d. Potent

12)Whether in politics, professional sports, or in business, “players” 1. believe that because of their importance they can ride out any issue or problem. They can’t. We can all easily tick off a dozen or so examples, but the latest is surprising. Johnson & Johnson has 2. gone through a spate of recalls of tainted children’s Tylenol and Motrin. The Company has generally kept a low profile and even contracted with a third party to buy up Motrin off retail shelves rather than announce an actual recall. And for the last decade it has been settling with claimants for a variety of injuries and death allegedly due from Ortho Evra, a contraceptive 3. made by its subsidiary, Ortho McNeil. It appears clear that the current management of J&J has not followed in the footsteps of the management that handled the Tylenol crisis of 1982 which is 4. cited as the quintessential example of crisis management in modern corporate history. Back then cyanide had been found in bottles of Tylenol in the Chicago area. J&J immediately issued public warnings, issued a product recall, created tamper-proof packaging, and before long was back in business.The Company was up-front and willing to bite the bullet in the best interests of the public. Unfortunately that does not 5. to be the philosophy today. There is clearly a danger in believing one’s invincibility. The trust and respect of the public is at stake, and once lost, is very difficult to retrieve.

1. a. Yet 
b. Still 
c. Will 
d. want

2. a. Recently 
b. Just 
c Not 
d. Now

3. a. Area 
b. Patch 
c. Now 
d. When

4. a. Commonly 
b. Now 
c. Even 
d. Often

5. a. Seem 
b. Likely 
c. Appear 
d. Wish

Directions (13 to 15): In the following question, out of the given group of words, choose the correctly spelt word.

13)A. Dramatize
B. Nany
C. Muzle
D. Myrle

14)A. Sady
B. Naphthalene
C. Narcism
D. Nailve

15)A. Fonde
B. Foly
C. Makish
D. Fondant

Directions (16 to 20): In the following questions, one of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically wrong. Spot the grammatically wrong answer.

16)A. One of the most difficult facilitation tasks is time management -- time seems to run out before tasks are completed. Therefore, the biggest challenge is keeping momentum to keep the
process moving.
B. Develop the agendas together have key participants in the meeting.
C. Have someone designated to record important actions, assignments and due dates during the meeting.
D. Meeting management tends to be a set of skills often overlooked by leaders and managers.

17)A. Always start on time; this respects those who showed up on time and reminds late-comers that the scheduling is serious.
B. Always end meetings on time and attempt to end on a positive note.
C. As he has anticipated, an thundering iron gate fall nearby, barricading the entrance to the suite.
D. The curator felt a surge of adrenaline. How could he possibly know this?

18)A. An telephone was ringing in a darkness--a tinny, unfamiliar rings.
B. A collection of the world's most famous paintings seemed to smile down on him like old friends.
C. Slowly, the fog began to lift.
D. His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table.

19)A. The hostess began reading choice excerpts from the inane article, and Langdon felt himself sinking lower and lower in his chair.
B. I cannot presume the authority to stop him.
C. The hall erupted in laughter.
D. And if I find who one of you provides that article, I have the consulate deport you. "

20)A. This photo takes less than an hour ago.
B. I cannot fully express my gratitude to the exceptional team
C. The spiked cilice belt that he wore around his thigh cut into his flesh, and yet his soul sang with satisfaction of service to the Lord.
D. A little over a year ago, Langdon had received a photograph of a corpse and a similar request for help.

Directions (21 to 25): Choose the correct sequence of the alternatives to form a logical and meaningful sentence.

21)A. Review the agenda at the beginning
B. And accept them.
C. of each meeting, giving participants a chance to understand all
D. proposed major topics, change them


22)A. Organizational performance involves the
B. monitor progress toward the goals,
C. recurring activities to establish organizational goals,
D. and make adjustments to achieve those goals


23)A. it's very helpful to
B. regularly conduct assessments of the
C. Current performance of the organization.
D. When seeking to improve the performance of an organization


24)A. whether explicitly or implicitly,
B. it helps to have some basis by which
C. Once you've conducted assessments of your organization,
D. To analyse the results.


25)A. looking for ways to have their work make a
B. In my travels around the country providing workshops on the topic of working spiritually,
C. Difference and to feel energized in a richer way in their work.
D. I’ve found consistently that people are


Directions (26 to 30): In each of the following questions, Keeping 1 and 6 sentences in a fixed order. Choose the correct alternative to decide the logical order between 1 and 6

26)1. Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services.
A. Major, overall activities often include product creation, development, production and distribution.
B. Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations of processes.
C. A great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes.
D. Therefore, operations management often includes substantial measurement and analysis of internal processes.
6. Ultimately, the nature of how operations management is carried out in an organization depends very much on the nature of the products or services in the organization.


27)1. Waiting time is the third generic service output.
A. The lower the waiting time, the higher the level of supply chain service.
B. Waiting time is defined as the amount of time the customer must wait between ordering and receiving products
C. In the personal computer industry, a consumer may visit an electronics or computer specialty store, make a purchase, and carry home a computer with literally no waiting time.
D. Alternative supply chains offer consumers and end users choices in terms of the amount of waiting time required.
6. Alternatively, the customer may order from a catalogue or via the Internet and wait for delivery to the home or office.


28)1. Supply chains provide additional service outputs to their customers.
A. The point to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as a homogeneous market where all consumers desire the same services presented in the same way.
B. They may differ in terms of which services are most important and in terms of the level of each of the services desired to accommodate their needs.
C. For example, some consumers may require immediate availability of a personal computer while others feel that waiting 3 days for a computer configured to their exact requirements is preferable.
D. In addition to the four generic service outputs discussed above, other researchers have identified services related to information, product customization, and after-sales support as
critical to selected customers.
6. Additionally, customers differ in terms of how much they are willing to pay for services.


29)1. The word hiring is sometimes used interchangeably with staffing, which does an injustice to the broad scope of activities involved in staffing.
A. Even before a new employee is hired to do a job, the job should be clearly designed or defined.
B. Job are usually designed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job.
C. Hiring might be thought more specifically as screening the best job candidates, but especially making a formal job offer to the best candidate.
D. A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct. Jobs have titles.
6. A task is a typically defined as a unit of work, that is, a set of activities needed to produce some result.


30)1. The decision about what approach to take to training depends on several factors.
A. These factors include the amount of funding available for training, specificity and complexity of the knowledge and skills needed, timeliness of training needed, and capacity and
motivation of the learner.
B. Self-directed, informal learning can be very low-cost, however the learner should have the capability and motivation to pursue their own training.
C. Other-directed, formal training is typically more expensive than other approaches, but is often the most reliable to use for the learner to achieve the desired knowledge and skills in
a timely fashion.
D. Training may take longer than other-directed forms.
6. Highly specific and routine tasks can often be trained without complete, formal approaches.

