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Accenture is  largest consulting firm of the world,
Hi Friends, my name is Siddharth Walia, and student of MCA from Gndu, Amritsar Accenture visited our campus on 16th, 17th Dec and selected 98 students finally with 130 clearing the test, and i luckily i was one of them, selection procedure
Selection format has changed. No group discussion this time, instead written is harder.
1) Online test (aptitude+english+analytical)
2) Technical interview.
3) HR interview.
(Online test)

Conducted by aspiring minds company, so check out AMCAT all the question papers. Thing to note is you can't go back to questions after you have you attempted, so you have attempt all the questions sequentially and managing time accordingly.

Paper consisted of 75 questions (25 English +25 Aptitude + 25 Quantitative)

English part (25 questions, 25 minutes)
* Pretty basic english
* Synonyms and antonyms

Basic prepostions, no use of mugging papers, just study the concept of SVA(subject verb agreement)

* Plus basic vocab (do it from Barrons) English was really helpfull in case quantitative goes wrong (my case).
So do comprehension from barrons or any GRE book.
Some of the words.

Practice comprehension. You'll be good to go.

Quantitative part (25 questions, 35 minutes)
This is was the tough part.
Mainly questions were concentrated around few topics

Which are
1) Log ex changing base of log and then asking the values of simple logs log(base 4)10? (i was shocked too, as i hadn't done log questions, there were 5 or 6 log questions, so be prepared)
2) Probablity (4 questions)
3) Permutation and combination (prepare for R.S. Aggarwal) direct questions.
Socks questions (4 white, 5 blue, 6 yellow, find probability of finding pairs of same color)

Other topics were evenly distributed ratio, percentage, distances.

* Its d scoring part. Prepare letter series, numbers series.
Directions question (4 questions)
Jumbled words.
Truth false logic.
Deduce and infer questions.

Please don't mug questions/answer, know the concept, because values of questions are always changed, do less but do thorough.
I got through written, i was one of 13 out 70 selccted from batch one, total 7 batches, 450 students approx, 140 cleared the written.

Technical Interview: 
Pretty easy one just tell your areas of interest. Guide the interviewer. Don't let go above your head.
Have confidence. Tell him before in topics which you are good in. (prepare 3 topics, rock solid)
I wrote my field of interest as SQL question
1) Introduce yourself (during which tell dem area/subject of intrest)
2) What is concurrency.
3) What are various factors of concurrency?
I answered prety quicky.

4) What is assocaition and genrelization?
5) What joins and views?
6) Types of joins?
I also didn't knew all the answers, tell them frankly, you dnt know about it, you can't fool them.
otherwise guy was cool, 8-9 questions (approximates 10 minutes, (far better than TCS, 25 minutes long interview)
Got selected in technical round

HR Interview:

This one was tricky.
HR interviewer was female and very competent, they check your confidence and stress coping abilties here.
* Tell about family background.
* After seeing my CV, gave me a paper and told me to wrote all the things i love to do.
I did (playing company games, reading newspapers (read that dat newspaper and know editor in cheif)
* Why counter strike (team play and strategy making game)
* Why should we hire you (your strenghts)
* Can you relocate (if not why?)
Please answer yes you can relocate, i nearly missed up this part. Tell them you can go anywhere and work any time.

* Why Aceenture? (see accenture website)facts about it
* Can you work in night shufts?
* Can you work on any other technical other thant Oracle?
* Qualties of Accenture (integrity, stewardship, global network ex go through Accenture website)

Please be honest, you will mentally harassed here, but stay calm, and don't show you are nervous.

Where do you see yourself after 5 years?

What if we don't select you?

Best of luck for recruitment, and its the best company of the world and you get a chance to work with the best and be confident and stay positive.

Good luck
Any questions- feel free to contact