They will divide the team into two groups one should speak in favor of the topic and the other group against the topic. Don't worry they will give the information in a paper, try to get some important points and make a note of that.
Topics were
Petrol price
Recent Political issues
IT based
Aricent Technical Intervview Questions
3). Technical
C,Java,C++ 30 questions 35 Minutes
a) Write the code for inserting a node in singly linked list including 3 cases of inserting in first, last, middle?
b) What is difference between Binary tree & Binary search tree?
c) Write code for inserting a node in Binary search tree?
d) What is meant by scheduling and why we need it in OS?
e) What is OSI layer protocol (each layer functionality) and why we are not using it now?
f) Why is meant by pipelining and how it is working?
g) What is the mechanism that increasing todays computer performance with respect to CO?
h) What are the process models you know?
i) Compare Raid model with water fall model in SE?
Critical incidence.
They gave some 7 Critical incidence questions. Concentrate to the questions and write on what you did?
How you did? and how you succeeded? 30 mins duration.
You can attempt all the questions there is no negative marks. Once you cleared written there is no elimination, only cumulative marks.
Aricent HR Interview Procedure
4 HR
HR is not so cool.stress interview
Did not asked any common questions which we already prepare like tell me about yourself.
Testing your patience and logical ability
Gave me two solution less problems and asked me to solve and give to him at least 10 solutions for each.
Asked questions about O.S ,Networks,C ,Some puzzle type questions
About your project
Be confident.
* Be honest in every stage of recruitment.
* Enjoy every moment of life.
* Be faith in God.
* Do your best, and you will be selected.
* All the Best and Congratulations on being selected in Aricent We will meet soon.