ABB Selection Procedure |   14887

ABB Selection Procedure

ABB selection procedure 2013

Hi friends I attended ABB graduate recruitment in Pune  Here I'm sharing my experience in ABB written test and ABB Technical and Hr interview

ABB campus recruitment written test consists

Abb written test is an on line test

Aptitude written test and Technical written test

No of questions

Aptitude-50 0r 45 50 minutes

Technical-60 questions 60 minutes

1. Abb Aptitude written test consists

a) Verbal section - 20 (20 mins): Very easy. No need special preps
b)Analytical - 20(25 mins): Somewhat tough. Time matters
c)Attention to detail - 15(15 mins): Easy. Questions like which two are alike

Abb technical written test
Technical - 60(60 mins):

a.Abb conducted stream wise technical written test
in mine was Very tough. Questions from almost every nook and corner of EEE. More questions from switchgears, circuit breakers. etc

ABB technical and hr interview
More of technical. Be thorough with your basics your stream wise questions Mine was, like the current eqn in series RLC circuit.
Questions may be from anywhere.
Prepare your project and paper well.
They asked abt the paper for one hr.

ABB hr interview
First round of assessment was personal interview. there was a list of 20 question that was asked by every student. Some of the questions are as following:
What are your strengths?
Give example that you are hard working.
Have you ever lead a team?
For what you are regretting in your life?
What is more important Process or output?
What your parent said to you when you were coming here?
What are your achievements?
What challenges are you facing at this time?
What will you do if you are not selected for ABB?

After this we have case study. Scenario was that there is car making company, which is giving contract for making small car parts like Brakes, tiers, exhaust system, batteries etc.
Then we have to make a presentation on chart paper provided by company.
We had to mention our offers, how our company is different from others, whether it is a global or local contract and why?

10 minutes was given for presentation no question answer.
After this we had GD on global warming for 30 minutes.

Very tricky hr questions will be asked.
If you clear this round there will be a psychometric test and HR round again.
Not like all other companies.

U should be very formal and prepare well
