Candidate-Experiences |   27139



I attended Amdocs technical test before three months. The test comprises of 5-6 sections and the there is sufficient separate time
for each sections. The test is through there software " pilate". I have seen that many of you need the Amdocs papper. I don't remember
any question but i will explain the pattern in detail.

Be cool, the cut off for this is 60% absolute in this test that is easy to achieve,

Different sections:

->> PROGRAMMING SECTION:time : 1 hour ( sufficient)
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For this you will be given a booklet of 5-10 pages that contains the basics of Amdocs derived language ...very similar to C... Please read
it carefully before start attempting this section ( there is some problem in the software , so the time get started as u click on this section). So please first read it then start the test , even examples.

There are 5-6 main questions.. they are like algorithm.. you have to understand what to be done in the programme and there are 4-5 sub
questions for each main question. The subquestion are of fill in the blanks type, some are for pedicting the output ect.

->>LANGUAGE TEST : 20 que, 30 minutes
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In the begening you have to select any programming language like C,C++,Java. I appeared for C and the questions are easy. Time : more
than sufficient.

->> SQL /DATABASE TEST : 20 que: 30 min
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Easy one SQL commands, 1 que on views, 1-2 questions are on basic database.

->> UNIX : 20 que, 30 minutes
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Easy, basic UNIX COMMAND... read yeswant kanitkar book.. starting 5 chepters..

4-5 questins on general things like on protocols,TELNET ect.

->>PATTERN MATCHING SECTION : 60 questions , 6 minutes.
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This is unique,easy and scoring part. But the time is very very less.. u have to be very fast. Generally one can attempt 20-30 que only.....
But this is very important to score good in this section..


for ( ;x + 5*y >800 ; ++i+++)
 is similar to
1.for ( ;x - 5*y >800 ; ++i+++)
2.for ( ;x + 5*y >800 ; ++i++)
3.for ( ;x + 5*y >800 ; ++i+++)     CORRECT
4.for ( ;x + 5*y >80; ++i+++)

See here all the options are looking similar. You don't need to apply any logic, any calculation... just find the same "pattern" ... its quite hard to attempt in fraction of seconds. Your main consern in this section should be ACCURACY and TIME.

Perhaps there is NO NEGETIVE marking, so before 1 minutes just mark all ( note that there is separate time for each section, so in 6
minutes, this section will go out)

->>APPTITUDE TEST 20 que, 30 minutes

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The questions are quite good and need some practice. Time is main concern  time and work
percentage and ration
profit and loss

->>NON VERBAL REASONING TEST 20 que, 30 minutes

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Good questions, little tough, time is concern.
Practice some RS Agrawal book.

questions are like...
- complete the sequence.. and 4 pictures are given in and the 5th one is to be chosen through the given options.

->>VERBAL REASONING TEST 20 que, 30 minutes

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There are basically the questions of data sufficiency and questions based on venn digramms... like

All A are B.
Some B are D.

then which is true
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Best of luck.















