placement Paper |   23454

placement Paper

3i-Infotech  selection pattern with Candidate Experience

I am Abhinav Raj from luck now. I appeared 4 3i InfoTech paper today..

Paper pattern

Time duration: 90 mins
-ve marking : .25
3 sections. Verbal, Logic, Arithmetic( 50 qn each. Total 150 qns.)

1 unseen passege of 400 words government loan policy n 10 related ques.and
3 synonyms (range,retreats,unrelenting)
2 antonyms( extreme,continous) these words were marked bold in the passage.
10 ques were on filling pessage with words given. Para was on software development in India. requires strong vocabulary.)
10 on error finding.
5 were to arrange sentences in proper order.
10 ques to fill blanks with proper grammer form of words.

15 on DI (5 on tabular table,5 on bar graph, 5 on pie chart)
2 ques on simple nd compound interest.
7 ques on data sufficiency (easy one)
5 ques were given in which 2 quadratic equations were given in each question n we have to compare value of x nd y.
2 ques to find odd one from options given. (mera ek galat ho gaya)
7 ques to find wrong term in series.
4 ques to find value of (?) in equation.
5 ques on permutation nd combination.

10 ques on puzzle ( two puzzles were given)
4 ques on coding-decoding
5 ques like
p @ I means p>I
e%j means e
5 ques like
a&b%c means add a with product of b and c etc
find value of(?) in equations
5 ques on syllogism
all cats are dog
all dogs are bags etc and choose the correct conclusions.
5 ques on series of mixed characters,numerals n alphabets anser ques checking arrangement.

Thats all dat I remember..paper was really tough..try bank PO papers and cat pattern was followed.BYE……One more thing B4 going to give paper check how to fill the omr answer sheet from documents given by 3i on net..many candidates were creating panic there..BYE..

