Interview-other |   6126



hi friends!! this is sukruth..doing my ece engg in VVIET mysore.. i got selected in pool campus selection process to ACCENTURE on 24th july 2007.

let me explain the whole process of the recruitment for u.. totally 343 students from two coll VVIET(around 90) and PESCE(around 250) were assembled in the test hall for written test.

the process was smooth and consisted of 4 rounds initially...

  1. written test
  2. GD(later cancelled)
  3. Tech interview
  4. hr interview.

written test was conducted by merit track. it consisted of three parts: verbal, analytical and attention to detail..there is no neg marking so dont leave any questions answer all the ques. since cut off will be very high...

important topics to be known are-data sufficiency,syllogism, problems on venn diagrams, directions,blood relations,decision making, mathematical operations( all these topics available in R.S aggrawal). in english- prepositions, articles, meanings, passage(refer wren and martin).

out of 343 around 55 got short listed out of which 8 were from our coll.since only few got short listed there was no GD.

HR and TECH interview were held parallely i was made to attend hr first. HR was a lady and she was cool. she just wanted to know how confident am i and how good is my english and how eager am i to join accenture.some of the quest were as follows.

  1. tell me about ur education.
  2. may i know briefly abt ur family.?
  3. being ece student y software?
  4. why accenture?
  5. do u have any role model. tell his achievements.

thank u, then i got selected then i was into tech interview. He was stil more cool than the HR. some of the quest were as follows.

  1. which are ur curriculum subjects of 6th sem.?
  2. any software language in ur curriculum?
  3. which sub are u good at and y do u feel so?
  4. he gave a situation- like if u are into a problem suddenly and how wil u come out of it wat are the variouus steps u take to slve it.?(then just check the analitical skill and approach towards the problem)
  5. wat rae ur stregths and weakness?
  6. differance between 8086and 8085.
  7. which is better language acc to u 8086,8085 or c? and y?
  8. again y accenture y software.?

thanku. i was the first to attend the interview. so i finished interview at 2 and waited til 6:30 even though i was confident that i have done everything rite.

finally at 6:30 results were announced and my name was in he list. totally 34 were given the offer letter and a pen out of whioch 6 ere from our coll.i was very happy that day....!!!!


friends if the day was urs no one can stop u from achieveing the target.. never loose hopes..
