Fractions tell how many parts of a whole we have. We have a top number, the numerator, and a bottom number, the denominator. For example, 1/2 is a fraction. Well, if we picture a pizza, the bottom number tells us how many slices to slice the pizza, and the top number tells us how many of those slices we can have. So 1/2 tells us that we have sliced our pizza into two slices, and we can take 1 of those slices.

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Simple or Vulgar Fraction

A number expressed with numerator and denominator. Say I have 3 of 10 apples then I will express it as 3/10. The total is written below a horizontal or diagonal line, and the number of parts comprising the fraction (numerator) is written above. Such fractions are called vulgar fractions or simple fractions. Eg:[ 3/4 ]

Decimal Fraction

Expressing the fraction in decimal values (denominator a power of 10) is called decimal fraction. 1/2 is expressed as 0.5 in decimal fraction. Eg:[ 0.45773 ]

Converting a decimal to vulgar fraction:

Step 1: Calculate the total numbers after decimal point.

Step 2: Remove the decimal point from the number.

Step 3: Put 1 under the denominator and annex it with "0" as many as the total in step a.

Step 4: Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms.
Example: Consider 0.44

Step 1: Total number after decimal point is 2

Step 2 and 3: 44/100 

Step 4: Reducing it to lowest terms : 44/100 = 22/50 = 11/25

Converting a recurring decimal to vulgar fraction

A decimal with recurring value is called recurring decimal.
E.g: 2/9 will give 0.22222222...... where 2 is recurring number.


Step 1: Separate the recurring number from the decimal fraction.

Step 2: Annex denominator with "9" as many times as the length of the recurring number.

Step 3: Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms.

Example: Consider 0.2323232323

Step 1: The recurring number is 23

Step 2: 23/99 [the number 23 is of length 2 so we have added two nines] 

Step 3: Reducing it to lowest terms : 23/99 [it can not be reduced further].

Mixed Recurring to Fractions:

If N= 0.abcbcbc…. Then N = abc - a / 990 = Repeated & non-repeated digits - Non repeated digits / As many 9's as repeated digits followed by as many zero as non - repeated digits

Eg: 0.25757..... = 257 - 2 / 990 = 255 / 990 = 17 / 60.

Fractions tell how many parts of a whole we have. We have a top number, the numerator, and a bottom number, the denominator. For example, 1/2 is a fraction. Well, if we picture a pizza, the bottom number tells us how many slices to slice the pizza, and the top number tells us how many of those slices we can have. So 1/2 tells us that we have sliced our pizza into two slices, and we can take 1 of those slices. Freshersworld provides candidates with the aptitude test, Formulas, tips, tricks and shortcuts methods to solve the problems related to Fractions. Freshersworld provides fraction questions and answers for bank exams and other competitive exams. Free fractions Online test, Multiple choice questions are provided by freshersworld with answers. What is equivalent fractions with example? Equivalent fractions are different fractions that name the same number. Example: 2/3, 6/9, and 8/12 are equivalent fractions, since the numerator and denominator of each fraction was multiplied by the same nonzero number. What is a unit fraction? A fraction where the numerator is 1. Example: ¼