Can you work under pressure

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Can you work under pressure?


When asked this question in interview, remember that the employer is looking to uncover your skills in a diverse range of fields including problem solving, decision making, organizational skills, time management and your ability to work under stress. As always, have a carefully chosen example to highlight your adeptness at working in such an environment, being sure to convey your ability to work calmly and efficiently whilst achieving results. 


An employer will want to know that you can work effectively in a fast changing environment and that you are prepared to go the extra mile when required. 

The best answer to this question is “Yes”. Working well under pressure is a good strength/trait to have. But saying yes is not enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to bring the best out of it.


Highly desirable qualities - to overcome stress is 

Planning : Working well under pressure requires careful and skillful planning. Deadlines must be analyzed and enough time allocated to complete tasks, leaving some additional time to take into account unforeseen problems. 
Strategic Thinking : Think outside the box 


Brindha Said :

Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work and from physical stand-point; I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively.

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Munika said :  

Yes. We all know, life is full of pressure n challenge. Actual character of any person comes out in pressure. It also gives me chance to measure myself and gives opportunity to prove my self in this challenging world. So it boost me to work with passion if I want to challenge other one. So like to work in pressure.

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Sunyna Said :

Sir, Working under pressure has always been a learning experience for me because it helps me grow. I have always worked well during deadline, and I always learned how to work more efficiently afterward."
Ankur Said :"I work well under pressure because I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently.

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Swathi Said :

Well I believe I work the same if there’s pressure or not. I try and take the emotional factors and work hard regardless of down time. I always prioritize and organize my work and hence that gives me a Psychological advantage over pressure. At times whenever time becomes a constraint I put extra effort and time to meet the deadline. So pressure has nothing to do with my work.

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Vimal Said :

Yes I can. Everything has some positive effect as well as negative effect. This is natural that many people do mistakes while in pressure. But in the other hand pressure brings sincerity and more seriousness to the work like we prepared in exam. Hence I believe that it will not affect me in work if I am in pressure or not.

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Harsukhpreet Kaur said :

I love to work under pressure because it will allow me to more focus on the work. So I won't consider as strain anytime

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Sneha Gupta said :

I always love my work whatever I want to do. So I never consider more work as a pressure.

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Bharath said :

I always stay out of the problem so that I can be calm and I can get a cool perspective of the problem in a good way.

