Logical reasoning aptitude tests are designed to measure candidates’ ability to draw logical conclusions based on statements or arguments, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of those arguments. Each logical reasoning question requires the student or jobseeker to read and comprehend a short passage, then answer one question about it.

Aptitude Questions

Placement Paper-Punjab and Sind Bank Placement Paper

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                                    Punjab and Sind Bank Placement Paper

Reasoning Ability

1. In a certain code ‘PLANT’ is written as ‘$@2*©’ and ‘YIELD’ is written as ‘ β 64@%’. How is ‘DELAY’ written in that code?
(1) β 4*2% 
(2) β 4@2%
(3) %42@β 
(4)%4@2 β
(5) None of these

2. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ARILT using each letter only once in that word?
(1) None 
(2) One
(3) Two 
(4) Three
(5) More than three

3. D said, “A’s fathers is only brother of my sister’s son.” How is A’s father related to D?
(1) Cousin 
(2) Nephew
(3) Aunt
(4) Data Inadequate
(5) None of these

4. If the positions of the first and the second digit within each number are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number? 
(1) 632 
(3) 576 
(5) 394

5. If the first and second digits of each of the numbers are added the  resulting sum of which of the following numbers will not be exactly divisible by 3?
(1) 895 
(3) 576 
(5) 783

6. If 2 is added to the last digit of each number and then the positions of the first and the third digit are interchanged, which of the following will be the highest number?
(1) 576 
(3) 783 
(5) 632

7. If ‘A’ is coded as 1, ‘B’ as 3, ‘C’ as 5 and so on, which of the following is the numerical value of the word ‘FAZED’?
(1) 81 
(3) 77 
(5) None of these

8. Which of the following pairs of words have the same relationship as FAN : HEAT?
(1) Water : Drink
(2) Light : Night
(3) Teach : Student
(4) Air : Breathe
(5) Food : Hunger

9. Q types faster than R but not as fast as V. T types faster than R. S types faster than V. Who amongst the five of them types the fastest?
(1) V 
(2) T
(3) S
(4) Data Inadequate
(5) None of these

10. If ‘B × C’ means ‘B is the daughter of C’, ‘B + C’ means ‘B is the husband of C’ and ‘B - C’ means ‘B is the sister of C’, then what does ‘M + N - P × Q’ mean?
(1) M is the brother-in-law of Q
(2) M is the uncle of Q
(3) M is the son-in-law of Q
(4) Q is the mother-in-law of M
(5) None of these

11- 15. Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
R D A K 5 B I 2 M J E N 9 7 U Z V 1 W 3 H 4 F Y 8 P 6 T G

11. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a vowel?
(1) None 
(2) One
(3) Two 
(4) Three
(5) None of these

12. Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the seventeenth from the left end?
(1) M 
(2) J
(3) 8 
(5) None of these

13. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based of their positions in the above arrangement?
(1) E 9 J 
(2) Z 1 U
(3) H W 4 
(4) Y 4 8
(5) B 2 K

14. Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the nineteenth from the right end?
(1) 5 
(2) Z
(3) V 
(5) None of these

15. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by another consonant?
(1) None 
(2) One
(3) Two 
(4) Three
(5) More than three

16-20. Each of the questions below consists of a equation and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read the statements and _________
Give answer (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question ,while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question ,while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (4) if the data given in both the statement I & II together are not sufficient to answer the question, and 
Give answer (5) if the data in both thestatement I & II together are necessary to answer the question.

16. How is ‘never ’ written in a code language?
I . ‘never ever go there’ is written as ‘na ja ni ho ’ in that coed language.
II . ‘go there and come back ’ is written as ‘ma ho sa ni da’ in that code language.

17. Among M, P, K, J, T and W, who is lighter than only the heaviest?
I . P is heavier than M and T.
II . W is heavier than P but lighter than J who is not the heaviest.

18. What does ‘ $ ’ mean in a code language?
I . ‘5 $ # 3’ means ‘flowers are really good’.
II . ‘7 # 3 5’ means ‘good flowers are available’.

19. How is P related to J?
I . M is brother of P and T is sister of P.
II . P ’s mother is married to J ’s husband who has one son and two daughters.

20. How many students are there between Suresh and Mohan in a row of fifty students?
I . Suresh is twelfth from the left end and Mohan is seventeenth from the right end.
II . Suresh is six places away from Jayesh who is twentieth from the left end.

21-25. In each of the following question, a group of letters is to be coded by numbers/ symbol codes as per the codes given below and the conditions that follow. In each question, a group of letters is given followed by groups of numbers /symbol code numbered (1),(2),(3) and (4). The correct combination of codes is your answer. If none of the four combinations is correct, you answer is (5),i.e. ‘None of these’.
Letters : P D AF L H M R K T B E U 
Number/Symbol Code : 3 6 # 8 $4 2 7 @ 9 5 1 % 

Conditions: (I) If the first letters is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, both are to be coded as ‘0’.
(II) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel, both are to be coded as ‘©’. 
(III) If the first as well as the last letter are vowels, both are to be coded as the code for first letter.

(1) @16%7@ 
(3) 916%79 
(4) @16 $79
(5) None of these

(1) 167923 
(3) 067920 
(5) None of these

(1) 847#28 
(3) 847#2% 
(4) ©47#2©
(5) None of these

(1) %$934% 
(2)1 $9341
(3) %$9341 
(4)1 $934%
(5) None of these

(1) 5@16 $4 
(2)4@16 $5
(3) ©@16 $4 
(4)0@16 $5
(5) None of these

26-30. Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it.
A group of seven friends; A, B, C, D, E, F and G work as Economist, Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal Operator, Clerk, Forex  Officer and Research Analyst, for Banks L, M, N, P, Q, R and S but not necessarily in the same order. C works for Bank N and is neither a Research Analyst nor a Clerk. E is an IT Officer and works for Bank R. A works as Forex Officer and does not work for Bank L or Q. The one who is an Agriculture Officer works for Bank M. The one who works for Bank L works and as a Terminal Operator. F works for Bank Q. G works for Bank P as a Research Analyst. D is not an Agriculture Officer.

26. Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture Officer?
(1) C 
(2) B
(3) F 
(4) D
(5) None of these

27. What is the profession of C?
(1) Terminal operator
(2) Agriculture Officer
(3) Economist
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

28. For which bank does B work?
(1) M 
(2) S
(3) L 
(4) Either M or S
(5) None of these

29. What is the profession of the person who works for Bank S?
(1) Clerk
(2) Agriculture Officer
(3) Terminal Operator
(4) Forex Officer
(5) None of these

30. Which of the following combinations of person , profession and bank is correct?
(1) A - Forex Officer - M
(2) D - Clerk - L
(3) F - Agriculture - Officer - Q
(4) B - Agriculture Officer - S
(5) None of these

31-35. In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and © are used with the following meaning as illustrated below:
‘P # Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
‘P © Q’ means ‘P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q’.
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’. 
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
Now in each of the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

31. Statements : R @ D, D © W,B $ W
Conclusions : I . W # R
II . B © D
III. W $ R
(1) None is true
(2) Only I is true
(3) Only III is true
(4) Only either I or III is true
(5) All are true

32. Statements : H $ V, V % M,K © M
Conclusions : I . K © V
II . M @ H
III. H © K
(1) Only I and III are true
(2) Only II and III are true
(3) Only I and II are true
(4) All are true
(5) None of these

33. Statements : K # T, T $ B, B@ F
Conclusions : I . F $ T
II . K # B
III. T $ F
(1) None is true
(2) Only I is true
(3) Only I and II are true
(4) Only II and III are true
(5) All are true

34. Statements : Z # F, R @ F, D© R
Conclusions : I . Z # R
II . F # D
III. D © Z
(1) None is true
(2) Only I is true
(3) Only III is true
(4) Only either I or III is true
(5) All are true

35. Statements : M © R, R % D,D @ N
Conclusions : I . M © N
II . N $ R
II . M © D
(1) Only I and II are true
(2) Only II and III are true
(3) Only I and III are true 
(4) All are true
(5) None of these

36-40. Below in each question are given two statements (A) and (B). These statements may be either independent causes or may be effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both the statements are decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements.
Mark answer (1) if statement (A) is the cause and statement (B) is its effect.
Mark answer (2) if statement (B) is the cause and statement (A) is its effect.
Mark answer (3) if both the statements (A ) and (B ) are independent causes.
Mark answer (4) if both the statement (A) and (B ) are effects of independent causes.
Mark answer (5) if both the statements (A) and (B) are effects of some common cause.

36. (A) State Govt . has ordered immediate ban on airing of certain movie channels on television.
(B) Few social activists have come together and demanded ban on telecasting ‘Adult’ movies on television.

37. (A) Employment scenario in the country has remarkably improved recently.
(B) The number of prospective job-seekers going abroad has increased recently.

38. (A) Government has tightened security checks at all important places and also at various public places.
(B) Incidences of terrorist attacks are increasing day by day.

39. (A) High court has fixed a time limit for repairing all the roads in the city.
(B) Road Development Authorities in the city are carrying out road work on urgent basis.

40. (A) There is an outbreak of several epidemics in the country.
(B) There was a worst flood situation ever experienced in the past in most part of the country.

Logical reasoning aptitude tests are designed to measure candidates’ ability to draw logical conclusions based on statements or arguments, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of those arguments. Each logical reasoning question requires the student or jobseeker to read and comprehend a short passage, then answer one question about it. The freshersworld’s website provides logical reasoning free online practice tests, logical Reasoning Sample Questions and Logical puzzles - for interviews, placement, competitive and entrance tests. It also provides Logical Aptitude Questions and Answers with solutions and tips and tricks on many topics such as Blood Relation, Clocks Calender and Age, Direction and Senses, Cubes and Dices, Day Sequence, Coding and Decoding, Puzzles, Series, Statement and Assumptions, Statements and Conclusions, Input and many more. It also provides Logical aptitude placement papers for IT companies like Tech Mahindra, WIPRO and some more. What are the types of logical reasoning? Two types of logical reasoning • Deduction: Deductive reasoning uses available information, facts or premises to arrive at a conclusion. Example: All dolphins are mammals, all mammals have kidneys; therefore all dolphins have kidneys. • Induction: The inductive reasoning follows a particular flow or behaviour so as to make inferences. Example: Every tornado I have ever seen in the United States rotated counterclockwise, and I have seen dozens of them. How to solve logical reasoning aptitude questions? • Read the logical reasoning question properly and try to screen important data for the solution. • A major part of Logical Reasoning requires you to identify the patterns in the given problem. • Put all the information in tabular format, Venn diagram, pie charts, bar graphs or any other form of data depending on the type of question. • Focus on accuracy instead of aiming to attempt more and more questions. Spend a little bit of more time on the question and make sure your answer is right. • Words such as ‘all’, ‘some’, ‘none’, ‘other than’, ‘only’, ‘unless’,’ ‘if and only if’ play an vital role in finding what’s to be done with the question. Any mis-understanding of the question due to these words will lead you to the wrong answer.