Candidate-Experiences |   3878


Hello friends,
My name is Sourabh Arsey i'm from AITR Indore with ECE branch. Accenture came 2 mait, Delhi on 30th and 31st Oct 2010. Around 1500 students appeared, i don't know the actual figure. with 2 slots ,30 colleges in each slot. Mine was 1st from which 15 batches of 15 students each were selected 4 GD round. And 22 batches of 15 students frm 2nd slot. Cut-off was 32 and mine were 37. As the volunteer who had answer sheets of my GD batch told us the nos. Before the GD, we waitd for 30 40 mins for GD.
1) Aptitude: 55 questions in 60 mins.
Test was quite easy. 20 In English- 2 paragraphs with 5 questions each and other 10 questions on articles, fill in the blanks and synonyms like grue some, requiste etc.
20 Logical reasoning -2 cases were there. Questions on statement and conclusions, venn diagram questions like some plat foot ball, sm play cricket sm play chess, sm play 2 all and questions of sequnce etc.
15 Analytical questions which is the most easy and scorng part. Questions like if # is to add, $ is to divide, @ is to multiply etc.
Friends do this section at 1st  than go for others. Questions on sequnces and words sequnce etc. Well friends you don't have 2 prepare hard for the paper. You just have 2 concentrate and use commn logic to find the answers and should also have knowldge of basic grammer and english. Many were simple calculatns.   Also you can prepare from R.S Aggarwal and wren and martin. After this they gave a topic on which we had 2 write an essay in 5 mins. Our topic was "Impact of IT industry in India".
You can be asked question on that in interview so be prepared.
2. GD
It was 15 students batch. We were given 2 choices either we give  a topic or she will give us one
1. We chose common wealth games as our topic with majority.
It was like a fish market but i spoke 4 5 points for the 1st 10 mins than she told that who haven't spoken this is the last chance. At last 13 out of 15 got selected.
Who didn't get selected were 1 girl who was speaking too much and was trying 2 dominate all the time and was not listening 2 in 1. And other guy didn't speak at all. So you should only participate in the GD to get through it. Don't be over smart else you will not get selected. If you make 2 3 points than you are in. Give others chances as well 2 speak.
3. Technical HR.
Friends this is totally luck basd round. Well after GD most of the people got selectd but some couldn't make it. He asked me very basic question of C and C++ like char size and call by refrence i give the answers.
Remember always give your answers with confidence and  try to find the answer if you don't know exactly.
Than he asked me :
* Tell me about yourself?
* 1 good and 1 bad thing happend with you .
* Why should i take you?
Friends this was the major questions which took next 20 mins of my interview. You have you cnvince him.
* He asked me about my family background and schooling.
Luckily i got selectd. Friend they were also asking to write simple programs like prime no. fibonnaci series, and explaing sorthing etc.
4. HR
This was only a formality round. Very short conversation round. Who got through technical, also got finally selected.
He askd me;
* What do you know about Accenture{Be prepared as it is very common questions, go through website}
* How was your day and exam?
* Where are you from and your college?
* Are you ready 2 relocate?
* Tell me your preffred locations(3 out of 5- 6)
* He asked for terms and conditions like willing to work in shift and many others. I said yes to all.
* Do you want 2 ask in questions?
Then he thanked me and asked me to wait outside.
Finally i got selected, friends be confident you can easily get selectd best of luck.