IBPS CWE-PO-Clerical Questions answers of Aptitude-Numerical

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IBPS CWE Clerical PO common written examination quantitative aptitude, arithmetic, mathematics model questions with answers to learn and practice These questions were asked in different bank like IBPS SBI,RBI,Co-operative banks clerical po exam questions IBPS CWE Questions with answers of previous years question bank solved question papers of aptitude, reasoning,english,verbal ability, computerknowledge, current affairs latest questions with answers


IBPS Questions 1-20 aptitude questions what should come in ? 

Qs. 1-20. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?

1. 963 + 560 ÷ 35 = ?

(1) 45

(2) 981 

(3) 870

(4) 43

(5) None of these  (ANS)


2. 14400 ÷ 64 ÷ 9 = ?

(1) 27

(2) 23

(3) 29

(4) 21

(5) None of these (ANS)


3. 14.8 × 12.3 × 8.6 = ?

(1) 1555.454

(2) 1535.445

(3) 1545.545

(4) 1565.544 (ANS)

(5) None of these


4. 45% of 720 = 30% of ?

(1) 960

(2) 1080 (ANS)

(3) 1240

(4) 820

(5) None of these


5. 3 1/6 + 4 2/3 - 1 1/4 = ?

(1) 4 1/6

(2) 6 2/9

(3) 6 7/12 (ANS)

(4) 5 1/9

(5) None of these


6. 63251 + 52894 = ? + 37624

(1) 87812

(2) 67281

(3) 76821

(4) 78521 (ANS)

(5) None of these


7.  7 2/7 of 189 + 452 = 2000 - ?

(1) 183

(2) 164

(3) 170

(4) 198

(5) None of these  (ANS)


8. 68% of 595 - 43% of 372 = ?

(1) 244.64 (ANS)

(2) 232.84

(3) 278.44

(4) 260.24

(5) None of these


9. 35% of (?) = 2175.95

(1) 6712

(2) 6217 (ANS)

(3) 6127

(4) 6721

(5) None of these


10. ? ÷ 52 × 12 = 252

(1) 1242

(2) 992

(3) 1142

(4) 1346

(5) None of these  (ANS)


11. (45)2 + (21)2 = (?)2 + 257

(1) 51

(2) 49

(3) 45

(4) 47 (ANS)

(5) None of these


12. 90780 ÷ ?? = 85 × 12

(1) 89

(2) 7921  (ANS)

(3) 7569

(4) 87

(5) None of these


13. 1862 ÷ 28 = ?

(1) 66.5 (ANS)

(2) 67

(3) 64.5

(4) 69

(5) None of these


14. 63% of 962 + ? = 999

(1) 346.92

(2) 368.64

(3) 392.94 (ANS)

(4) 402.68

(5) None of these


15. 743 + 958 = ?% of 5670

(1) 34

(2) 26

(3) 30 (ANS)

(4) 22

(5) None of these


16. ?5929 = ?

(1) 77 (ANS)

(2) 83

(3) 87

(4) 93

(5) None of these


17. 638 + 254 ÷ 8 × 4 = ?

(1) 646

(2) 545

(3) 446

(4) 765 (ANS)

(5) None of these


18. 65% of 400 + ?? = 44% of 800-12% of 400

(1) 1936 (ANS)

(2) 44

(3) 2116

(4) 46

(5) None of these


19.18 × 14 + 46    = ?
      16 × 10 - 23


(1) 1 1/2

(2) 2 24/137 (ANS)

(3) 4 37/138

(4) 3 32/173

(5) None of these


20. 8 × 5 + (?)2 = (11)2

(1) 81

(2) 6561

(3) 9 (ANS)

(4) 27

(5) None of these


IBPS CWE clerical PO aptitude questions 21to some arithmetic's series number series questions and other IBPS aptitude questions profit and loss, percentage and other questions. refer learn and practice 


21. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?

1    4    14    45    139    422    ?

(1) 1268

(2) 1234

(3) 1272 (ANS)

(4) 1216

(5) None of these

Explanation : Multiplying each term by 3 and adding 1,2,3,4,5,6 we get the next nos

? Reqd no. = 422 × 3 + 6 = 1272.


22. 38 per cent of first number is 52 per cent of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second number?

(1) 5 : 4

(2) 16 : 9

(3) 26 : 19 (ANS)

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of these

Explanation :  38/100 x = 52/100 y ? x/y = 26/19


23. What is the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 12,000 at the rate of 10 p.c.p.a. at the end of 3 years?

(1) Rs. 3,972 (ANS)

(2) Rs. 2,567

(3) Rs. 4,780

(4) Rs. 5,609

(5) None of these

Explanation :  C.I = 12000[(11 + 10/100)3 - 1] = Rs. 3972


24. The average age of a man and his son is 54 years. The ratio of their ages is 23 : 13 respectively. What will be ratio of their ages after 6 years?

(1) 10 : 7

(2) 5 : 3 (ANS)

(3) 4 : 3

(4) 3 : 2

(5) None of these

Explanation :   23x +13x = 54 × 2  ? x = 3

Reqd ratio = 23 × 3 + 6  =   5    
                  13 × 3 + 6        3


25. A single person takes 3 minutes to write a letter. If from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon, 1960 letters are to be written, how many persons should be employed on this job?

