IOB Aptitude Questions

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                                                    IOB Bank Exam Test Paper


IOB Indian Overseas Bank Model Papers of  Reasoning Ability previous years solved question papers


1.  How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRIBUNAL each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ?

(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two

(4) Three

(5) More than three     (Ans)

Solutions :   RU,  LN,  NR,  LR


 2.  In a certain code DOWN as '5@9#'and NAME is written as '#6%3'.  How is MODE written in that code ?

(1) %653

(2) %@63

(3) %5@3

(4) %@53     (Ans)

(5) None of these

Solutions :  

 D    O    W    N           N    A    M    E
 ?    ?    ?    ?   and   ?    ?    ?    ?
 5    @     9    #          #     6    %   3


So,    M    O     D    E
       ?    ?    ?    ?
        %    @    5    3


3.  How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters LGEU using each letter only once in each word ?

(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two      (Ans)

(4) Three

(5) More than three

Solutions :   Meaningful words ? GLUE,  LUGE


4.  If 'R' denotes '-'; 'Q' denotes 'X'; 'W' denotes '/(Div)' and 'A' denotes '+', then ?

42 W 7 R 8 A 6 Q 4 = ?

(1) -22

(2) -168

(3) 22     (Ans)

(4) 28

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   42W7R8A6Q4 = ?

?     ? = 42 ÷ 7 ? 8 + 6 * 4

= 6 ? 8 + 24

= 30 ? 8

= 22


5.  In a certain code THRIVIES is written as SIUHRDU. How is SOULFUL wirtten in that code ?

(1) VPTKKTE      (Ans)




(5) None of the above




6.  The positions of how many digits in the number 59164823 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number ?

(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two       (Ans)

(4) Three

(5) More than three

7.  Mohan walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 15 metres.  He then took  a right turn and walked 20 metres.  He again took a right turn and walked 15 metres. How far is he from the starting point ?

(1) 95 metres

(2) 50 metres      (Ans)

(3) 70 metres

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of the above


Required distance = AE = (AB + BE)

= (30  + 20) = 50


8.  What should come next in the following letter series ?  P Q R S T A B C D E P Q R S A B C D E P Q R S A B C D P Q

(1) R      (Ans)

(2) T

(3) A

(4) B

(5) None of the above

Solutions :  


PQRS           ABCDE

PQRS           ABCD



9.  In a certain code language, 'how can you go' is written as 'ja da ka pa'.  'can you come here' is written as 'na ka sa ja' and 'come and go' is written as 'ra pa sa'.  How is 'here' written in that code language ?

(1) ja

(2) na      (Ans)

(3) pa

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   how can you go ? ja da ka pa

Can you come here  ?  na ka sa ja

Come  and go  ?   ra pa sa

For word 'here' code is 'na'.


10.  What should come next in the following letter series based on English alphabet ?   CEA  IKG  OQM  ?

(1) STW

(2) WUS

(3) SWU

(4) UWS     (Ans)

(5) None of the above



Direction (Q. 11-15)  In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV.  You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.  Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.


11.  Statements  Some trains are cars. All cars are branches.

All branches are nets.  Some nets are dresses.


I.    Some dresses are cars.

II.   Some nets are trains

III.  Some branches are trains.

IV.   Some dresses are trains

(1) Only I and II follow

(2) Only II and III follow      (Ans)

(3) Only I and IV follow

(4) Only II, III and IV follow

(5) None of the above

So,   only II and III follow.


12.  Statements  All papers are clips. Some clips are boards.

Some boards are lanes.  All lanes are roads.


I.    Some roads are boards.

II.   Some lanes are clips.

III.  Some boards are papers.

IV.   Some roads are clips.

(1) Only I and II follow

(2) Only I and III follow

(3) Only I, II and III follow

(4) Only II, III and IV follow

(5) None of the above       (Ans)


So,   only I follow.


13.  Statements  Some pencils are kites. Some kites are desks.  All desks are jungles.  All jungles are mountains.


I.    Some mountains are pencils.

II.   Some jungles are pencils.

III.  Some mountains are desks.

IV.   Some jungles are kites.

(1) Only I and III follow

(2) Only I, II and III follow

(3) Only III and IV follow       (Ans)

(4) Only II, III and IV follow

(5) None of the above


So,   only III and IV  follow.


