Aricent Candidate-Experiences |   11370

Aricent Candidate-Experiences

Aricent latest and new placemat papers and selection procedure Aricent selection consists Aricent on line aptitude test, Group discussion and Technical HR interview 

Aricent First section of selection procedure
Aptitude Test -General Aptitude and Verbal ability only 50 % of students are selected for the next round

Aricent GD round and Tech HR round

Aricent G.D. is non-eliminating round 
In technical interview it depends upon panel to panel since I am a electronics student and in my panel I was asked about only DCS,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS and basics of C and they will more focus on your projects you had done .so be clear about your projects and in other panels they asked questions on C,C++,DS,OS and they can ask you to write code in front of them and 

only 40% of students clear this round and called for HR interview.

In HR they generally want to check whether you are interested or not in this job and they will ask your strong and weak points and one thing clear be TRUE and 95-98% of students clear this round.
