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I attended Infosys recuritment drive (through jkc) on 24 mar 2011. So  the pattern of Infosys  which mentioned in previous papers as same. First of all before starting written exam we have pre-presentation activity that may takes nearly one hour(explained company details by  HR). After that written exam wouid be started.

Patteren like this
1: logicol reasoing(30ques-40min)
2: verbal ability(40ques-35min)
First of all reasoing paper given that consists structure like this
1-5(three figures given those are some arrangements and fourth given as questoin mark and Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace the question mark (?). This type of questions are
6-10(simple puzzle)
11-15(data interpertation more calculations require)
16-20(data suffiency )
21-25(did not say complex but some wat tough puzzle)

So after 5min gap verbal paper was given that consists like this
1-8(spotting errors)
9-16(choosing apprapriate sentence from the given options)
17-23(sentence filler, sentence completion,synonyms,antonyms e.t.c will be given)
24-30(about theme detection)
31-35(small passage)
35-40(lenghthy and tough so u go  question to answer)
Totaly after 75mins answer sheet collected and result announced afetr three hrs sectional cuttoff may be reasoing 60% and verbal 50% based on requirement of those. One thing would remind that if u need compulsary placement in infosys u can do the written paper espacially verbal its look like simple and also answers are nearly same but picking of best one is main thing so do those with another people or with team.
All the best guys