Entrance Exam Preparation

CAT Exam Preparations-CAT 2013 Useful Tips

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Useful Tips During the CAT test 2013




Candidates are advised to go through the 15-minute tutorial prior to the start of the test

1. Navigate around the screen - question number, on-screen timer, Next, Previous, Mark and Review buttons

2. Reviewing questions - how to identify which questions are complete,marked or incomplete; and how to go directly to a specific question or review all marked or incomplete questions

3. Note : Question number appears at the top centre of the screen and the timer appears on the top right.


Time management

The on-screen timer is found on the top right corner of every screen. Do check this timer regularly and allocate your time carefully to ensure you to sufficient time to attempt all the questions, Remember, once a section has ended, you will no longer be able to go back to it.


Final check

Allow some time to do final checks before ending the test.


Ending the test ( only available in section 2)

There will be no option to end the first section of the before the full duration of 1 hour 10 mins is up. In the second section, if you are ready to end your test even if there is still time remaining (you would not be allowed to go out of the test centre until the test is over),click on 'Quit test' at the bottom of the screen.

Getting Assistance

If you require any assistance during the test, please raise your hand and a TCA will come to you.



Information about CAT 2013 results is expected to be available on the CAT website www.cat2013.iimidr.ac.in from 14 January 2014
