Candidate-Experiences |   12742


Hello guys. For people who are interested in IT sector, Accenture is a great company to think about. This was a pooled drive where students from many colleges participated. I am guessing that the number must be in thousands. The test began with the written round.

Written: (1 hour)
The entire test consisted of 20 questions from Verbal Ability, 20 Questions from Aptitude and 15 from Analytical Ability. We also had to write an essay of 100 words after finishing the paper for which 10 minutes were given. Our topic was, "India in 2050"
For verbal ability, knowledge of grammar and idioms is enough. The questions included were i)which part of the sentence fits best ii) fill in the blank with most appropriate word meaning iii) 2 small passages, one about holograms and another about database systems.
For aptitude there were quite a few questions from set theory, arrangement of numbers, profit and loss.
From Analytical ability we had i) a complex sequence would be given which we had to match with given options ii) statements and conclusions iii) codes
Written paper was absolutely basic. Anyone and everyone could solve it so to get through written one must make sure to get as many correct answers as they could. Essay is also important as its also read and judged.
GD(10 minutes)
GD was held in groups of 15. We were directed to let everyone speak which some of us didn't :) and to not make a fish-market out of the whole exercise which some of us did ;). Anyways, true to his promise, the judging person gave a chance to those people who couldn't contribute anything. This might be the lifesaver you are looking for in case you're too polite. Just make sure you contribute excellent and new points. Oh our topic was," Which one is preferable: Education in India or Abroad"
Technical and HR
This round was not in any particular sequence. Some people went through their HR rounds first while some appeared for technical first. Mine was technical first. For a group of 15 there were 3 technical interviewers(TIs) which makes it 5 students per TI. My TI was a really good person. We started off with my introduction.
He then looked through my resume and asked me to rate myself from 1 to 10 in C programming. I said 7 so he gave me a program. He asked me to reverse a string containing my name. Then he asked me the logic. Next he asked how to reverse any string that a user wants to input manually. Next came a Maths problem. Then he asked me some details about my family. He also asked me whether I would be willing to work in Metros and whether I am comfortable doing night shifts. I said I am a feminist and believe in women power. He laughed and said that he should be cautious now. He concluded the interview with very warm words and wished me a good day.
After waiting for 8 hours, HR round came. I was the first in the batch. I was rushed into a huge room which was much too cold as it was raining cats and dogs outside . Each corner and centre of this room was occupied by one HR. The echo and murmur of conversations made it difficult to hear things if not spoken loudly. I was ushered into the room and asked to sit on a chair by a consultancy person. While he was arranging things on the desk another person walked to our corner and before I could figure out that it was the HR and stand up and greet, he seated himself and said hello. I said good evening with a smile. He didn't smile however.He asked me to introduce myself and asked me how my technical round went. Then followed 4 rapid fire questions about accenture.
What do you know about the company. Why accenture. What do you think accenture does. Where do you see yourself in accenture in long term. Then he asked me about why he should hire me followed by my weaknesses. Then came a few enquiries about my family. Then he asked me if I preferred any particular work location and at the end he asked me if I had any questions for him to which I gave an abrupt, ""No, Nothing" as an answer. My doubts about something gone wrong came true when he very solemnly said,"You would get through because your problem solving, analytical and communicational skills are good. However, there are certain feedbacks I would like to give you." Then he started to speak and probably changed his mind and asked instead to wait outside. This was downright depressing as it felt like softening the blow kind of words. Anyways 3 tense hours and countless names later, at 11 pm of night I was relieved to hear my name. I was selected.