(1) 53

(2) 47

(3) 51

(4) 49  (ANS)

(5) None of these

Explanation :        1960     =  49            [? a person can write
                        (2 × 60)

            2 × 60      letters in given time]


26. The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 9,530 at the end of 6 years is Rs 2,859. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a?

(1) 5 (ANS)

(2) 7

(3) 9

(4) 11

(5) None of these

Explanation :   R =    2859 × 100       = 5
                               9530 × 6

                   Rate = 5% p.a.


27. The cost of 10 Chairs and 15 Tables is Rs. 15,525. What is the cost of 8 Chairs and 12 Tables?

(1) Rs. 13,560

(2) Rs. 12,420 (ANS)

(3) Rs. 14,840

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of these

Explanation :   10x + 15y = 15525

? 2x + 3y = 3105 (i)        [x = Cost of a chair

       Multiply (i) by 4,         y = Cost of 1 table]

        we get, 8x + 12y = 12420


28. The owner of a Gift shop charges his customer 28% more than the cost price. If a customer paid Rs. 1,408 for some Soft toys, then what was the cost price of those Soft toys?

(1) Rs. 1,300

(2) Rs. 1,000

(3) Rs. 1,200

(4) Rs. 1,400

(5) None of these (ANS)

Explanation :   Reqd cost = 1408 × 100 = Rs. 1100

29. A plot of 715 sq ft is available at the rate of Rs 3,850 per sq ft. If 40% of the total cost of the plot is to be paid for booking the plot, how much is the booking amount?

(1) Rs. 11,10,000

(2) Rs. 11,01,100

(3) Rs. 11,01,000

(4) Rs. 11,00,100

(5) None of these

Explanation :   Reqd amount  = 715  × 3850 ×  40     = Rs. 11,01,100


30. If the product of two successive positive integers is 3192, which is the smaller integer?

(1) 52

(2) 58

(3) 54

(4) 56 (ANS)

(5) None of these

Explanation :  x (x + 1) = 3192 ? x = 56


31. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question?

59.786 ÷ 14.444 × 8.321 = ?

(1) 49

(2) 58

(3) 22

(4) 66

(5) None of these  (ANS)


32. A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 7 : 11 respectively. If the share of C is Rs. 1,351, then what is the total amount of money of A and D together?

(1) Rs. 2,123

(2) Rs. 2,316

(3) Rs. 2,565

(4) Rs. 2,895 (ANS)

(5) None of these

Explanation :              7              x = 1351 ? x = 193 × 27
                         4 + 5 + 7 + 11

Reqd amount  =  4 + 11  × 193 × 27

= Rs. 2,895


33. Mr Madhur deposits an amount of Rs. 58,750 to obtain a simple interest at the rate of 12 p.c.p.a for 4 years. What total amount will Mr Madhur get at the end of 4 years?

(1) Rs. 91,230

(2) Rs. 86,950 (ANS)

(3) Rs. 74,760

(4) Rs. 69,540

(5) None of these

Explanation :     A = 58750 + 58750 × 12 × 4

= Rs. 86,950


34. If an amount of Rs. 96,393 is distributed equally amongst 33 children. How much amount would each child get?

(1) Rs. 2,789

(2) Rs. 2,563

(3) Rs. 2,860

(4) Rs. 2,921  (ANS)

(5) None of these

Explanation :     Each child gets = 96393   = Rs. 2,921

 IBPS CWE clerical PO below mentioned largest collection of solved questions with detailed explanations for IBPS clerical ann all other upcoming banks examinations


35. The difference between 73% of a number and 58% of the same number is 960. What is 22% of that number?

(1) 1408 (ANS)

(2) 1232

(3) 1324

(4) 1536

(5) None of these

Explanation :   (73 - 58)  x = 960 ? x = 6400

 22   x 6400 = Rs. 1408


36. One-seventh of a number is 39. What will be 56% of that number?

(1) 164.66

(2) 152.88 (ANS)

(3) 178.22

(4) 182.44

(5) None of these


37. In a class of 55 students and 3 teachers, each student got sweets that are 20% of the total number of students and each teacher got sweets that are 60% of the total number of students. How many sweets were there?

(1) 737

(2) 671

(3) 714

(4) 638

(5) None of these  (ANS)

Explanation :   Total  sweats

= ( 20 × 55) × 55 + 3 ×( 60  × 55)
    100                          100  

= 704              


38. If (108)2 is added to the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 13033. What is the number?

(1) 33

(2) 43

(3) 37 (ANS)

(4) 47

(5) None of these

Explanation :   x2 + 1082 = 13033  ? x = 37


39. In an examination it is required to get 350 of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 32% marks and is declared failed by 70 marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?

(1) 885

(2) 865

(3) 875 (ANS)

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of these

Explanation :   32  x + 70 = 350  ? x = 875


40. Which number should replace both the question marks in the following equation?

  ?      =   97
388          ?

(1) 222

(2) 196

(3) 206

(4) 178

(5) None of these  (ANS)

Explanation :    x     =   97    ? x = ?97 × 388
                     388         x

= 2 × 97 = 194

 These are all sample arithmetic's aptitude reasoning solved questions with answers for studying IBPS SBI RBI RRBs all common written examinations

