Aptitude - Puzzle

|   15883

1. The following information is available about a group of young men in a colony.     [ Marks: 8 ]

All handsome, fair skinned, muscular, lean, employed, and rich men are tall.

All handsome men are fair skinned.

Some muscular men are handsome.

Some muscular men are not fair skinned.

All lean men are muscular.

No lean man is handsome.

No fair skinned man who is not handsome is rich.

All tall men who are neither fair skinned nor muscular are employed.

1. pramod is not fair skinned. Which of the following must be true ?

       a) pramod is employed

       b) if pramod is muscular, he is neither handsome nor lean

       c)  if pramod is tall, he is employed or muscular.

       d) if pramod is not employed, he is muscular.

       e)  if pramod is tall, he may be muscular or handsome, but not both.

2. which must be false if the information given is true ?

       a) no lean men are fair skinned.

        b) some fair skinned are lean.

        c) some rich men are both fair skinned and muscular.

        d) some tall men are neither fair skinned nor employed

        e) some rich men are lean

3. which of the following can be deduced from the information given ?

        a) all rich men are handsome

        b) some rich men are handsome

        c) some rich men are employed

        d) some rich men are muscular

        e) all rich men are handsome, muscular, or employed

4. which cannot be shown to be true or false on the basis of the information given ?

        I. No fair skinned or muscular man is employed

       II. Some muscular men are fair skinned but not handsome

      III. No fair skinned man both handsome and lean

       a) I only         b) II only          c) III only         d) I and II        e) II and III ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.                                                                                                                     [ Marks : 4  ]

After gathering 770 chestnuts, three girls divided them up so that amounts were in the same proportion as their ages. As often as mary took four chestnuts, nelli  took  three, and for every six that mary received, Susie took seven. How many chestnuts did each girl get ?


3.                                                                                                                      [ Marks : 5  ]

A supportive young hare and tortoise raced in opposite directions around a circular track that was 100 yards in diameter. They started at the same spot, but the hare did not move until the tortoise had a start of one eighth of the distance ( that is, the circumference of the circle). The hare held such a poor opinion of the other’s  racing ability that he sauntered along, nibbling the grass until he met the tortoise. At this point the hare had gone one sixth of the distance. How many times faster than he went before must the hare now run in order to win the race ?


4.                                                                                                                     [ Marks : 4  ]

Ajit was driving down the country side when he saw a farmer tending his pigs and ducks in his yard. Ajit asked the farmer how many of each he had.

The farmer replied that there were 60 eyes and 86 feet between them.

How many ducks and how many pigs were there ?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.                                                                                                                  [ Marks : 4  ]

In Mulund, the shoe store is closed every Monday, the boutique is closed every Tuesday, the grocery store is closed every Thursday and the bank is open only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Everything is closed on Sunday.

One day A, B, C and D went shopping together, each with a different place to go. They made the following statements



D and I wanted to go earlier in the week but there wasn’t day when we could both take care of our errands.


I did not want to come today but tomorrow I will not be able to do what I want to do.


I could have gone yesterday or the day before just as well as today.


Either yesterday or tomorrow would have suited me.

Which place did each person visit ?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.                                                                                                                  [ Marks : 6  ]

The Novice hockey tournaments are on for beginners. Just three teams are in the league, and each plays the other two teams just once. Only part of the information appears in the result chart, which is given below.






Goals For

Goals against






















 The scoring pattern in the tournament is as follows:

Two points are awarded to the winning team. In case of a tie, both teams are awarded one point, so the total points in the standings should always equal the total number of games played ( since each game played is counted as one for each of the two participating teams). Of course, total goals scored for and goals scored against must be the same, since every goal scored for one team is scored against another.

The games are played in the following order: Game 1: A Vs B; Game 2: A Vs C; Game B Vs C

Can you determine the score of each of the above games ?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.                                                                                                                    [ Marks : 8  ]

A recent murder case centered around the six men, clam, flip, gront, herm, mast, and walt. In one order or another these man were the victim, the murderer, the witness, the police, the judge, and the hangman. The facts of the case were simple. The victim had died instantly from the effect of gunshot wound inflicted a shot. After a lengthy trial the murderer was convicted, sentenced to death, and hanged.

v       Mast knew both the victim and the murderer.

v       In court the judge asked clam his account of the shooting.

v       Walt was the last of the six to see flip alive.

v       The police testified that he picked up gront near the place where the body was found.

v       Herm and walt never met.

What role did each of the following play in this melodrama ?

a)      Murderer

b)      Victim

c)      Judge

d)      Witness


8.                                                                                              [ Marks : 5  ]


Fodder, pepsi and cereale often eat dinner out.

a)      each orders either coffee or tea after dinner.

b)      if fodder orders coffee, then pepsi orders the drink that cereale orders

c)      if pepsi orders coffee, then fodder orders the drink that cereale doesnot oder

d)      if cereale orders tea, then fodder orders the drink that pepsi orders

which person/persons always  orders the same drink after dinner ?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.                                                                                        [ Marks : 6  ]    

At a recent birthday party there were four mothers and their children. Aged 1,2,3 and 4. from the clues below can you work out whose child is whose and their relevant ages ?

v      It was jane’s child’s birthday party.

v      Brian is not the oldest child.

v      Sarah had Anne just over a year ago.

v      Laura’s Child will be next birthday.

v      Daniel is older than Charlie is.

v      Teresa’s child is the oldest.

v      Charlie is older than Laura’s child.

