Capgemini Aptitude-Analytical new placement papers questions flow chart questions answers

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Capgemini new latest this years placement papers questions with answers here describes capgeminies off and on campus placement paper questions, capgemini flow chart questions,Capgemini placement procedure consists capgemini on line aptitude test with four sections each section consists 25 questions in 25 minutes with 1 positive mark and 0.25 negative marks. Below mentioned questions recently asked in capgemini new placement drives analytical reasoning 25 questions 


Capgemini Analytical Reasoning Questions: 25, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.25 mark for incorrect answer

See the flow chart and answer the following



1. Given that "Namebreak" indicates a name which has not occurred before in the file, indicate which of the following does the flow chart do?

A. The flow chart processes every line in the file

B. The flow chart processes the lines with the first occurrence of a name

C. The "Number of records" indicate the number of unique names in the file

D. The flow chart would process only the first line in the file

2. How will the flowchart handle a scenario where the file is empty?

A. The flow chart will throw an error

B. This will get into an infinite loop

C. There will be no error and it will not print anything

D. There will be no error and it prints "Number of records read" as zero

3 . What will the variable 'ctr' hold at the end of the flowchart execution?

A. The total number of records in the file

B. The total number of unique names in the file

C. The number of records for the last name in the file

D. Zero

4. What is the maximum number of entries in the file that the algorithm in the flowchart can handle?

A. One line

B. Zero lines (i.e., empty file)

C. Until the first "Namebreak" is found

D. Any number of files, governed by any o/s limitation:

See the flow chart and answer the following


5. After the flowchart completely executes, what will be the starting memory address of the array .i.e., the address of value A[0]

A. 2002

B. 2007

C. 2003

D. 1997

6. How will the algorithm in the flowchart handle a value of M=0?

A. Will get into an infinite loop

B. Will throw an error indicating invalid value

C. Will retain the same value

D. The logic does not clearly define this scenario


Eight friends A to H are students of three colleges " Loyola, Xaviers and Christ " with two to three in each college. They are majoring in three subjects " Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Not more than three of them specialize in any subject. G studies Physics in Xaviers with only E who studies Mathematics. A and H do not study in Christ and study the same discipline but not Physics. C studies Mathematics in Christ with F who studies Physics. D studies Mathematics and does not study in the same college were C studies. B does not study Chemistry.

7. Which of the following combinations of College-Student-Subject is correct?

A. Christ-C-Chemistry

B. Loyola-H-Physics

C. Xaviers-G-Chemistry

D. Xaviers-G-Physics

8. In which college(s) do two students study Physics?

A. Only Loyola

B. Only Xaviers

C. Only Christ

D. None of these

9. What is B's specialization?

A. Physics

B. Mathematics

C. Physics or Mathematics

D. Data inadequate

10. In which college does at least one student study Mathematics?

A. Only Loyola

B. Only Xaviers

C. Only Christ

D. All three

11. In which college does D study?

A. Loyola

B. Xaviers

C. Loyola or Xaviers

D. Data inadequate

12. In a certain code language, if 'ADDRESS' is coded as ZCQDRR, then how will you code the word building?





13. Azim is taller than Bikram who is taller than Chitra. Daniel is taller than Ebrahim. None of them is of the same height.
Which of the following is not possible?

A. Bikram is in the middle when they stand according to their heights

B. Azim is not the tallest but Chitra is the shortest

C. Daniel is taller than Bikram and Ebrahim is shorter than Chitra

D. Azim is not the tallest but Chitra is the third shortest

14. In the following series of digits how many even numbers are immediately preceded and immediately followed by 7?
7 6 5 2 4 3 1 7 9 3 5 2 4 3 6 8 4

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

15. Complete the series
4, 18, 100, 294, ______

A. 1000

B. 1100

C. 1210

D. 1452

Each question below consists of a main statement followed by four numbered statements. From the numbered statements, select the one that logically follows the main statement.

16. If the teacher is in the class, then the children will either read or keep quiet.

A. The children will not read or will not keep quiet, implies that the teacher is not in the class

B. If the teacher is not in the class, then the children will not read and will not keep quiet.

C. The children will not read and will not keep quiet, implies that the teacher is not in the class.

D. If the teacher is not in the class, then the children will not keep quiet or will not read

17. Whenever an earthquake occurs, either a tsunami or a volcanic eruption takes place,

A. If a volcanic eruption or a tsunami takes place, then an earthquake must have occurred.

B. If a volcanic eruption did not occur and a tsunami did not occur, then an earthquake did not occur.
C. If an earthquake does not occur, neither a tsunami nor a volcanic eruption takes place

D. If earthquake occurs and volcanic eruption takes place, then tsunami does not occur.

18. Whenever India plays Pakistan, I will either bite my nails or my BP rises.

A. India is not playing Pakistan, means that I will neither bite my nails nor my BP does rise.

B. I am biting my nails or my BP rises, implies that India is playing Pakistan

C. I am not biting my nails or my BP did not rise, means that India is not playing Pakistan

D. If India is playing Pakistan but my BP is not rising, means that I must be biting my nails

19. Unless the party gets a majority, the house will be dissolved and the President's rule will be imposed.

A. The party got a majority, it means that either the house will not be dissolved or the President's rule will not be imposed
B. The house is not dissolved or the President's rule is not imposed, means that the party got a majority
C. The house is not dissolved and the President's rule is not imposed, means that the party got a majority
D. Both (b) and (c).

20. Which space experienced the highest change in energy use between 1990 and 2000?

A. Kitchen

B. Print Room

C. Meeting Rooms

D. PC Room

21. By what percentage did the power usage decrease or increase in 2000 compared to 1990?

A. increase by 11.8%

B. decrease by 11.8%

C. increase by 13.3%

D. decrease by 13.3%

22. What is the difference between the energy used by kitchen in 1990 and in 2000?

A. 3400

B. 1300

C. 2100

D. None of the above

These questions are based on the following data

A team of five players is to be selected from a group of ten players " A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J
(i) Exactly one of G and H must be selected
(ii) H and A must be selected together, if selected
(iii) B and F must be selected together, if selected
(iv) F and J cannot be selected together
(v) C and D cannot be selected together.

23. Which of the following can be a possible team?





24. If J is selected and E is not selected, then who among the following cannot be selected?

A. H

B. D

C. I

D. G

25. Which of the following statements must be true?

A. If G is selected, then B is selected.

B. If G is selected, then at least one of E and I is selected.

C. If H and B are selected, then E cannot be selected.

D. If J is not selected, then B is selected

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