Whole-Testpaper |   36690




hii friends,
first of all let me convey my sincere gratitude to freshersworld. i attended the accenture placement drive on 18 th august.The selection process is as follows

1.Written test + Essay
3.HR interview
4.Tech interview

1.Written Test + Essay
About 900+ students appeared for the test and about 290 cleared the test.the written test was very easy.for the pattern just go thru all the accenture papers available in this site.it is very very useful.v had to answer 55 Q in 55 minutes.there is no negative marking.after that v were told to write an essay for 5 minutes,The topic was MY COLLEGE LIFE.prepare some common topics for essay becaz there is mark for the essay.

On 25th v had the GD.first  v were given the ppt and it takes more than an hour.listen their ppt carefully becaz when v go to HR they wil ask abt accenture.for the GD they divided the students into groups of 15 each.my topic for the GD was Coeducation.the other topics given were India for the past 60 years,Does the introduction of IT industry is a hinderence to  research, End justifies means and Mean justifies end.these 4 topics were repeated for the whole group of students.try to start the Gd.if u start it is half done.after starting  just make  2 more entries.thats more than enough.if u are not able to start then say some points.when u speak be confident and speak loudly.if u didnt get chance to speak more just giv a nice conclusion if u are told to conclude.from a group of 15 they selected  6or 7.after the GD they wil giv u a form to fill.they eliminated half of the students in the GD.

v had our Hr on 26th.my HR was a cool and friendly person .i entered the room with permission
  me:-Gud morning sir
HR:-Hai....gud morning ..... wat u had for breakfast

HR:-Tell me abt urself
HR:-What u know abt accenture
  me:-Sy their revenue,no of employees,ceo,rank among the companies and all u know abt accenture
HR:-Top 3 IT companies in India
HR:-What is team work?
  me:-All the members working together with co-ordination and co-operation to achieve a single goal.
HR:-Do u hav any offers?
  me:-No sir
  me:-I was not prepared
HR:-Do u hav any gaps in ur studies?
  me:-No sir
HR:-Are u sure?
  me:-Yes sir
HR:-Ok....r u ready to relocate?
HR:-R u ready to work in nightshifts?
HR:-Wat would u do if ur parents didnt allow u to work outside?
  me:-I m free to decide my career
HR:-Wats ur father?
HR:-Wats ur mother?
HR:-Any siblings
  me:-Said(if ur sis/bro is also a soft pro they wil ask y u dont want to work with their company so prepared with that)
HR:-ur GPA?
  me:- Said
HR:-Hav u done any seminars
 me:-I hav done one seminar wen i was in first semester(always say u hav did one ,even u havn't.just prepare  a topic)
HR:-Wat was it?
  me:-As i did in first semester...i dont remember it sir
HR:-But u should
  me:-Then i said wat i remember
HR:-Any project or mini project
  me:-Said(just prepare ur pro/mini pro well)
HR:-Wat u do in ur leisure time
  me:-Sid(they wil ask abt it in detail)
HR:- Hav u ever organised any event in college?
  me:-Said(say u hav organised even if u havn't ..just prepare an event for that)
HR:-Thank u..u can go
  me:-Thanku sir....hav a nice day
HR:-U too

4.Tech interview
      Me:-Gud morning sir
Tech:-Gud morning..take ur seat
      Me:-Thanku sir
Tech:-Tell me abt ur academics
Tech:-Any project or miniproject
      Me:-Told in detail
Tech:-Y u hav less marks in engg  compared to 12th and 10th
      Me:-Prepare a solid reason for this if u hav less marks in engg
Tech:-Wats ur branch?
Tech:-Is this ur first interview?
      Me:-I wrote the tests of TCS and INFOSYS..but i was not able to clear the tests
Tech:-Wats Boyce Codd normal form
      Me:-Told the definition
Tech:-I didnt understand ur formulas...show with a table
      Me:-Did(he wil argue with u but make him convinced by saying that u r right)
Tech:-Wats 4th nomal form
Tech:-Does the above table satisfies 4 th NF?
Tech:-Wats super key?
Tech:-Which is the primary key in the above table
Tech:-How wil u avoid data redundancy in the above table
      Me:-Told by showing values in the table...told my point until he is convinced
Tech:-Now convinced and smiled...any Q's?
      Me:-No sir....i had a lot of Q's in my mind...but all got cleared in the ppt itself
Tech:-Ok thanku
      Me:-Thanku sir ....hav a nice day

Many people r eliminated in the tech and there is a 10% elilimation in the HR. those who r not placed in ur first attempts just dont give hope.....just do ur part and God wil do the rest....just believe in urself and work hard......wat these accenture people looking in u is ur confidence.....if u r average or above in ur communcation skill then b confident..........

All the best
