Candidate-Experiences |   16844



Hi frnds!

I am going to share my recent experience with Aricent. I hope it will help you to prepare for the Off Campuses. The written test was held on 25-feb (sunday),it was an invitation based selection process.

Written Exam
Aricent Written exam has 7 sections. Each section has 10/15/20 questions and the time given is 1 min per question. So be carefull.

1) simple english (prepositions, verbs etc.). you can easily clear this section if u have general idea about english grammer. You can follow any english book if u have problem like new style etc.

2) reasoning . this section has reasoning questions based on puzzles, seating arrangements, cubes puzzles etc. R.s Agarwal is sufficient

3) quntitative . it has ques like sets using venn diagrams, time and work etc.R.s agarwal is sufficient here again.

4) DS and OS. It is the most difficult section as I feel. It has 20 ques and and 20 mins duration. DS was tough and you should be well prepared with trees, graphs and sorting (with programs). there was prog with 1-2 pages to find output or error. 1 question from UNIX also.

5)C/C++. next section is of C or C++ programming. they will ask u to have one lang. C paper is full of pointers and strings, arrays and other questions. Prefer Exploring c and pointers in c to solve. I opted for C.

6) This section is unseen pessage. Not very tough english but the questions are confusing. you should read the pessage at least twice.
I got 15 mins to read it and thereafter given ques based on it with duration of 10 min for 10 ques.

7) the last section is E-mail writing. They assigned a problem specification and you have 5 mins to write email. try to write it in professional way using proper grammer puntuation and english.
I have given that a regular customer of a store wants to exchange the costume after 5 days but the store rules says it should be exchanged within 3 days.So how can u deny for xchange ?

They declared the result after 1 hour and I have cleared the Written exam.

Nitin Goel
