Candidate-Experiences |   6209



First of all i would like to express my gratitude to freshersworld which has helped me immensely in getting placed. this site is a blessing for frehers like us. I attended accenture placement exam at srmcem,lko in a pool campus. The selection process was a long and tedious one but ended with my selection so i'm very happy. Accenture paper consists of 3 parts - verbal, quanti and attention to details. the paper is quite easy, only requires consistent practice from any reasoning book. don't just go through r.s aggarwal, try to expand your chances of selection by going through some mba material.. 

verbal section is a piece of cake, for everyone, dosn' require great english, just corret use of grammar.

Quants is also very basic, but u should have practised it.

Attention to details only checks your mental applicability, so it dsn't actually require any practice.  the results were announced after 5 days, so we had to wait a little too much. I attended gd on 5th april at lko. Before yhe gd, they gave us a ppt about accenture. be VERY attentive and try to make a mental note of everything,it helps in the interview.

Our gd topic was "Ragging should be legalised". I spoke against the topic. Out of 15, 9 were selected. they don't have a fixed no. they cn take as many they like. 

During gd be cool and clear in your view. DO NOT try to dominate others or get aggresive, just try to give your points clearly and in good english. be original and don't repeat other's points.follw these little bits and u'll be through this round. 

My first interview was hr but he also asked little bit about my project. the interviewer was very nice and i didn't feel nervous at all. he asked me the meaning of my name, books i like to read, what ws the most striking thing i found about accenture, my family background etc. it lasted for about 20 mins. in the end he askd me if i wanted to ask him anything and i asked his name.The only tip for this round is - be confident yet humble. answer only what is asked, don't try to show off and look into his eyes while talking.after the interview got over he gave me his hand, which i shook very firmly, that reflects your confidence. I was asked to wait outside and within 5 mins i was told that i am through that round

I was called for my second interview aftr waiting for 4 hours. he was the most senior person from the recruiting team and very gentle. He asked me my favorite subject which i said was OOPS. he askd me the diff btween oops and c, about my project, why i want to join accenture and few others. in the end he asked me whether i want to ask him anything. i asked him about the working environment at accenture. he told me about it and then askd me to leave.

The results were announced 2 hrs later and by god's grace and my parents' blessings, my name was there. now, i have been dying to write this ever since i started visiting this site....... 

SEE U AT ACCENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers!
