Whole-Testpaper |   23725



hey frns !! wanna go 4 accenture......... !! of course... who else won't like to .. nyways, herez d format..

1. aptitude test
2. GD
3. HR interview
4. Final interview

Aptitude test is easy.. .... comprises of general english.. including prepositions, articles, venn diagrams, 2  comprehension passages ( 1 is a bit tough n other one is easy ) and essay writing. our topic 4 essay was " IF I WERE THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA" we were given just 5 minutes to write the essay .... so u hav to be very fast.. word length is minimum 100 words for essay.

about 1000 students appeared 4 d apptitude test  out of which about 400  cleared..

next was group discussion.. we had a gp of 15 students.. out of which 4 got selected. it is basically an ellimination round.. out of 15 students.. accenture  hardly choose 2-4 students .. make sure that u r audible n clear on your point. my topic was" WHICH IS BETTER COCA COLA OR PEPSI ?" other topics were "SHOULD COLD DRINKS BE BANNED" " SHOULD CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BE DERE OR NOT "

my personal suggessions :- if u hav a solid point in ur mind..... just without thinkin  initiate the GD.. after dat even if u don't say anything thru out d gd.. still u'll get selected.. coz this shows ur leadership skills.. or.. if u couldn't initiate.. then in between give a valid point related 2 d topic.. n make sure ur point is considered, u r audible n clear.. coz it's tough to b audible in gp of 15 .. so better be loud n confident..

id GD is becoming a fish market .. try to calm every one.. bt also make sure u r giving a valid point  after dat.. just speaking any thing won't work.. u must give a point dats valid

next were interviews.......... both d interviews weer conducted side by side.. sum got d chance 2 appear 4HR and some 4 final interview .. which is basically technical  ... bt actually u cannot say nything..........coz my both d interviews were mixture of both technical n HR !!

HR interview i was asked questions like :
tell us sumthin abt ur self ?
y do u wanna join accenture ?
wat cn u give to accenture ?
any problem if we relocate u ?
f we locate u to chennai ? ny problem ?
u frm CSE ? i said yes.....
den dey asked me ......... what is inheritance ?
give example ?
write program of inheritance ?

dey just check ur confidence n speaking skills........ even if u don't know program... just b confident n write wat ever u know...... i wrote a correct program.. bt it was too simple!!

sum students were asked questions like...ur favorite subject.. n den dey ask u questions related to dat no matter u re mechanical engineer, chemical engineer , electronics engineer... dey hav questions 4 every one :)

ur fav subject in 12th ? some questions like describe faraday's laws, newtons laws were asked..
draw diagram of microprocessor?
one frnd f mine said her fav subject in 12th was chemistry .........
she ws asked Ca + H2SO4  = ?

next was final interview......
dey asked me my introduction..
would u hav ny problem if we relocate u ?
what are data structures ?
what is a variable ?
hat is linked list ?
den i had done oracle 9i , so dey asked me questions related to dat..
what is index ?
what is inner join ?
i was asked to write 2 queries .. one simple select , other of joins !!
were do u see urself after 5 years ?

well , dat ws my experiance......bt i must say.. accentuire really filters the students.. n appoint just selected ones.. only 50  finally got selected..out of 1000 who appeared..

finally i made into accenture...... will b joining soon.... I'm really thnkful to freshersworld.com ........ the placement papers were very very helpful n u frns, don't worry.. it's not too tough.. all u need is confidence , gud comm.skills n knowledge abt ur subjects.. n u r in !! nywyas, all d best to all ..just work hard.. n hav faith in GOD ..

i was rejected in TECH MAHINDRA....... i couldn't clear final HR round.., n ws vry vry discouraged.. bt it's an old sayin bt very true "WAT EVER HAPPENS, IT HAPPENS 4 GUD " n finally i ws in ACCENTURE ,,,,,,,,,,,,so, frnds .......don't loose hope!! GOD BLESS U ALL !!

Disha Chanana
