Polaris Placement Paper

|   15573

Some Technical and Aptitude Questions

Written Test

No of Questions :70 (40 Tech+30Apti)

Time : 60 Minutes

void main( )
int i;
a) 2 b) 3 c) garbage value. d)none of these.
Ans : b)3.

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : b)0

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : d)infinite

void main( )
char c[ ]=”cdef”;
printf(”%d %d”,sizeof( c ),strlen( c ));
a) 5 4 b) 4 5 c)2 5 d) none of these
Ans:a) 5 4

5) Local Variables will get stored in ____________.

a) Stack b) Queue c) Register d) All the above.
Ans:b) Queue(not sure)

6)Register variables are stored in _________ .

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : b) CPU Rgister

7) Program code is stored in_______________

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : a)Heap(not sure)

8 )Which of the following interrupts has the highest

a)RS6 b)RS7 c)INT d)Trap

9)What is the function of the kernel__________

a)Process b)Task c)Not Defined d)none of these

10)What does Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt______________
a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves theinterrupt.
b) Finishes the current executing task and then serves the interrupt.
c)Serves the interrupt at once.
d)none of the above

Ans : a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves the interrupt.(Not sure)

11)The storage type used by micro processor is________________

a)LIFO b)FIFO c)Uses Both alternatively d)none.

Ans : a)LIFO.

12)Using of ___________ clocking circuit is asvantageous in terms of usage of power.

a)Oscillaor b)Crystal c) d)none

Ans : b)Crystal

13)When microprocessor encounters the HLT instruction _______________

a)Halts the executions.
b)Halts the executions and busses enter into tri state.
d)All the above.

14)Busses in Microprocessor Does which of the following job(s)

a)Carrys the data.
b)Carrys the address.
c)Carrys the control signal.
d)All the above.

Ans : d)All the above.

15)What is motor is used in ceiling fan & washing m/cs:

In electric traction

16)what is 8255

8085 has __ address and __ data lines

8051 is a ___ bit microcontroller (ans:8 bit)

17)74LS244 is ____

18)Bucholz relay is used for ____ protection (transformer)

19) Transmission line parameters are called ___

20)No. of poles and freq given find speed

21)In which motor starting torque can be incr by adding rotor resistance (IM) there were 4 qns frm Power plants (had to guess in that) questions from Controls
1 means a)underdamped b)undamped c)overdamped d)critically damped

22)Question about transistor. basic working

23)Boolean expression was given for simplification

24)How many flags does 8085 have? (answer-5)

25)Which of the following are universal gates? (ans-nand,nor)

26)What is the frequency range of mobile communication?

27)The resolution of picture in tv depends on.
a. no: of lines scanned b. video detector o/p and 2 more choices were there..

Question on stability of FET

What is the modulation used to transmit sound in tv signal?
a. VSB
b. FM and 2 more choices were there?

What is double integration of a unit step signal?
a. ramp signal
b. parabola
Technical - Computer language / software topics questions
It mainly covers Operating system. consists of questions in semaphore (2 questions),job scheduling algorithms, paging (2 or 3 questions),virtual memory, hashing, etc
virtual memory is used for ??.

Rdbms covers ?Define Query?

Datastructure : order of randomly searched binary tree.

Electronics engineering based technical questions which covers microprocessors 80386 (not 8085) 2 or 3 questions are there.

A pulse is passed through a pipe to detect any damage. This process is called ??
a. Time reflectometry
b. Piggy backing

Aptitude Questions

1        A mixture of contains milk n water in ratio 5:7.. another in ratio 4:6 now u got  a mix these in such  a way that milk to water raio is 2:1

2        There r two discounts .. x% and y % on the costprice of an item .. what is the selling price....

3        A, b , c can do a piece of work in 5 days .. a and b in some days ,, b and c in some days etc etc ... question is  who is the fastest amongthe three... n the answer is A

4        If x is an odd number then which of the following is odd 
a . 2x+1  b ..2x+2  like wise  answer is d .. this was the first question

5          A man purchases 4 mangoes for Rs 3 ... sells them at 6 for Rs 5 .. what is the profit or loss percentage...

6          There are two marriage groups .. red n brown no two individuals from the same group can marry each other if a guy marries a gal of any group the guy's group becomes that of the gal the children have the same group as  their parents ...now based upon these facts there were some questions  like .....if there is a girl is of red group ..  then what can u say about her grandfather .... etc. ..

7        How many 3 digits number r there in which 1st n last digit is 2...   

8        How many minimum socks u gotten take from a bag containing 20 red and 20 blue .. so that 2 red socks come out  i tried to recollect the Vocab questions there were 10 analogies ... doggeredel:poet and vindicate: mercy


· Tell me about yourself?

· Do u know c and c++? 

· Write a program to swap to no s with and without using a third variable

·  Tell us about your project? 

·  What was your role?

·  Difference between calloc() and malloc() 

·  Difference between stack and heap, when are they used? 

·  Can u de allocate memory of a null pointer? 

·  Why do u want to shift from present job? 

·  What projects did u handle in your job?

·  Technology used in your projects? 

·  Explain how a stack is used during function calls? 

·  Can a parent function access values of a child function? 

·  What are attribute of a file?

·  How is a file accessed? 

·  what does the file pointer return?

·  What is FILE?

·  fgetc and fputc?

·  willing to work for more hrs if required? 

·  preference of job location? 

·  Link lists 

·  What is FREE used for 

·  How to delete variables that are dynamically allocated?

