Would you lie for the company

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Would you lie for the company?

This another question that pits two values against one another, in this case loyalty against integrity. 
BEST ANSWER: Try to avoid choosing between two values, giving a positive statement which covers all bases instead. 
Example: “I would never do anything to hurt the company..” 
If aggressively pressed to choose between two competing values, always choose personal integrity. It is the most prized of all values. 


Ritu said :

Sir frankly speaking I never want to lie for a company sir because it will damage the company’s reputation and I think the company will not expect me to lie because the company always want me to be honest sir and just I want to be honest to the customers because our company and ourselves are relying on the customers sir.

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Shivendra Pratap said :

I don’t think such kind of problem arise in this leading company. Instead of going for lie we should think about other best alternative. If I will lie it will impact the goodwill and this lie leads to other hundreds of lies. Honesty is right solution to all problems.

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Shivam said :

It totally depends on the situation, if my one lie will be beneficial for 10 peoples and don’t hurt any personal ego or prestige only then I can otherwise I will Never lie. Because Lie cannot remain hidden for long time. It may be caught.

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Suyog singha said :

Sir. It depends on the situation. Usually I do not prefer to lie because getting success based on lie would never be call success. But if my lie is for the benefit of the company and I know that majority of people would not get affected with this then I can lie.

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Parvathi said :

I would never lie for the company because company expect itself to be honest, but sometimes due to critical circumstances company needs lie, but my condition is that I will lie only when it does not negatively affect the interest of stakeholders as well as shareholders of the company.

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Balasubhashini said :

It totally depend on the situation, If customer ask me that your company had this/that kind of facility or not, and customer is having good deal for my company which make bigger profits so I lie him that we are working for it and ask my seniors to give concern on this type of facility and make my company to fulfill the customer requirements. Outside this limitations i’ll never lie because no one can hide the truth.

