Bharti Aptitude-Numerical

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                                         Bharti Airtel Ltd Aptitude Test Questions

1.The ages of the two persons differ by 20 years. If 5 year ago, the older one be 5 times as old as the younger one, then their present ages, in year are:
A.25, 5
B.30, 10
C.35, 15
D.50, 30

2.A, B and C are three typists, who working simultaneously can type 216 pages in four hours. In one hour, C can type as many pages more than B as B can type more than A. During a period of five hours, C can type as many pages as A can during seven hours. How many pages does each of them type per hour respectively?

3.A person starting with 64 rupees and making 6 bets, wins three times and loses three times, the wins and loses occurring in random order. The chance for a win is equal to the chance for a loss. If each wager is for half the money remaining at the time of the bet, then the final result is:
A.a gain of Rs 27
B.a loss of Rs 37
C.neither gain nor a loss
D.a gain or a loss depending upon the order in which the wins and losses occur.

4.A man arranges to pay off a debt of Rs 3600 by 40 annual instalments which are in A.P. When 30 of the instalments are paid he dies leaving one-third of the debt unpaid. The value of the 8thinstalment is:
A.Rs 35
B.Rs 50
C.Rs 65
D.Rs 70

5.A student was asked to divide a number by 6 and add 12 to the quotient. He, however first added 12 to the number and then divided it by 6, getting 112 as the answer. The correct answer should have been:

6.A father with 8 children takes 3 children at a time to the zoological garden, as often as he can without taking the same 3 children together more than once. Then:
A.number of times he will go to zoological garden is 56.
B.number of times each child will go to the zoological garden is 21.
C.number of times a particular child will not go to the zoological garden is 35.
D.All of the above.

7.Two spinning machines A and B can together produce 3,00,000 m of cloth in 10 hour, if machine B alone can produce the same amount of cloth in 15 hour, then how much cloth can machine A produce alone in 10 hour?
A.2,00,000 m
B.1,00,000 m
C.1,50,000 m
D.50,000 m

8.The sum of A and B's age is 43 years. 11 year hence, A's age will be 7/6 times B's age then. Find B's present age.
A.22 years
B.20 years
C.24 years
D.19 years

9.A, B, C and D play a game of cards. A says to B "If I give you 8 cards, you will have as many as C has and I shall have 3 less than what C has. Also if I take 6 cards from C, I shall have twice as many as D has". If B and D together have 50 cards, how many cards have A got?

10.The age of Mr. Chetan in 2002 was 1/90 of his birth year. What is his age in 2006?

11.Ram's age was square of number last year and it will be cube of a number next year. How long must he wait before his age is again a cube of a number?
A.10 year
B.38 year
C.39 year
D.46 year
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12.In an objective examination of 90 questions, 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions a students got a total of 387 marks. Find the number of questions that he attempted wrong.

13.The ages of Shivali and Tanisha are in the ratio of 11:7 respectively. After 8 years the ratio of their ages will be 15:11. What is the difference in years between their ages?
A.4 year
B.10 year
C.6 year
D.8 year

14.On a scale that measures the intensity of a certain phenomenon a reading of n+1 corresponds to an intensity that is 10 times the intensity corresponding to a reading of n. On that scale the intensity corresponding to a reading of 8 is how many times as great as the intensity corresponding to a reading of 3?

15.The ratio of ages of a father and son is 17:7 respectively. 6 years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:1 respectively. What is the father's present age?

16.Naveen purchased two oranges, 3 apples and 5 bananas and paid Rs 40. Had Naveen purchased 3 oranges, 5 apples and 9 bananas, He would have to pay Rs 64. Gagan demanded only 1 orange, 1 apple and 1 banana. If Naveen purchased only what was demanded by Gagan, then how much would he have paid (in Rs)?

17.A man has 1044 candles. After burning, he can make a new candle from 9 stubs left behind. Find the maximum number of candles that can be made.

18.There are 10 stations on a railway line. The number of different journey tickets that are required by the authorities is:
D.None of these

19.Jay has with him a total of Rs 29 in 5-rupee and 2-rupee denominators. The number of 5-rupee notes in one-half of one less than the number of 2-rupee notes. How many 5-rupee notes and 2-rupee notes does Jay have respectively?

20.Sneh's age is 1/6th of her father's age. Sneh's father's age will be twice of Vimal's age after 10 years. If Vimal's eighth birthday was celebrated 2 years before, then what is Sneh's present age?
A.7 year
B.8 year
C.6 year
D.None of these

21.The right angled triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy-plane, so that the right angle is at P and PR is parallel to the x-axis. The x and y coordinates of P,Q and R are to be integers that satisfy the inequality ?4?x?5 & 6?y?16. How many different triangles with these properties could be constructed?

22.A,B,C and D each had some money. D doubled the amounts with the others. C then doubled the amounts with the others. B then doubled the amounts with the others. A then doubled the amounts with the others. At this stage, each of them has Rs 80. Find the initial amount with C (in Rs).

23.If 1 added to the age of the elder sister, then the ratio of the ages of two sisters becomes 0.5 : 1, but if 2 is subtracted from the age of the younger one, the ratio becomes 1:3, the age of the younger sister will be?
A.7 year
B.5 year
C.8 year
D.10 year

24.In a certain game, each player scores either 2 points or 5 points. If n players score 2 points and m players score 5 points and the total number of points scored is 50, what is the least possible positive difference between n and m?

25.A man purchased 40 fruits; apples and oranges for Rs 17. Had he purchased as many as oranges as apples and as many apples as oranges, he would have paid Rs 15. Find the cost of one pair of an apple and an orange.
A.70 paise
B.60 paise
C.80 paise
D.1 rupee
