APSC Question-Paper |   4029

APSC Question-Paper

                Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Solved Old Question Paper

1. Female literacy rate in India as per the Census Data, 2011 stands at
A. 64.6%
B. 70.3%
C. 62.5%
D. 68.2%
Answer: A (As per India Census 2011 data, female literacy rate in India is 64.6%)

2. In the last one decade, which among the following sectors has attracted the highest foreign direct investment inflows into india?
A. Chemicals other than fertilizers
B. Service Sector
C. Food processing
D. Telecommunication
Answer: B (As per official GOI data, FDI contribution is highest in Service Sector.)

3. Which Indian economist helped create the United Nations Human Development Index?
A. Jagdish Bhagawati
B. Amartya Sen
C. Arvind Panagariya
D. Ashok Desai
Answer: B (Amartya Sen)

4. In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?
A. The planning Commission
B. The ministry of finance
C. The finance commission
D. The reserve bank of India
Answer: C ( The Ministry of Finance)

5. The committee that recommended abolition of tax rebate under Section 88 is
A. Chelliah Committee
B. Kelkar Committee
C. Shome Committee
D. None of the above
Answer: B (Kelkar Committee recommended abolition of tax rebate under Section 88)

6. VAT is imposed
A. Directly on consumer
B. on the first stage of production
C. on the final stage of production
D. on all stages between production and final sale
Answer: D (VAT is imposed in all stages from production to sale)

7. SEBI is a/an
A. statutory body
B. advisory body
C. constitutional body
D. non-statutory body
Answer: A (SEBI is now a statutory body)

8. In Indiam inflation is measured on the basis of
A. Consumer Price Index
B. Wholesale price Index
C. Human Development Index
D. Market Forces
Answer: B (Wholesale Price Index)

9. The terra-cotta industry in Assam has developed in
A. Goalpara District
B. Barak Valley
C. Dhubri District
D. Tinsukia District
Answer: C (Dhubri District)

10. A rise in the general price level may be caused by
A. a decrease in the aggregate level of output
B. an increase in the effective demand
C. an increase in the supply of money
D. (A) and (c) only
Answer: D

11. In single-brand retail, the Government of India has raised FDI limit through FIPB from 49% to
A. 51%
B. 74%
C. 100%
D. None of the above
Answer: C (FDI in single-brand retail has been increased to 100%)

12. The recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission have been operational for the period
A. 2010-2015
B. 2011-2016
C. 2012-2017
D. None of the above
Answer: A (2010-2015)

13. Which of the following statements is correct for the Planning Commission of India?
A. It is not defined in the Indian Constitution.
B. Members and the Vice Chairman do not have fixed working duration
C. Its members do not require any minimum educational qualification
D. All of the above
Answer: D

14. Decentralized planning on the basis of Panchayati Raj institutions was recommended by
A. Ashok Mehta Committee
B. Gadgil Committee
C. Mahalanobis Committee
D. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
Answer: D (Balwant Rai Mehta Committee)

15. The minimum Needs Programme was introduced in the
A. Fourth Plan
B. Fifth Plan
C. Sixth Plan
D. Seventh Plan
Answer: B. Minimum Needs Programme was introduced in Fifth Five Year Plan(1974–78)

16. There was a plan holiday in India during
A. 1955-1958
B. 1961-1964
C. 1971-1974
D. None of the above
Answer: D ( Plan holiday was in 1966-1969).

17. What was set up in 1950 for conducting large-scale surveys to meet the data needs of the country for the estimation of the national income and related aggregates?
A. The Planning Commission
B. The National Sample Survey
C. The Bureau of Industrial Costs
D. The Central Statistical Organization
Answer: B

18. Which of the following is not correct in respect of the term disinvestment?
A. Reduction of public debt
B. A process of privatization
C. Release of large amounts of public resources locked up in non-strategic public sector enterprise
D. Revival of public sector enterprises
Answer: A

19. Which is the new tax regime proposed to be introduced in the country?
A. GST (Goods Services Tax)
B. VAT (Value Added Tax)
C. Agricultural Income Tax
D. Central Excise
Answer: A (GST)

20. The first systematic attempt of economic planning in India was made in the year
A. 1934
B. 1937
C. 1943
D. 1944
Answer: A (M. Visvesvaraya attempted economic planning in 1934)

21. The minimum amount of calorie-based definition of poverty in India was accepted in them
A. Fourth Plan
B. Fifth Plan
C. Sixth Plan
D. Seventh Plan
Answer: C (Sixth Plan)

22. Under decentralized planning, a planning committee is set up at which level?
A. Block
B. Subdivision
C. District
D. Gaon Panchayat
Answer: C

23. Which is the largest plain of the world?
A. Siberian Plain
B. Indo-Gangatic Plain
C. The Prairies
D. The Steppe Land
Answer: A (Siberian Plain)

24.How much percent of the Indian landmass is covered by the State of Assam?
A. 3.39%
B. 2.39%
C. 4.39%
D. 2.93%
Answer: B

25. Which of the following seas is without a coastline?
A. Black Sea
B. Mediterranean sea
C. Sargasso sea
D. Sea of Azov
Answer: C (Sargasso sea)
