Axis Bank Pattern |   16918

Axis Bank Pattern

                                                       AXIS Bank Exam Pattern 

Basically AXIS Bank exam has the following structure but we urge candidates to get ensure from the AXIS Bank prospectus or from official website before starting the preparation.Students must ensure all the details from the official website.The Freshers Exam papers of AXIS Bank is identical to the Bank PO exams and hence you can use the sample papers and books of PO (Probationary Officers) exams for AXIS Bank Freshers Exam.There are two types of tests in Bank PO written exam: Objective Test & Descriptive Test.

Objective Test Pattern of Axis Bank exam :

In Bank PO exams, the Objective test consists of  four sections :

1. Reasoning Ability
2. Quantitative Aptitude
3. Banking Awareness/General Awareness 
4. English Language 

There is negative marks for the wrong answers in the Objective Tests. You can use the above pattern of exam while preparing for Axis bank written exam.

Descriptive Test Pattern of Axis Bank exam :

The Descriptive Paper consists of General Topic questions for Probationary Officers. 3 questions worth 60 marks are to be answered in 45 minutes.In bank PO exams, the descriptive paper tests your Language composition, clarity of thoughts and brevity, higher order cognitive abilities, organization of ideas in a logical coherent manner and above all: your written communication skill.