14.  Statements  All stones are hammers.  No hammer is ring.  Some rings are doors.  All doors are windows.


I.    Some windows are stones.

II.   Some windows are rings.

III.  No window is stone.

IV.   Some rings are stones.

(1) Only I follows

(2) Only II follows

(3) Only III follows

(4) Only either I or III follows

(5) Only either I or III and II follow       (Ans)


So,  either I or III and II follow.


15.  Statements  All pens are clocks.  Some clocks are tyres.  Some tyres are wheels.  Some wheels are buses.


I.    Some buses are tyres.

II.   Some wheels are clocks.

III.  Some wheels are pens.

IV.   Some buses are clocks.

(1) None follows       (Ans)

(2) Only I follows

(3) Only II follows

(4) Only III follows

(5) Only IV follows


None follows 


Direction (Q. 16-20)  Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and  K are sitting around a circle facing the centre.  F is fourth to the right of A who is third to the right of B.K is fourth to the left of B and third to the right of D.  C is third to the right of H. E is second to the left of G.   


16.  Who is to the immediate right of F ?

(1) B

(2) G        (Ans)

(3) E

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these


17.  Who is third to the right of K ?

(1) F

(2) E

(3) G        (Ans)

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these


18.  What is E's position with respect to B ?

(1) Second to the left

(2) Third to the right

(3) Fourth to the right

(4) Third to the left        (Ans)

(5) Fifth to the right


19.  Who is fourth to the left of G ?

(1) C        (Ans)

(2) A

(3) D

(4) K

(5) Data inadequate


20.  In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between the first and the second persons ?

(1) GFB

(2) BGH

(3) ADC

(4) KEC

(5) EGF        (Ans)


Direction (Q. 21-25)  In the following questions, the symbols ?, @, ©, % and é are used with the following meaning as illustrated below :

'P ©  Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q'

'P % Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'

'P é Q' means 'P is neither greater then nor equal to Q'

'P ? Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'

'P @ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q'

Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the three conclusions I, II, III and IV given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

 ?  ?  ?%  ? >

é ? <

 © ?  ?@  ?  = 

21.  Statements     D ? T,   T @ R,   R © M,   M % K


I.    R @ D

II.   R % D

III.  K é T

IV.  M ? T

(1) Only either I or II is true

(2) Only III and IV are true

(3) Only either I or II and III are true

(4) Only either I or II and IV are true

(5) Only either I or II and III and IV are true       (Ans)

Solutions :   D ? T  ?  D ? T

T @ R  ?  T = R

R © M  ?  R ? M 

M % K ? M > K

So,     D ? T = R ? M > K


I.    R @ D  ?  R = D
                               ] Either I or II
II.   R % D  ?  R > D

III.  K é T  ?  K < T (True)

IV.  M ? T   ?  M ? T  (True)

So,  either I or II and III,  IV are true.


22.   Statements     J @ F,   F  ?  N,   N % H,    H © G


I.     G é N

II.   N ©

III.  F é

IV.  J ? G

(1) Only I and II are true       (Ans)

(2) Only I, II and III are true

(3) Only II, III and IV are true

(4) All I, II, III and IV are true

(5) None of the above

Solutions :    J @ F  ?  J = F

F  ?  N  ?  F  ?  N

N % H  ?  N > H

H © G   ?  H ? G

So,  J = F ? N > H ? G


I.     G é N  ?  G < N (True)

II.   N ©J   ?  N ?J  (True)

III.  F éJ   ?  F <J (False)

IV.  J ? G   ?  J ? G (False)

So,  only I and II are true.


23.   Statements     R é K,   K % D,    D @ V,   V ? M


I.     R é D

II.   V é R

III.  D @ M

IV.  M % D

(1) None is true

(2) Only III is true

(3) Only IV is true

(4) Only either III or IV is true       (Ans)

(5) Only either III or IV and II are true

Solutions :    R é K   ?   R < K

K % D   ?  K > D

D @ V   ?  D = V

V ? M   ?  V ? M

So,  R < K > D = V ? M


I.     R é D   ?  R < D (False)

II.   V é R   ?  V < R (False)

III.  D @ M  ?  D = M
                                ] or
IV.  M % D  ?  M > D

So,  either III or IV is true.


