Tell me about your career plan

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Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?

Employers ask this question because they want to make sure you are goal-oriented and are thinking about the future. They also want to make sure the job you are interviewing for fits into this “future plan”. Why? Because if it doesn’t, you may leave the company quickly to pursue a role that does. In general, employers prefer to hire candidates that have the intention of sticking around for a while.

Things to consider:

Always looking to your future and showing ambition is a good thing.
Align your goal with the company's goals
Be creative but realistic
Show your passion toward the path ahead of you

Really think about what you want to get out of this job : 
First, assume the next 1-2 years are dedicated doing the job that you’re interviewing for.
Even if growth is important to you/organization that type of commitment is still expected. 
Then think of what you’d want your next step to be from there.

Some companies have a clear structure for growth which you may be able to learn from your company research. If you can find that information, it’s great to have it up front and to use it in your answer.


Santharam said : 

Well, my priority is to grow within a great organization such as this one. I am excited to spend the next few years learning and mastering the role of software programmer. From there, I’d like to take on more responsibility and eventually move into a project manager role. 5 years from now, I’d really like to take on a leadership role in the big projects of this comapny and be able to leverage the experience I’ve built.

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Bhavin Gandhi said :

I am extremely passionate about continuing to work and grow in the telecom industry. After 5 years down the line, I will be a person with much more responsible, competent, knowledgeable and an respectful person in the organization. I would like to see my self to be at respectable position at a good organization where I could use my knowledge and skill to take my organization to a great height.

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Ashwini said :

I’ve no specific plans except that I want to work sincerely in the current profile but be open to opportunities within the organization to advance even if I’ve to switch roles. At this age, I can learn fast and adapt, which are my strengths. I am flexible and will acquire new skills to contribute to the organisation’s success.” Or as a pro you can say, “I’ll strive to refine my skills and be an expert. After proving myself in all the roles, I adorn, I would like to continue contributing in a challenging environment.

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Nikhil said :

I am really interested to work and grow in the field of Marketing Industry. Within 5 years I would like to be recognized as an expert in terms of product knowledge, have developed very close relationships with clients, have significantly expanded the client base in my region and perhaps have been assigned some major national clients.

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Preyesh said :

5 years from now I wish to fine tune myself in the field am assosiated with. I aspire to become an inspiring professional where my team and our company are happy to have me as a valuable asset of this esteemed organization. I hope to hold a responsible position where my decisions pave way for the growth of the organization as well as our employees.

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Prasanthi said :

After 5 years I would like to see myself in a responsible position, where I can address the same question to people and you will feel proud that I was recruited by you.


