TCS Interview-other New Pattern -Email tips

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Latest Placement Paper-Off and On campus recruitment procedure of TCS, Wipro, CTS, IBM, Robert Bosch ....etc major  companies selection process a days some companies selection process they include Email writing procedure For eg :- You  are the project manger of these companies 20 members team. Team members are not submitting reports regularly


you need to email them stressing the need to submit without fail. Using below mentioned phrases. Write an email with a minimum of 60 words and a maximum of 90 words to your team members informing the same. 


can be accessed online-lead to loss of pay-every week-do not default-used to bill client-actual working hours-by friday-failure to adhere-time sheet filling application.


This ionly for example Here I mentioned some important points or rules you can follow ......


Writing Tips Effective Emails

When you compose an email message, there are some simple rules that you can follow to ensure that your emails make a positive impression, and get you the response you want. 

Some important Quick Tips on Writing a Professional Email

Always fill in the subject line with a topic that means something to your reader

Subject Line
Subject Lines are Headlines-Use a few well-chosesn words-It Grabs attention,and it tells you what the mail is about- so that the recipient knows at a glance what the email is about.

Put your main point in the opening sentence. Most readers won't stick around for a surprise ending.

Never begin a message with a vague "This"--as in " Always specify what you're writing about.

" It's important to make your purpose clear early on in the email, and then move into the main text of your email. Remember to pay careful attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation, and to avoid run-on sentences by keeping your sentences short and clear.

Don't use ALL CAPITALS (no shouting!),or all lower-case letters

Don't forward jokes and other e-mails

Be a Good Correspondent

Watch your spelling and grammar

E-mail with spelling and other grammatical errors tells the reader it's not that important. Always spell check, keep the below suggestions in mind, and proof read the e-mail before sending it out.

Always use proper punctuation and capitalization.

Never use shorthand or acronyms people don't understand.

Do not WRITE IN ALL CAPS; it gives the impression you're YELLING.

Any action that you want the reader to do should be clearly described, using politeness phrases. Subordinates should use expressions such as 'Could you...' or ' I would be grateful if...'

End the message in a polite way.

Add a signature block with appropriate contact information (in most cases, your name, business address, and phone number, along with a legal disclaimer if required by your company). Do you need to clutter the signature block with a clever quotation and artwork? Probably not.

Edit and proofread before hitting "send."