24.  Statements     B © T,   T éR,   R % F,    F @ K


I.     B % R

II.   F éT

III.  R % K

IV.  K éT

(1) None is true

(2) Only I is true

(3) Only II is true

(4) Only III is true      (Ans)

(5) Only IV is true

Solutions :    B © T   ?  B ? T

T éR   ?  T <R

R % F   ?  R > F

F @ K   ?  F = K

So,   B ? T <R > F = K


I.     B % R   ?  B > R  (False)

II.   F éT   ?   F <T  (False)

III.  R % K  ?  R > K   (True)

IV.  K éT   ?  K <T  (False)

So,  Only III is true.


25.  Statements     F % N,   N © W,   W ? Y,   Y ˜ T


I.    F % W

II.   T % N

III.  N % Y

IV.  T % W

(1) Only I and III are true

(2) Only I and IV are true     (Ans)

(3) Only II and III are true

(4) Only I, II and IV are true

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   F % N   ?    F > N

N © W   ?   N ? W  

W ? Y   ?  W ? Y

Y é T   ?  Y < T  

So,  F > N ? W ? Y < T  


I.    F % W   ?  F > W  (True)

II.   T % N   ?   T > N  (False) 

III.  N % Y   ?  N > Y  (False) 

IV.  T % W   ?  T > W (True)

So,  Only I and IV are true


Directions (Q. 26-30)  In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between 'strong' arguments and 'weak' arguments, 'Strong' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the questions.  'Weak' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.

Each question below is followed by three arguments numbered (A),(B) and (C).  You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument. 


26.  Statements   Should there be complete ban on setting up of thermal power plants in India ?

Arguments   (A)  Yes, this is the only way to arrest further addition to environmental pollution.

(B)  No, there is a huge shortage of electricity in most parts of the country and hence generation of electricity needs to be augmented.

(C)  No, many developed countries continue to set up thermal power plants in their countries.

(1) None is strong

(2) Only (A) is strong

(3) Only (B) is strong      (Ans)

(4) Only (C) is strong

(5) Only either (A) or (B) is strong

Solutions :   Only argument (B) is strong


27.   Statements   Should road repair work in big cities be carried out only late at night ?

Arguments   (A) No, this way the work will never get completed.

(B)  No, there will be unnecessary use of electricity.

(C)  Yes, the commuters will face lot of problems due to repair work during the day.

(1) None is strong

(2) Only (A) is strong

(3) Only (C) is strong       (Ans)

(4) Only (B) and (C) are strong

(5) Only (A) and (B) are strong

Solutions :   Only argument (C) is strong


28.   Statements   Should all the deemed universities be derecognized and attached to any o the central of state universities in India ?

Arguments   (A) Yes many of these deemed universities do not conform to the required standards of a full-fledged university and hence the level of education is compromised.

(B)  No, these deemed universities have been able to introduce innovative courses suitable to the requirement of various industries as they are free from strict Govt. controls.

(C)  Yes, many such universities are basically money spinning activities and education takes a backseat in these institutions.

(1) Only (A) and (B) are strong

(2) Only (B) and (C) are strong

(3) Only (A) and (C) are strong       (Ans)

(4) All (A),(B) and (C) are strong

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   Only argument (A) and (C) are strong 


29.   Statements   Should there be a cap on drawing groundwater for irrigation purposes in India ?

Arguments   (A) No, irrigation is of prime importance for food production in India and it is heavily dependent on groundwater in many parts of the country.

(B)  Yes, water tables have gone down to alarmingly low levels in some parts of the country where irrigation is primarily dependent on groundwater, which may lead to serious environmental consequences.

(C)  Yes, India just cannot afford to draw groundwater any further as the international agencies have cautioned India against it. 

(1)  Only (A) and (B) are strong       (Ans)

(2) Only (B) and (C) are strong

(3) Only (A) and (C) are strong

(4) All (A),(B) and (C) are strong

(5) None of the above

Solutions :    Only argument (A) and (B) are strong


30.   Statements   Should there be a restriction on the construction of high rise buildings in big cities in India ?

Arguments   (A) No, big cities in India do not have adequate open land plots to accommodate the growing population.

