Logical Reasoning

Input and Output-Input and Output

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Input and Output  Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
Prepare for companies tests and interviews

Directions (Qs. 1 to 6) : Study the following information to answer the given  questions :

An electronic device when fed with the numbers, rearranges them in a particular order following certain rules. The following is a step-by-step process of rearrangement for the given input numbers –

Input    :  85  16  36  04  19  97  63  09

Step I   :  97  85  16  36  04  19  63  09

Step II :  97  85  63  16  36  04  19  09

Step III:  97  85  63  36  16  04  19  09

Step IV:  97  85  63  36  19  16  04  09

Step V :  97  85  63  36  19  16  09  04

(For the given input step V is also the last step )


1.Which of the following will be the Last Step for the given input ?

Input :16 09  25  27  06  05
A. I     
B. II           
C III           

Answer: Option B             
Step I : 27  16 09  25  06  05
Step II : 27  25  16 09 06 05(Last Step)


2.Which of the following will be the step II of the given input ?

Input: 82  80  79  99 22  32 50

A:99  82   80  79  50  32  22
B:99  82   80 79  50   22  32
C:99  82   80  79  32  22  50
D:99   82   80  79  22  32  50

Answer: Option B            
Step I : 99 82  80  79  22 32 50
Step II : 99 82 80 79  50  22 32


3.Which of the following will be the step III for the given input ?

Input : 09  25  16   30  32  19  17  06

1.32  25  09  16  30  19  17  06
2.32  30 25  09  16  19   17  06
3.32  30  09  25  16  19  17  06
4.32  09  25  16  30  19  17  06

Answer: Option B           
Step I  : 32 09 25 16 30 19 17 06
Step II : 32 30 09 25 16 19 17 06
Step III : 32 30 25 09 16 19 17 06   


4.If the Step IV is as given below, which of the following was the input ?

Step IV: 92   86   71   79   15   19   06  63  58

A.86  92  69  71  15  19  06  63  58

B.15  19  06  63  58  86  92  69  71

C.15  86   19  92  06  69  63  58  71

D.Cannot be determined

Answer: Option B
Input :   15 19 06 63 58 86 92 69 71
Step I:   92   15   19   06   63   58   86   69   71
Step II:  92   86   15   19   06   63   58   69   71
Step III: 92   86   71   15   19   06   63   58   69
Step IV : 92  86   71    69   15   19  06    63   58


5.Which of the following will be the Last Step for the given input ?

Input : 03  31  43 22  11  09

A. IV              
B. V                
C. VI              
D Cannot be determined

Answer: Option B
Step I  : 43   03  31   22   11  09
Step II : 43   31  03   22   11  09
Step III: 43   31  22   03   11  09
Step IV : 43   31  22   03   11  09
Step  V : 43   31  22   11   09  03


6. Which of the following will be the V step for the given input ?

Input : 25   08  35  11  88  67  23

A : 88  67  35  25  23  11  08
B : 88  67  35  25  23  08  11
C. 88   67  35  25  08  11  23
D. 08   11  23  25  35  67  88

Answer: Option A
Step I   :  88   25  08  35  11  67 23
Step II  :  88   67  25  08  35  11 23
Step III :  88   67  35  25  08  11 23
Step IV  :  88   67  35  25  23  08 11
Step V   :  88   67  35  25  23  11 08


Directions (Qs. 7 to 11) : Study the following information to answer the given questions.

A word arrangement machine, when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular  rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and the steps of rearrangement.


Input : Go for to thought By easy to Access at

Step I : Access Go for to Though By easy To at
Step II : Access at Go for to Though by easy To
Step III : Access at By Go for to Though easy to
Step IV : Access at By easy Go or to Though To
Step V  : Access at By easy for G to though To
Step VI : Access at By easy for Go Though to To
Step VII : Access at By easy or Go though To to
(and step VII is the last step for this input.)

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate step for the given input.


7. Input : Over Go for through at one

Which step number will be the last step of the above input.

A.) III           
B) IV           
C) V           
D) None of these

Answer: Option D. Words are written in dictionary order
1st step : around Story For on was He at
2nd step : at For Over Go through one
3rd step  : at For Go Over through one
4th step  : at For Go one Over through (Last step)


8.Input : Story for around on was He at.

Which of the following will be the IV step ?

A.around at He for story on was
B.around at for He story on was
C.around at for He on story was
D.around at for He on was story

Answer: Option B
1st step  : around Story For on was He at
2nd Step : around at Story For on was He
3rd Step : around at For Story on was HE
4th Step : around at For He Story on was


9.Input : Together over series on feast the so.

Which of the following steps will be the last but one ?

A) II                
B) III               
C) IV              
D) V

Answer: Option D
1st Step : feast Together over series on the so
2nd Step : feast on Together over series the so
3rd step : feast on over Together series the so
4th step : feast on over series Together the so
5th Step : feast on over series so the Together (Last step)


10. Input : every and peer to an for

Which of the following steps would be ‘an and every for peer to’ ?

A) II           
B) IV   
C) V   

Answer: Option D
1st Step : an every and peer to for
2nd step : an and every peer to for
3rd Step : an and every for peer to


11. The step II of an input is as follows :

and  Do pet to on that
Which of the following would definitely be the input ?

A.Do and pet to on that
B.Do pet to and that on
C.Do on pet to and that
D.None of these
Answer: Option D
