Whole-Testpaper |   26632




Hello Everyone!!!


Selection Procedure:

Written Test : duration 1hr 50 mins

Technical Interview (can be more than 1)



In written test there are 7 section of each 10-20 minuts duration:

1. Verbal( English)
2. Aptitude
3. Mental Ability.
4. Data Structures and OS(20 questions,20 mins)
5. C or C++ (20 questions,20 mins)
6. Comprehension( 15minute reading time +10minutes,10 questions)
7. E-mail writing (5 minutes)


There is a sectional cutoff for each section. So please be prepared and manage your time accordingly. When given time for each section is over, paper is collected back, to create pressure on the candidate.

1) Verbal section contains some easy questions like :

fill in the blanks, abbreviations, vocabulary…

2) Aptitude section
contains mainly a set based questions….just go through the basic set formulas. There were around 5 questions from sets.


3) Mental Ability: there were very easy questions like

Identify the correct match


a) 1114422344243 b) 111442224243  c) 1114422343243


4) Data Structures and OS

Here incomplete codes were given, using queues , trees, linked list etc and we were required to select the correct code from the options given, which will give the correct output.

From OS questions were from context switching, throughput…


5) C or C++

I opted for C. few questions were very easy, but rest were quite difficult. 

1 question was on memmap() function

there was a question like


Q. float f =11.002

     if(f < 11.002)






6) Comprehension.

They will give u 10-15 mins to read the comprehension. And after that questions will b given to you n comprehension paper will not be with you at that time.

My topic of comprehension was on new software for user authentication.


7)Email Writing

here in 10-15mins are given to you to write an professional email.

Situation was like this:

There is a readymade garments showroom F Folio, whose very loyal customer Ms.Preeti wants to return the suit she bought 2 weeks before. And according to the company policy, goods can only b returned within 3 days of purchase. Thereafter no returns are accepted. So kindly write an email to Ms.Preeti that you can’t take goods back once sold after 3 days of purchase.


I had a technical interview, after 2 days of my test. In technical interview, they ask questions mostly from OS, Networking, DS. They started with the last project I did.


·        Normalization from (1NF – 4NF)

·        Best algo to sort student table, on the basis of marks.

·        Join querry

·        Program to implement quick sort, right from the beginning including stack

·        Sparse matrices concept, prog and what is the need of it

·        Complexity of quick sort and bubble sort

·        Zombie process

·        Three way handshake in tcp/ip

·        Scheduling algos in os

·        Case in which fcfs is the best algo

·        How semaphores are implemented

·        Prog to reverse a singly linked list

·        Prog to remove a node from a doubly linked list

·        Devices used in each layer of osi model

·        Protocols used at data link layer

·        Multilevel feedback queue concept



HR Interview


My hr interview was held on telephone, reason being, after my technical round, no hr was present there at that moment. HR interview is mere a formality. Around 90% of the students were through with this round.


Questions in HR interview :

·        Introduction

·        Family background

·        How do feel like to be a younger brother. If given a chance what would you like to be elder or younger brother.

·        Interest (development/ testing) n y?

·        R u placed somewhere and if yes then y do u want to join aricent

·        Relocation?

·        Have you ever worked in a team? N if yes what have u learned from it?

·        Asked to speak on a topic “growth”.

·        Any questions?


I am through with final round … hope to c u in aricent…

All the best.


Amit Jain
