Adobe Question-Paper Previous years solved question papers |   20062

Adobe Question-Paper Previous years solved question papers

Adobe Interview Experience MNNIT GET Graduate Engineers placement recruitment procedure. Adobe procedure consists of written round, technical and hr round

Adobe Written Round has 4 sections : 2 aptitude and 2 engineering section aptitude and reasoning section was not difficult it was easy questions. Engineering section was very difficult to crack

The two engineering sections consisted of questions of Data Structures, Algorithms and C outputs.

Some questions that were in the engineering section were

1)Given some numbers like 20,10,5,7,30. Make AVL tree and BST of this. The example involved rotations also.

2)Lowest common ancestor of a BST

3)Reversing a single linked list and double linked list.

4)C output


void crazy(int a,int b, int m, int n)





printf("%d %d %d %dn",a,b,m,n);



int main()





5)C outputs on pointer like

a) int arr[10][20][30] ,base address of a was given , then value of *(*arr+1)+2

b) extern int *a; //File 1

int a[10] //File 2

What happens when both files are compiled

6) GCD of two numbers. They wanted Euclied Algorithm

7) Maximum of three numbers using ternary operator

8) A C output on expansion of Macro. That expansion was to be done very carefully ,otherwise you may get wrong answer

9)Middle of linked list in one traversal

10) evaluation of a prefix expression

11)Question based on hashing. A hash function was given and some numbers were given we have to hash those numbers according to hash function.

12)Assembly language output

13)Pointers to functions

Adobe Technical Round 1

The first round started with c++ outputs. In Adobe they ask a lot of c++ outputs in interview. The outputs were

1)int fun(int &x) and we call this function with

a)fun(a) a was int

b)fun(a) a was long long int

c)fun(a) a was char

In which cases we will get error ?

2) Calling a destructor by object of class . Suppose you have some class X. You create object of that class X a; then call a.~X(); how many times destructor will be called .

3) C++ outputs on virtual functions (About 3 to 5 were asked). Those questions involved virtual pointer table, virtual destructors , size of class in case of virtual functions etc.

4) After that interviewer started asking Java outputs. “super.super.super” is allowed in java or not . Then he asked me about interfaces and abstract class.

5) Then some general questions. What is a cross compiler? What is Unicode ? Why it was needed? UTF-8, UTF-16 , ASCII ? Difference between them.

6) Loop in a linked list. He asked me whether I have done this question or not. I replied yes. So he asked me to make a working code of the question.

7) Full booting procedure

8) Questions on virtual memory. Why it was needed?

9) Longest common substring between two strings. Two solutions by dynamic programming and by trie were given by me.

10) Then some outputs on C pointers. That involved function pointers, and single and double pointer.

11) Some general questions again. Why I want to join Adobe? Whether I will pursue higher studies while working in Adobe?

Adobe Technical Round 2

1) Merge two sorted linked list without using extra memory.

2) There are m machines. each machine generates coins of 10 g.only one machine is defective which generates coins of 9 to find that defective machine in one weighing only. Now there are two defective machines. how do you find them in one weighing. The problem was finally converted to k defective machines,

3) Producer Consumer semaphore code using semwait and semsignal

4) Questions on OS about semaphore and deadlock.

5) Allocate two dimensional matrix using new.

Adobe Technical Round 3

1)Write a c program to select a contiguous subarray of size m from an array such that its sum is closest to zero.

2)Second largest element in a given array

3) Implement queue using two stacks

4) You are given two hour glasses(those glasses are filled with sand). One hour glass gets emptied by 4 minutes another by 7 minutes. Find how will you calculate 9 minutes. Same puzzle was asked to me in GoldMan Sach. All the companies they repeat even the puzzles also :P

5) A question on dynamic programming.

6)Size of structure. Small c outputs on union , enums etc.

HR round as usual questions 
About your project,Aim,Family,
