Data Interpretation questions on Tables are very common in competitive exams. The boxes of the table consist of different type of information like facts and figures, etc. Generally the first row and column of the table denote the titles. While any type of data can be presented in table form, that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table form is more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are basically pictorial or graphical in presentation.

Data Interpretation

Tabular Data-Tabular Data

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Data Interpretation  : can be defined as "the application of statistical procedures to analyze specific observed or assumed facts from a particular study" and includes Tabular graph, pie graph, net graph, bar graphs etc,

Tabular Data Interpretation


1. In terms of prices of 2000, by what percentage has the GDP of the country increased since 1990?
A. 166.67%           
B. 66.67%         
C. 77%           
D. 72.5% 5. 80.25%
Answer :C

Explanation : GDP in 1990=$180 mn. GDP in 2000=$480 2000 prices = $(480/1.5)mn = $320mn in 1990 prices. Increase = $(320-180)mn=$140mn. The % increase in 1990 prices = (100/180)x140=77.78% Approximately it is 77.%.


2. In terms of prices of 1990, what is the approximate percentage increase in Business Investment from 1990 to 2000?
A. 40%                 
B. 140%           
C. 250%         
D. 125% 5. 100%
Answer :B

Explanation : Business investment in 1990=$35 mn. Business investment in 2000=$125 2000 prices = $(125/1.5)mn = $83.3mn in 1990 prices. Increase = $(83.3-35)mn=$49.8mn. It is approximately $50mn. The % increase in 1990 prices = (100/35)x50=143%. Approximately it is 140%.


Exercise Questions

Directions for Questions 1 to 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The Dean's office recently scanned student results into the central computer system. When their character reading software cannot read something, it leaves  that space blank. The scanner output reads as follows:

In the grading system,  A, B, C, D, and F grades  fetch 6, 4,3,2, and 0 grade  points respectively. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the arithmetic mean of the grade points obtained in the five subjects. For example Nisha's GPA is (6 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 0) /5 = 3.6. Some additional facts are also known about the students' grades. These are

a. Vipul obtained the same grade in Marketing as Aparna obtained in Finance and

b. Fazal obtained the same grade in Strategy as Utkarsh did in Marketing.

c. Tara received the same grade in exactly three courses.


1.What grade did Preeti obtain in Statistics?



2.In Operations, Tara could have received the same grade as

a. Ismet        
b. Hari 
c. Jagdeep        


3.What grade did Utkarsh obtain in Finance?

b. C               
c. D                 


4.In Strategy, Gowri' s grade point was higher than that obtained by

b. Hari            


Directions for Questions 5 to 8:  Answer the questions on the basis of   the information given below.

The year was 2006. All six teams in Pool A of World Cup hockey play each  other exactly once. Each win earns a team three points, a draw earns one point and a loss earns zero points. The two teams with the highest points qualify for the semifinals. In case of a tie, the team with the highest goal difference (Goal For  -Goals Against) qualifies.

In the opening match, Spain lost  to Germany.  After the second round (after  each team played two matches),the pool table looked as shown below.

Pool A

In the third round,  Spain  played  Pakistan,  Argentina  played  Germany,  and  New Zealand  played  South  Africa.  All  the  third round  matches  were   drawn.  The following are some results from the fourth and fifth round matches

(i) Spain won both the fourth and fifth round matches.
(ii) Both Argentina and Germany won their fifth round matches  by  3 goals to 0.
(iii) Pakistan won both the fourth and fifth round matches by 1 goal to 0.


5. Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in  the first two

a. Germany beat New Zealand by 1 goal to 0.
b. Spain beat New Zealand by 4 goals to 0.
c. Spain beat South Africa by 2 goals to 0.
d. Germany beat South Africa by 2 goals to 1


6. Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in  the first two

a. Pakistan beat South Africa by 2 goals to
b. Argentina beat Pakistan by 1 goal to 0.
c. Germany beat Pakistan by 2 goals to 1
d. Germany beat Spain by 2 goals to 1.


7. Which  team  finished  at the top of the pool  after  five  rounds  of  matches?

a. Argentina      
b. Germany    
c. Spain          
d. Cannot be determined from the


8.If Pakistan qualified as one of the two teams from Pool A, which was  the other team
   that qualified?

a. Argentina 
b. Germany 
c. Spain 
d. Cannot be determined from the data


Answer Keys

1. a; 2.b; 3.c; 4. b;  5.d; 6.b; 7.d; 8.b

Data Interpretation questions on Tables are very common in competitive exams. The boxes of the table consist of different type of information like facts and figures, etc. Generally the first row and column of the table denote the titles. While any type of data can be presented in table form, that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table form is more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are basically pictorial or graphical in presentation. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with concept, solved questions on pie chart. Questions and answers with explanation on pie chart are also provided.