AIIMS Paper |   1219


                                              AIIMS Paper - Physics

1. Two thin lenses are put close to each other, focal length of the combination is : 
(1) less than the small focal length 
(2) more than the bigger focal length 
(3) equal to the arithmetical average of the focal length 
(4) equal to the geometrical average of the focal length 

2. A car is moving on a horizontal circular path with 10 m/s constant speed. A rigid body is suspended from ceiling of car with a 1 m. long light rod, the angle between rod and path is : 
(1) 600
(2) 450
(3) 300
(4) zero 

3. Ration of radius of two soap bubbles is 2 : 1 then the ratio of their excess pressure is : 
(1) 2 : 1 
(2) 4 : 1 
(3) 1 : 4 
(4) 1: 2 

4. Ratio of sound velocities is H2 and O2 will be : 
(1) 32 : 1 
(2) 1 : 4 
(3) 16 : 1 
(4) 4 : 1 

5. In which of the waves the energy is not propagated : 
(1) em waves 
(2) longitudional waves 
(3) stationary waves 
(4) transverse waves 

6. A uniform chain of L length and M mass, two third part of chain is on a frictionless table and one third part is vertically suspended, work done to pull the whole chain on table, is : 
(1) MgL/18
(2) MgL/9
(3) MgL/6
(4) MgL/3

7. If the intensity and frequency of incident light is doubled then : 
(1) photo electric current will become is times 
(2) kinetic energy of the emitted electron will be increased and current will be 2 times 
(3) kinetic energy of electrons will be 4 times 
(4) the kinetic energy of electrons will be 2 times 

8. A car travels half distance with 40 kmph and rest half distance with 60 kmph then the average speed of car is : 
(1) 60 kmph 
(2) 52 kmph 
(3) 48 kmph 
(4) 40 kmph 

9. A lift is moving with acceleration a in upward direction then the force applied by mass m on the floor of lift will be : 
(1) ma 
(2) m(g-a) 
(3) m(g+a) 
(4) mg 

10. In a uniform circular motion : 
(1) both acceleration and speed changes 
(2) both acceleration and speed are constant 
(3) both acceleration and velocity are constant 
(4) both acceleration and velocity changes 

11.Ratio of average kinetic evergies of H2 and O2 at a given temp. is : 
(1) 1 : 1 
(2) 1 : 4 
(3) 1 : 8 
(4) 1 : 16 

12. To make the working of a machine, free of magnetism, the cover of this machine must be of : 
(1) non magnetic substance 
(2) diamagnetic substance 
(3) paramagnetic substance 
(4) ferro magnetic substance 

13. In a diode value, the state of saturation can be obtained easily by : 
(1) high plate voltage and high filament 
(2) low filament current and high plate voltage 
(3) low plate voltage and high plate tem 
(4) high filament current and high plate voltage 

14. A magnet is dropped in a long coppertube vertically, the acceleration of magnet : 
(1) equal to g 
(2) less than g 
(3) zero 
(4) greater than g 

15. Joule-second is unit of : 
(1) rotational power 
(2) angular momentum 
(3) rotational energy 
(4) torgue 

16. A 3 coulomb charge enerts 3000 N force in a uniform electrical field, the distance between two points is 1 cm. potential difference will be : 
(1) 9000 V 
(2) 1000 V 
(3) 90 V 
(4) 10 V 

17. 1000 drops, each v volt, are combined to form a big drop, then the potential of the drop will be how many times : 
(1) 1 
(2) 10 
(3) 100 
(4) 1000 

18. Noble prize presented to Einstein for : 
(1) therories of LASER 
(2) photo electric effect 
(3) theory of relativity 
(4) theory of specific heat in solids 

19. If the temp. of an ideal gas filled in a container is increased 10C, the increase in pressure is 0.4%, the initial temp. of the gas is : 
(1) 1200
(2) 2000
(3) 2500
(4) 2500

20. Focal length of a convex lens is 16 cm. it is dipped in water. The refractive indices of the substance of lens and water are 1.5 and 1.33 resp., now the focal length will be : 
(1) 64 cm. 
(2) 18 cm. 
(3) 24.24 cm.
(4) 16 cm

21. In a half wave rectifier circuit, the input signal frequency is 50 Hz, the the output frequency will be : 
(1) 25 Hz 
(2) 50 Hz 
(3) 200 Hz 
(4) 100 Hz 

22. In a triode the ratio of small change in plate voltage and small changes in grid voltage is, if plate current is constant : 
(1) DC plate resistance 
(2) mutual conductance 
(3) AC plate resistance 
(4) amplification factor 

23. If Arsenic is dopped to silicon then its conductivity : 
(1) becomes zero 
(2) unchanged 
(3) increases 
(4) decreases 

24. A condenser is charged and then battery is removed, a dielectric plate is put between the plates of condenser, then correct statement is : 
(1) Q constant V and U decreases 
(2) Q constant V increases U decreases 
(3) Q increases V decreases U increases 
(4) None 

25. Zener diode may be used as a : 
(1) rectifier 
(2) oscillator 
(3) amplifier 
(4) voltage regulator