(B)  Yes, only the builders and developers benefit from the construction of high rise buildings.

(C)  Yes, the Govt. should first provide adequate infrastructural facilities to existing buildings before allowing the construction of new high rise buildings.

(1) Only (B) is strong 

(2) Only (C) is strong

(3) Only (A) and (C) are strong

(4) Only (A) is strong        (Ans)

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   Only argument (A) is strong 


Directions (Q. 31-35)  In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions (A),(B) and (C). An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.


31.  Statement   The Govt.  has decided to auction construction of highways to private entities in several blocks across the country on build-operate-transfer basis.

Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?

(A)  An adequate number of private entities may not respond to the Government's auction notification.

(B)  Many private entities in the country are capable of constructing highways within reasonable time.

(C)  The Govt.'s proposal of build-operate-transfer may financially benefit the private entities.

(1) Only (A) and (B) are implicit

(2) Only (B) and (C) are implicit 

(3) Only (B) is implicit          (Ans)

(4) Only (A) and (C) are implicit 

(5) None of the above

Solutions :   Only assumption (B) is implicit  because government has decided means private entities are capable of constructing highways within reasonable time.


32.   Statement   Govt.  has urged all the citizens to use electronic media for carrying out their daily activities, whenever possible, instead of using paper as the manufacture of paper requires the cutting down of a large number of trees causing severe damage to the ecosystem.

Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?

(A)  Most people may be capable of using electronic media to carry out various routines.

(B)  Most people may have access to electronic media for carrying out their daily routine activities.

(C)  People at large may reject the Govt.s' appeal and continue using paper as before.

(1) Only (A) is implicit  

(2) Only (B) is implicit  

(3) Only (A) and (B) are implicit          (Ans)

(4) Only (C) is implicit  

(5) None of the above

Solutions :  Only assumption (A) and (B) are implicit because if government has urged all the citizens and as a result people will try to follow to save ecosystem.  


33.  Statement    The apex body controlling universities in the country has decided to revise the syllabus of all the technical courses to make them focused towards the present needs of the industry there by making the technical graduates more employable than they are at present

Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?

(A)  Technical colleges affiliated to different universities may not welcome the apex body's decision and may continue with the same syllabus as at present.

(B)  The industry may welcome the decision of the apex body and scale up their hiring from these colleges. 

(C)  The Govt. may not allow the apex body to implement its decision in all the colleges as it may lead to chaos.

(1) None is implicit  

(2) Only (A) is implicit  

(3) Only (B) is implicit           (Ans)

(4) Only (C) is implicit  

(5) Only (A) and (B) are implicit

Solutions :  Only assumption (B) is implicit


34.  Statement     Police authority cordoned off the entire locality for the entire day and stopped all vehicular movement for the visit of a top functionary of the government in view of the threat perception and advised all the residents in the area to limit their movement outside their dwellings.

Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?

(A)  Police personnel may not be able to control the vehicular movement in the locality and may seek help from the armed forces.

(B)  People living in the locality may move out of their houses for the day to avoid inconvenience.

(C)  The Govt.  functionary may request the police authority to lift the ban on movement residents of the locality outside their dwellings.

(1) None is implicit            (Ans)

(2) Only (A) is implicit  

(3) Only (B) is implicit  

(4) Only (C) is implicit  

(5) Only (B) and (C) are implicit 

Solutions :  None is implicit  


35.  Statement   The airlines have requested all their bona fide passengers to check the status of flight operations before leaving their homes as heavy fog is causing immense problems to normal flight operations.

Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?

(A)  The majority of the air passengers may check the flight status before starting their journey to the airport.

(B)  The Govt. may take serious objection to the notice issued by the airline company.

(C)  Majority of the passengers may cancel their tickets and postpone their journey till the situation becomes normal. 

(1) None is implicit  

(2) Only (A) is implicit           (Ans)  

(3) Only (B) is implicit  

(4) Only (C) is implicit  

(5) Only (A) and (C) are implicit 

Solutions :  Only assumption (A) is implicit
