APGENCO Placement Paper |   2191

APGENCO Placement Paper

APGENCO Placement Paper


Q.2. A Small element at critical section of a component is in a bi-axial state of stress with the two principal stresses being 360MPa and 140MPa.The maximum working stress according to Distortion energy theory is

(A) 220MPa                 (B) 110MPa                         (C) 314MPa                   (D) 330MPa            

Q3. Fifty observations of production operations relieved a mean cycle time of 10min. the worker was evaluated to be performing at 90% efficiency. Assuming the allowances to be 10% of the normal time, the stand and time (in sec) for the job is

(A) 0.198                             (B) 7.3                           (C) 9.0                             (D) 9.9                     

Q.4. The lengths of the links of a 4-bar linkage with revolute pairs only are p,q,r and s units. Given that p<q<r<s, which of these links should fixed one , for obtaining “a double crank” mechanism

(A) links of length p                                      (B) links of length q

(C) links of length r                                       (D) links of length s            

Q.5. A project consists of activities A to M shown in the net in the figure below with the duration of activities marked in days. 


                                                       D, 10

                        A, 2                   E, 5       G, 6          L, 3

                                       B,8                                 H, 10

                                   C, 4             F, 9      K, 3           M, 8

The project can be completed

(A)Between 18, 19 days                            (B) Between 20, 22 days  (C) Between 24, 26 days    (D) Between 60, 70 days                        

Q.6. There are two products P and Q with the following characteristics                  


The Economic order quantity (EOQ) of products P and Q will be in ratio

(A) 1 1                             (B) 1 2                           (C) 1 4                         (D) 1 8         

Q.7. A Vibrating machine is isolated from the floor using springs. If the ratio of excitation frequency of vibrating machine to natural frequency of the isolation system is equal to 0.5, the transmissibility ratio of isolation is

(A) 1/2                                 (B) 3/4                                   (C) 2                                   (D) 4/3                 

Q.8. In the window air conditioner, the expansion device used is

(A) Capillary tube  (B) Thermo static expansion valve      

(C) Automatic expansion valve   (D) Float valve                      

Q.9. Figure shows a quick return mechanism. Crank OA rotates clock wise uniformly OA=2 cm, OO'=4 cm. The ratio of time forward motion to that for return motion is

   (A) 0.5                          (B) 2                              (C) √12                              (D) 1                      

Q.10.A thick cylinder subjected to  an internal pressure of 60MPa. If the hoop stress on the outer surface is 150 MPa, then the hoop stress on the internal surface is

(A) 105MPa                  (B) 180MPa              (C) 210MPa.              (D) 135MPa   

Q.11. The Equation of motion for a single degree of freedom system with viscous damping is 4¨x+9¨x+16x=0. The damping ratio is

(A) 9/128                          (B) 9/16                            (C) 9/8√2                             (D) 9/8l              

Q.12. Thermal efficiency of steam turbine can be increased by

(A) Reheating      (B) Regeneration     (C)Increasing the inlet pressure          (D) All of the above          

Q.13. Steam turbines are used for

(A) Electric power generation       (B) Direct drive for fans, compressors       

 (C) Marine propulsion                 (D) All of the above                

Q.14. In an impulse steam turbine, the steam expands in

(A) Nozzles                                             (B) Moving blades       

(C) Nozzle and Moving blades               (D) Moving and fixed blades                 

Q.15. In an air craft gas turbine, the axial flow compressor is preferred because of

(A) High pressure rise          (B) Low frontal area       (C) High thrust        (D) High propulsion         

Q.16. The essential function of the carburetor in a S.I. Engine is to

 (A) Meter the fuel into air stream and amount dictated by the load and speed                             

 (B) Vaporize the fuel                             

 (C) Distribute the fuel uniformly into all cylinders  

 (D) Both (B) and (C)     

Q.17. The most popular firing order in case of a four cylinder in line IC engine is

(A) 1-2-3-4                  (B) 1-3-2-4               (C) 1-3-4-2                  (D) 1-2-4-3                     

Q.18.The air fuel ratio for idling speed of an automobile petrol engine is close to

(A)10:1                      (B) 15:1                               (C) 17:1                                    (D) 21:1   

Q.19. A power screw is a device used for power transmission to convert

(A) Rotary motion into a linear motion              (B) Linear motion into rotary motion                  (C) Sliding motion     (D) Centrifugal motion into rotary motion         

Q.20. Creep depends on

(A) Pressure         (B) Temperature           (C) Load applied           (D) Stiffness

Q.21. Ratio of force transmitted to the force applied is known as

(A) Damping factor                          (B) Damping coefficient    (C) Transmissibility     (D) Magnification factor             

Q.22. A simple gas turbine power plant used for air craft propulsion works on                                                                                                                                    (A) Rankine cycle          (B) Carnot cycle       (C) Brayton cycle       (D) Otto cycle        

Q.23. In EDM process, the tool and work piece are separated by

(A) An electrolyte         (B) A metal conductor         (C) Dielectric fluid        (D) Metallic slum          

Q.24. Surface roughness on a drawing is represented by

(A) Triangles               (B) Circles             (C) Squares           (D) Rectangles

Q.25. Poor fusion in a welded joint is due to

 (A) High welding speed     (B) Dirty metal surface     (C) Improper current    (D) Lack of flux             

Q.26. Mechanical properties of the metal improves in hot working due to

 (A) Recovery of grains                             (B) Recystallisation    (C) Grain growth    (D) Refinement of grain size

Q.27. Certain pilot study showed that % of occurrence of an activity as 50% with 95% confidence level ad an accuracy of ±2%, the no. of observations are

(A) 2500             (B) 2300               (C) 2200                   (D) 2000  &n
