Whole-Testpaper |   32970



Hi friends
Accenture conducted its placement program at Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil, Tamilnadu , on the 5th of May 2007. It was on campus program. I got selected out of about 250 students(25 students got recruited)-thanks to the Almighty God. Also thanks to freshersworld.

Selection procedure:
Totally 4 rounds
1. Written test
2. GD
3. HR interview
4. Final Interview

1.Written test:
conducted by Meritrac - only one question booklet was given -there were 55 questions to be answered within 60 mins. there were 3 sections:
a. verbal
b. analytical
c. attention to detail
a. verbal (20 qns):-

Questions :--
Fill up with suitable prepositions (5 Qns)
Fill up with suitable articles (5 Qns)
Comprehension: 2 passages Viz.,1.Process, 2. Computer Networks (5 Questions each)

b .analytical (20 qns):-
Prepare from R.S .Agarwal Quantitative aptitude book. Important topics: Venn diagram based pblms, data sufficiency pblms

c. attention to detail(15 qns):-
pblms like

find which of the three are alike:
34456789,34456779,344567 80,34456789..

if $ is 1 and * is 0 then $***$^$$ is…..
if – is *,+ is /,* is +,and / is – then 2+8*6/4-1 is?
this section is more time consuming so I made a lot of guess here……

it was only by God’s grace i got thru the aps…around 90 got selected in aps …and a topic was given for essay writing(5 mins)-topic was "My college life"

The topic given to us was "shud mobile phones be banned within college campus"
Initiation , participation(with relevant strong points) , listening to others were important.

3.HR Interview:
Some of d qns were..
Tell abt urself !
What u expect in a good job?

4. Final Interview:-
Some of d qns were.. (again)Tell abt urself………..
Wat is OOPS?features………..
Wat is polymorphism? Types & …..

Let me tell u one thing….. I was rejected by TCS in 1st round & CTS in the final round wen 131 were selected in our college …….i was very very very discouraged……I prayed to Lord Jesus fervently…finally by His bountiful grace He gave me job in accenture……Prepare with prayers & hope diligently and leave the rest to God - He will giv u d best…

Best of luck!!!!

Ida Janet Serene.
