Soliton Selection-Procedure

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                                               Soliton Candidate Experiences


There are 4 rounds.

1) 1st Round - General Puzzles

Example:two train moving train, finding time to cross Problems based on 11th and 12th physics formulae.

2) 2nd Round - Technical

Mechanics formulae Example: Spring constant, Free falling body, Questions related with corresponding Department(eg.ECE) Only very basic questions were asked. Understand the very basics of devices like, transistors, capacitors, Diodes, Inductors, Potentiometer, Ammeter, etc You will have technical Interview in which they will ask to explain the answer you wrote in previous rounds. You should be able to explain it clearly. All they need is that you should be clear and thorough in fundamentals.

3) 3rd Round - Programming

Programs asked will be similar to asked in first year c and c++ lab. Program can be done in either C or C++ or MATLAB C is preferable. Example: program to sort words and search for some word. Save these words to a file. You need to write a pseudo code for your algorithm used in the code. You should be able to explain it in the interview.

4) 4th Round - HR interview

This interview is to just to ensure that you will be working for atleast two years and your future plans about your carrier or higher studies etc. Your hobbies, Your strength, Your weakness, etc. (PS: they don't care about your interests. They think you are bluffing just to impress them. They won't even consider any of what you are saying in terms of job)

All the best :-)
